This is the PyTorch implementation of MACNet in our paper:
Zhang G, Yang B, Zan P, Zhang D, "Multilevel Assessment of Exercise Fatigue Utilizing Multiple Attention and Convolution Network (MACNet) based on Surface Electromyography", accepted as a regular paper in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, early PDF available at IEEE Xplore or Google Scholar
python 3.8.13
Submited: 31 May, 2024; Resubmited: 11 Nov, 2024; Accpeted: 19 Dec, 2024;
Please cite our paper if you use our code in your work:
title={Multilevel Assessment of Exercise Fatigue Utilizing Multiple Attention and Convolution Network (MACNet) based on Surface Electromyography},
author={Zhang, Guofu and Yang, Banghua and Zan, Peng and Zhang, Dingguo},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering},