Frontend: ReactJS
Backend: Django, Django REST Framework
- Clone the repository
- Create your environment
python3 -m venv env
- Activate your environment
source env/bin/activate
- Navigate to the project1 base folder that contains the requirements.txt file.
cd project1
- Install all requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make migrations
python3 makemigrations
You might get the warning below because the build folder has not been created yet. Ignore it and proceed to the next step.
?: (staticfiles.W004) The directory '/Users/faruq/Desktop/test/React-Django/project1/frontend/build/static' in the STATICFILES_DIRS setting does not exist.
- Migrate changes
python3 migrate
- Navigate to the front end folder
cd frontend
- Install npm
npm install
- then build the files
npm run build
- Then navigate back to the root directory
cd ..
- Run the following command to run the code in development mode
python3 runserver
- Open to view and test the application in the browser.