It was required to implement linked list that had the following basic interface and features:
- The list consists of nodes. Each node has a string value, along with whatever housekeeping the list itself needs.
- New nodes are added to the end of the list.
- You can ask the list if it contains a given string. If it does, it returns the node containing that string.
- You can delete a node from the list.
- You can ask the list to return an array of all its values.
- LinkedList.Core - implementation of singly and doubly linked lists.
- LinkedList.Sample - simple console application with examples of usage of both types of linked lists.
- LinkedList.Tests - xUnit tests for both implementations.
- ILinkedList - generic interface for linked lists.
- INode - generic interface for node in a linked list.
ILinkedList methods:
- INode AddLast(T value) - adds element to the end of the list.
- INode Find(T value) - finds element by value and returns INode or null.
- bool Remove(T value) - removes element from the list by value, if operation is successful - returns true, otherwise - false.
ILinkedList properties:
- T[] Values - returns the array of values stored in linked list.
INode properties:
- T Value - stores value of type T in a node.
using LinkedList.Core;
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var linkedList = new DoublyLinkedList<string>(); // or new SinglyLinkedList<string>();
// add some elements to the list
var target = "four";
// remove target element
var isRemoved = linkedList.Remove(target);
if (isRemoved)
Console.WriteLine($"Element {target} is removed.");
Console.WriteLine($"Element {target} is not removed.");
target = "two";
// find target element
var result = linkedList.Find(target);
if (result != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Element {target} is found.");
Console.WriteLine($"Element {target} is not found.");
// print all elements
foreach (var elem in linkedList.Values)
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