docker run --rm --name miner a2ncer/nheqminer_cpu:latest -l eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -u YOUR_ZCASH_WALLET.worker1
Parameters: -h Print this help and quit -l [location] Stratum server:port -u [username] Username (bitcoinaddress) -a [port] Local API port (default: 0 = do not bind) -d [level] Debug print level (0 = print all, 5 = fatal only, default: 2) -b [hashes] Run in benchmark mode (default: 200 iterations)
CPU settings -t [num_thrds] Number of CPU threads -e [ext] Force CPU ext (0 = SSE2, 1 = AVX, 2 = AVX2)
NVIDIA CUDA settings -ci CUDA info -cd [devices] Enable CUDA mining on spec. devices -cb [blocks] Number of blocks -ct [tpb] Number of threads per block Example: -cd 0 2 -cb 12 16 -ct 64 128
If run without parameters, miner will start mining with 75% of available logical CPU cores. Use parameter -h to learn about available parameters:
Example to run benchmark on your CPU:
docker run --rm --name miner a2ncer/nheqminer_cpu:latest -b
Example to mine on your CPU with your own wallet address and worker1 on NiceHash USA server:
docker run --rm --name miner a2ncer/nheqminer_cpu:latest -l equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE.worker1
Example to mine on your CPU with your own wallet address and worker1 on EU server, using 6 threads:
docker run --rm --name miner a2ncer/nheqminer_cpu:latest -l equihash.eu.nicehash.com:3357 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE.worker1 -t 6
Note: if you have a 4-core CPU with hyper threading enabled (total 8 threads) it is best to run with only 6 threads (experimental benchmarks shows that best results are achieved with 75% threads utilized)
Example to mine on your CPU as well on your CUDA GPUs with your own wallet address and worker1 on EU server, using 6 CPU threads and 2 CUDA GPUs:
docker run --rm --name miner a2ncer/nheqminer_cpu:latest -l equihash.eu.nicehash.com:3357 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE.worker1 -t 6 -cd 0 1
Ready docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/a2ncer/nheqminer_cpu/
Source of miner https://github.com/nicehash/nheqminer