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Code Examples

Mattias Aabmets edited this page Mar 16, 2025 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
  2. Digital Signature Schemes
  3. The Krypton Cipher
  4. Key Derivation Functions

Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

from quantcrypt.kem import MLKEM_1024

# First, we create an instance of a KEM algorithm.
kem = MLKEM_1024()

# Next, we generate a PK and SK pair.
public_key, secret_key = kem.keygen()

# Then, we use the PK to encapsulate the internally 
# generated shared_secret bytes into cipher_text bytes.
cipher_text, shared_secret = kem.encaps(public_key)

# Finally, the secret_key is used to decapsulate the
# original shared_secret from the cipher_text bytes.
shared_secret_copy = kem.decaps(secret_key, cipher_text)

# Check that the shared secrets match
assert shared_secret_copy == shared_secret

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Digital Signature Schemes

Sign and Verify Arbitrary Data

from quantcrypt.dss import MLDSA_87

# First, we create an instance of a DSS algorithm
# and also define a message to be signed.
dss = MLDSA_87()
message = b'Hello World'

# Next, we generate a PK and SK pair.
public_key, secret_key = kem.keygen()

# Then, we use the secret_key to sign the message.
signature = dss.sign(secret_key, message)

# Finally, we use the public_key to verify the validity of the signature.
dss.verify(public_key, message, signature)

Sign and Verify Files

from pathlib import Path
from quantcrypt.dss import MLDSA_87

# First, we create an instance of a DSS algorithm 
# and obtain a path to the file to be signed.
dss = MLDSA_87()
file_path = Path("/absolute/path/to/target/file.any")

# Next, we generate a PK and SK pair.
public_key, secret_key = kem.keygen()

# Then, we use the secret_key to sign the file.
signed_file = dss.sign_file(secret_key, file_path)

# Finally, we use the public_key to verify the validity of the signature.
dss.verify_file(public_key, file_path, signed_file.signature)

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The Krypton Cipher

Krypton for Basic Encryption

import secrets
from quantcrypt.cipher import Krypton

# Krypton requires the symmetric secret key to be 64 bytes long.
secret_key = secrets.token_bytes(64)
plaintext = b"Hello World"

krypton = Krypton(secret_key)

# Encrypt the plaintext and generate the verification data packet.
ciphertext = krypton.encrypt(plaintext)
verif_dp = krypton.finish_encryption()

# Decrypt the plaintext and verify its validity in finish_decryption call.
plaintext_copy = krypton.decrypt(ciphertext)

assert plaintext_copy == plaintext

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KryptonFile for Symmetric File Encryption

import secrets
from pathlib import Path
from quantcrypt.cipher import KryptonFile

# Krypton requires the symmetric secret key to be 64 bytes long.
secret_key = secrets.token_bytes(64)

# The plaintext file, which must exist, can be of any type and any size. 
plaintext_file = Path("/absolute/path/to/plaintext_file.any")

# If the ciphertext_file exists, it will be overwritten.
ciphertext_file = Path("/absolute/path/to/ciphertext_file.any")

# Create a Krypton instance with the secret key and encrypt the
# plaintext file contents into the designated ciphertext file.
krypton = KryptonFile(secret_key)
krypton.encrypt(plaintext_file, ciphertext_file)

# The ciphertext file can be decrypted into another file or into memory.
# Note: Do not decrypt huge files into memory, use your best judgement.
plaintext_file_copy = Path("/absolute/path/to/plaintext_file_copy.any")
krypton.decrypt_to_file(ciphertext_file, plaintext_file_copy)
plaintext_data = krypton.decrypt_to_memory(ciphertext_file)

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KryptonKEM for Asymmetric File Encryption

from pathlib import Path
from quantcrypt.kem import MLKEM_1024
from quantcrypt.cipher import KryptonKEM

# First we instantiate the KEM algorithm to generate a keypair.
kem = MLKEM_1024()
public_key, secret_key = kem.keygen()

# We need to provide KryptonKEM with the class of the 
# KEM algorithm which was used to generate the keypair.
krypton = KryptonKEM(MLKEM_1024)

# The plaintext file, which must exist, can be of any type and any size. 
plaintext_file = Path("/absolute/path/to/plaintext_file.any")

# If the ciphertext_file exists, it will be overwritten.
ciphertext_file = Path("/absolute/path/to/ciphertext_file.any")

# Use the public_key to encrypt the plaintext file 
# contents into the designated ciphertext file.
krypton.encrypt(public_key, plaintext_file, ciphertext_file)

# Use the secret_key to decrypt the ciphertext file into another file or into memory.
# Note: Do not decrypt huge files into memory, use your best judgement.
plaintext_file_copy = Path("/absolute/path/to/plaintext_file_copy.any")
krypton.decrypt_to_file(secret_key, ciphertext_file, plaintext_file_copy)
plaintext_data = krypton.decrypt_to_memory(secret_key, ciphertext_file)

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Key Derivation Functions

Argon2Hash for Comparing Password Hashes

from quantcrypt.kdf import Argon2

strong_password = "A8c7hBBTnVC90kP5AIe2"

# Generate the hash of the users password to be stored into a database
a1 = Argon2.Hash(strong_password)

# Verify the login password with the password hash from the database
a2 = Argon2.Hash(strong_password, a1.public_hash)
assert a2.verified is True

# Argon2 asserts user password strength with the zxcvbn library.
# The following line raises quantcrypt.errors.KDFWeakPasswordError:

# You can disable the password minimum strength check:
Argon2.Hash("my_weak_password", min_years=0)
Argon2.Hash(b"my_weak_password")  # bytes

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Argon2Key for High-Cost Key Derivation

import secrets
from quantcrypt.kdf import Argon2
from quantcrypt.cipher import Krypton

secret_key = secrets.token_bytes(32)

# Expand a 32 byte secret key into a 64 byte secret key:
argon = Argon2.Key(secret_key)

# Use the 64 byte secret key to key the Krypton cipher:
krypton = Krypton(argon.secret_key)

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KKDF for Fast Key Derivation

import secrets
from quantcrypt.kdf import KKDF

# Obtain a master secret key
secret_key = secrets.token_bytes(64)

# Derive the keys
keys = KKDF(

# Sanity check
assert isinstance(keys, tuple)
assert isinstance(keys[0], bytes)
assert len(keys[0]) == 64

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