You have to download the latest versions of libraries.
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- Numpy
- Opencv
- Os
first to upload a dataset in jupyter or colab.
dataset API token is !kaggle datasets download -d salader/dogs-vs-cats
dataset link is
Images are 25000 and the classification are:
- train images of cats are 10,000
- train images of dogs are 10,000
- test images of cats are 2500
- test images of dogs are 2500
So next is to upload dataset, unzip the folder, normalize, and use CNN layers to train your model. After training, take an array of 20,000 and take a sigmoid of all the data and store in array. Sort the array in assending order. 2 classes are used:
- Dog 1
- Cat 0
upload the image. the model pridict the value of image and show the next 5 images values and show the data to user.