iOS & Swift side/learning project
Playos sounds for a given duration until the baby sleeps. Can also record sounds for repeated playback.
Listed in the apple app store.
** Backlog **
- Store recordings in iCloud Account
- In recording dialog image with higher resolution
- Bottom controls stackView spacing
** Done **
- Stop playback when a file should be deleted
- German Translation (static sounds)
- Delete confirmation popup - red delete button
- Display remaning time and progess bar for running playback
- Bug: When a new track is recorded it's selected in the collectionView, bit not in the playList. When play is clicked it plays the first track in the playlist
- Assign recorded file images in plist file
- Add / replace static sounds
- Assign static sound images in plist file
- Better highlighting of currently selected track
- Selected tracks by previous & next controls when not playing
- iPhone plus / iPad UiCollectionView Problem
- Delete Recording swipe animation
- After recording select latest recording in playlist collectionView
- Restore scrollState when app reopens (currently selects the lastSelected - in case played track was changed with mediaControls)
- When user hits cancel or save in recording view - stop playback if running
- Replace soundFileName label with a description in the textField
- iOS 10 / Swift 3 Migration
- Crash when quickly hitting the record button - probaply caused by unlocked / unsafe updateLoop
- Handle AVAudioInterruptions while recording
- Recording dialog
- Open dialog and add recording button with the same behaviour than currently in the main view. Push and hold to record.
- Record into temporary file
- Add navigationController (hidden in the main view)
- Delete temporary recording when user hits back
- When user selects add, move file to the documents directory and store the assignment with the name in the plist file.
- Show recording duration
- Change recording button while it is recording
- Add preview, to listen to the recorded audio before user hits add
- Change AVAudioSession for recording
- AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback -[X] AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
- Options: ?AllowBluetooth, MixInWithOthers -
- Delete: RecordedSoundFileDirectory?