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abinition edited this page Oct 22, 2014 · 6 revisions


###Branch (go) to a label.


goto label ;


  1. list label

A 'variable' label, defined elsewhere in the program as 'label :'


  • %ARGUMENT: Invalid arguments. Usage: goto label ;

  • %IDENTIFIER: 'variable' argument is not a valid identifier, literal, or reference


A label is like a hashtag, in marks a position in the program. A label should not be confused with a namespace in a variable, eg: xs:schema.


int i = 0 ;

label :

if ( i == 0 ) {
  // First pass:
  // A label is actually a variable, defined as ""
  puts { "First pass, label = ",label };
else if ( i == 1 ) {
  // Second pass, after using 'goto'
  puts { "Second pass, label = ",label } ;
else if ( i == 2 ) {
  // Third pass, exit
  puts { "Third pass, we exit" } ;
  exit ;

i++ ;
// A label's value can be reassigned, it doesn't affect it as a label
label = "whatever" ;
goto label ;

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