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abinition edited this page Sep 23, 2014 · 5 revisions

Although HS can be run as a stand-alone application, it is more generally used in a network environment in which HS objects communicate via the router. Refer to the Installation Guide for information on Network and Environment Settings. See the following section for information on how to set up the run-time environment for HS and router.

The HS Runtime Environment

Before running HS applications that do inter-process communication, the router must be started [once] on every node where HS objects [will] reside. Before starting router, make sure that the network and environmental settings are correct. Refer to the following for details:


HS router has a few command line options to control its behavior, like where log files are written, for example. Here we simply start the HS router in its own terminal window (e.g. xterm), and the output will appear on the screen.

Log into an account with privileges.

Make sure that router is not already running:

$ ps -ef | grep router

If router is not running, then start it.

hs -f router.hyp -rt router -n 7001 -l router_start.log &


Log onto an account with sufficient privileges to run router.

Change to the directory where router is located (e.g. aeq_ssp) and start the router if not already running:

$ set def aeq_ssp
$ @autostart router
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