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bergsma edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 3 revisions


###Query the SQL database.


rows = sql_query ( stmt,handle[ ,table[ ,row[ ,col ] ] ] ) ;


  1. list stmt

The SQL statment to execute.

  1. list handle

The handle to the SQL database as returned by sql_open().

  1. list table(optional)

The name of the variable (table) in which to put each column array.

  1. list row(optional)

The name of the variable (row in table) in which to put each row of elements.

  1. list col(optional)

The name of the variable (col in row in table) in which to put each row/column element.

Return Value

int rows
  • 0-n : The number of rows returned, or zero,

The STATUS variable is set to $ACKNOWLEDGE

int rows
  • 0-n : The number of rows returned, or zero,

The STATUS variable is set to $ACKNOWLEDGE


  • None


puts "Create an example for the function 'sql_query'" ;

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