A Github Pages template for academic portfolio websites.
- Register a Github account and verify your email address. (If you don't have any)
- Fork this repository by clicking the Fork button in top-right.
- From repository settings, change the name of your forked repository to
. - Modify site-wide configurations to match your requirements from
. - Upload any files (e.g pdf, zip etc.) to files/ directory. These files will appear at https://[your-github-username].github.io/files/example.pdf.
- To change the site avatar/logo, add your avatar in assets/images directory. Modify
to reflect your avatar's filename inavatar-filename
avatar-filename: <yourFileName.jpg>
- Replace assets/favicon.png with your own favicon.
- To change site contents, add/modify files in different collection's directories.
- Experience: Add/modify the contents from _experiences directory.
- Education: Add/modify the contents from _education directory.
- Skills: Add/modify the contents from _skills directory.
- Projects: Add/modify the contents from _projects directory.
- Publications: Add/modify the contents from _publications directory.
- Certifications: Add/modify the contents from _certifications directory.
- Achievements: Add/modify the contents from _achievements directory.
- To add/modify blog posts, modify the contents in _posts directory. Follow the given filename structure for blog post e.g.
. - After github pages deployment, your site will be available at
- Sign up at Disqus
- Register your github site with disqus.
- Get Disqus shortname in admin>settings>general
- Edit your
of github, make sure it contains following content:
shortname: <your disqus short name>
- Sign up at Formspree
- Create a new form and get the form's endpoint.
- Edit your
of github, make sure it contains following content:
endpoint: <form's endpoint> # e.g https://formspree.io/f/xxxxxxx
- Login to Google Analytics and create a new property to receive a Tracking ID for your website.
- Edit your
of github, make sure it contains following content:
google_analytics: UA—XXXXXXXX-X
- To report bugs or to request new features, please create a new issue and use appropriate label with the issue.