Sample application for executing a demo Tensorflow workflow within the ACCE/OODT/Docker architecture.
Define some environment variables pointing to the location of the OODT workflow configuration, the TensorFlow input data, and the output data. All directories MUST exist, and must be accessible from all hosts where the containers will be running.
For example:
export OODT_CONFIG=$HOME/eclipse-workspace/oodt-tensorflow
mkdir -p $OODT_ARCHIVE
mkdir -p $OODT_JOBS
Also, define the versions of the containers to use:
export ACCE_VERSION=2.0
Start the OODT containers on a single host:
docker-compose up -d docker-compose logs -f
To run the Tensorflow script directly from inside the Workflow Manager container:
docker exec -it wmgr /bin/bash cd $PGE_ROOT/tensorflow/pges python --data_dir /tmp/MNIST_data --num_images 100 --output_file output.txt cat output.txt Note: MNIST_data will be downloaded automatically to the specified "data_dir" directory, if not existing already
To run the Tensorflow script one time only as a workflow, from inside the Workflow Manager container:
docker exec -it wmgr /bin/bash cd $OODT_HOME/cas-worklfow/bin ./wmgr-client --url http://localhost:9001 --operation --sendEvent --eventName tensorflow --metaData --key num_images 100 --key data_dir /tmp/MNIST_data --output_file output.txt
To execute N instances of the workflow, running the driver script from inside the RabbitMQ container:
export NJOBS=10 docker exec -i rabbitmq sh -c "cd /usr/local/oodt/rabbitmq; python ./ $NJOBS" ls -l $OODT_ARCHIVE/tensorflow
To stop the containers:
docker-compose down
Create a Swarm of N nodes. For example, to create a Swarm of N virtual machines on a Mac OSX laptop:
optional: pre-pull images to each node:
eval $(docker-machine env node1) docker pull acce/oodt-node:${ACCE_VERSION} docker pull acce/oodt-filemgr:${ACCE_VERSION} docker pull acce/oodt-rabbitmq:${ACCE_VERSION} docker pull acce/oodt-wmgr-tensorflow:${ACCE_VERSION}
deploy the stack
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml oodt-stack
optional: scale the OODT Workflow Manager service:
docker service scale oodt-stack_oodt-wmgr=3
submit the workflows:
cids=`docker ps | grep oodt-rabbitmq | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{print $1}'` cid=`echo $cids | awk '{print $1;}'` echo $cid export NJOBS=10 docker exec -i $cid sh -c "cd /usr/local/oodt/rabbitmq; python ./ $NJOBS"