Questify is a platform designed to help users post and find lost and found items. Whether it's a misplaced wallet or a found set of keys or anything lost. Questify connects users who have lost or found items with those looking to retrieve them.
- Post lost or found items with details and images.
- View recent lost and found posts.
- Like (upvote) posts and add comments.
- Contact users who posted the items.
- Easy-to-use forms for posting lost or found items.
Questify is built using the:
- MongoDB: For storing user data and item posts.
- Express.js: As the backend framework.
- Ejs: For building dynamic and responsive frontend.
- Node.js: Server-side JavaScript runtime.
- CSS : Custom CSS styles.
Upcomig updates in future : Delete posts, Reward System for Users, Ads listings, Promote or Boost Your Posts and etc.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate into the project directory:
cd your-repository-name
Install Dependencies
npm i
Start the server
node server.js or nodemon server.js
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions!
Made with ❤️ by Aditya Dhiman