A collection of utilities designed to make your life a bit easier for Customer Journey Analytics (CJA).
Before you can use these tools, you'll need to set up your API credentials.
- Follow Ben Woodard's guide on how to create an Adobe Console API Project. Note: You only need to follow the "Create an Adobe Console API Project" section; you can ignore the rest.
- Create a JSON file for your credentials, for example,
. Populate it with your own values:
"API_KEY": "your-api-key",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "your-client-secret",
"ORG_ID": "your-org-id@AdobeOrg",
"TECHNICAL_ACCOUNT_ID": "[email protected]",
"SANDBOX": "prod",
"PRIVATE_KEY": "/path/to/your/mc_private.key"
This script automates several tasks related to CJA. It accepts either a CSV or a SAINT classification file (auto-detection enabled) and performs the following actions:
- Creates a generic CJA lookup schema class if one doesn't already exist.
- Generates a field group based on the headers in your file.
- Constructs a schema using the headers from your CSV file.
- Creates a dataset using the newly created schema.
- Converts your CSV or SAINT file into JSON format and uploads it to the AEP dataset.
- All fields are treated as strings; no support for numerics, dates, or other data types.
- Tested only on macOS; compatibility with Windows is unconfirmed.
python lookup_creator.py --file_path "/path/to/file.csv" --dataset_name "aep_dataset_name" --creds "/path/to/credentials.json"