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New features and fixes in the Adobe Experience Cloud.
release notes
New features and fixes in the Adobe Experience Cloud.
Release Notes - September 2017
Experience Cloud,Release Notes
Release Notes - September 2017

Release Notes - September 2017

New features and fixes in the Adobe Experience Cloud.


To receive release notes one week prior to the monthly product update, subscribe to the Adobe Priority Product Update. Release information in the Priority Product Update comes one week in advance of the release date. Please check back at release time for updates.

Experience Cloud Recipes

Use Case Date Published Description

Email Optimization

August 15, 2017

The email marketing use case shows you how to implement an integrated email strategy with analytics, optimization, and campaign management.

Mobile App Engagement

June 1, 2017

The mobile app engagement use case shows you how to integrate your mobile apps with the Adobe Experience Cloud to measure user engagement and deliver personalized experiences to your audiences.

Digital Foundation

May 2017

The Digital Foundation use case helps you implement a digital marketing platform with Analytics, optimization, and campaign management.

Customer Intelligence

April 2017

The Customer Intelligence use case shows you how to create a unified customer profile using multiple data sources, and how to use this profile to build actionable audiences.

Experience Cloud and Core Services

Release notes for the core services interface, including Assets, Feed, Profiles & Audiences, Mobile Services, and Dynamic Tag Management. Also includes release information for Experience Cloud ID Service (Visitor API).

[!DNL Experience Cloud] ID Service {#mcvid}

This release increments the ID service code to version 2.5.


ID service support for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 is deprecated and will be discontinued.

Feature Description


This is an asynchronous API that returns identifiers for Analytics , the ID service, data collection opt-out, geographic location, and metadata "blob" content by default. Also, you can control which IDs you want to return with the optional visitor.FIELDS enum. (CORE-4723)

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fixed a Chrome-related bug that caused the ID service to throw an error when clicking the back button in that browser. (CORE-5135)
  • The ID service now re-fires ID syncs when the region ID in the event call response changes. (CORE-4342)
  • Added new documentation, Content Security Policies and the Marketing Cloud ID Service that explains how to whitelist calls to Adobe domains used by the ID service.

See Marketing Cloud ID Services product documentation.

Mobile Services {#mobile}

Minor bug fixes.

See Adobe Mobile Services for product documentation. To see the release notes for previous releases, expand Previous Release Notes in the left pane.

Data Connectors {#section_190F5136147643AFB77E9CF1A067C438}

ExactTarget Data Connector Integration with Adobe Analytics

Salesforce recently discontinued the ExactTarget Data Connector integration. Because of this decision, the ExactTarget wizard is no longer accessible in the Data Connectors interface for new implementations.

The ExactTarget integration will continue to be visible for customers that have previously configured the integration. Existing implementations will continue to function for an unspecified length of time (to be determined by Salesforce). If your customers have questions, advise them to contact their Salesforce/ExactTarget representative.

Going forward

Analytics customers can implement custom integrations for ExactTarget using standard Analytics features and APIs, including Classifications, Data Sources, Processing Rules, and Data Warehouse exports. Engagements with the Adobe consulting team can be considered as needed.


Important Notices for Analytics Administrators {#analytics_notices}


Review the following table for important Analytics notices that may affect data collection, processing, APIs, product end-of-life, and so on.

Release date: September 21, 2017

Notice Date Added or Updated Description

Change to Scheduled Reports in Adobe Report Builder

May 8, 2018

The ‘From’ field in scheduled reports has been removed to address a security vulnerability within the tool. Moving forward, all scheduled reports created will originate from [email protected].

User ID Migration to the Admin Console

September 21, 2017

The Analytics user ID migration enables administrators to easily migrate user accounts from Analytics User Management to the Adobe Admin Console. After your users are migrated, they will have access to the solutions and core services available in the Experience Cloud. The migration is being rolled out to customers in phases beginning later this month.

Learn more about the Analytics User ID Migration .

Notice for API Methods affected by the migration to the Admin Console.

September 21, 2017

Adobe will phase out the Permissions and Company.GetLoginKey API methods as part of our effort to migrate user access and management to the Admin Console.

All Analytics companies that currently use these methods will receive a pre-migration notification beginning March 31, 2018. After receiving this notification, administrators will have 30 days before their migration starts, and these methods will cease to work for your company.

To prepare for this event, view the list of affected APIs, and learn what Adobe recommends, see Analytics Administration API 1.4 .

Ad Hoc Analysis

September 21, 2017

As of May 2018, Ad Hoc Analysis will support only Java 8 or higher. If you choose to run Ad Hoc Analysis on Java 7 after the May 2018 Maintenance Release, Adobe will no longer support your Ad Hoc Analysis implementation.

Our .jar files are signed with a secure 256-bit encryption that is not supported by Java versions less than 1.7.0_76. This 256-bit certificate allows us to serve you with enhanced security.

Bot Rules

Sept. 21, 2017

We recommend defining no more than 500 bot rules per report suite.

The user interface allows for 500 rules to be manually defined. After this limit is reached, rules need to be managed in bulk through the Import File and Export Bot Rules options.

Calendar Events: Displaying top 20 most recent events

September 21, 2017

To ensure optimal reporting performance, the 20 most recent calendar events will be displayed on trended and overtime graphs.


August 23, 2017

As of August 22, Adobe Analytics started determining geo_zip on all hits received during data collection. This update increases data accuracy, particularly for mobile devices. Previously, the geo_zip was set once per visit. Now, geo_zip can correctly change during the course of a visitor's visit. The geo_zip field is not used in reporting, but surfaces in Data Feeds.

Geo Segmentation

August 21, 2017

On August 22, Adobe Analytics enabled Geo Segmentation reports for all customers. This change is in anticipation of the upcoming removal of the geo segmentation settings in the Admin Console.

New Features in Adobe Analytics {#features_analytics}

New features released in Adobe Analytics.

Product Feature Name Description

Analysis Workspace

Time-Parting Dimensions in Analysis Workspace

Dimensions based on timestamp have been added out-of-the-box to Analysis Workspace. Dimensions include:

  • Hour of Day (e.g. 01, 12, 15, 23)
  • AM/PM (e.g. AM PM)
  • Day of week (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,etc)
  • Weekend/Weekday (e.g. Weekend, Weekday)
  • Day of Month (e.g. 1, 2, .... 30, 31)
  • Month of Year (e.g. January, February, March)
  • Day of Year (e.g. Day 1, Day 2 , etc)
  • Quarter of Year (e.g. Q1, Q2, etc)


Manage Multiple Columns at Once (in Freeform Tables)

You can now change the settings on multiple columns at once. Just select multiple columns and click the settings icon of any one of those columns. Any changes that you make apply to all columns with cells selected in them. More...

Flow: Inter-dimensional Labeling

A new dimension label at the top of each Flow column makes using multiple dimensions in a flow visualization more intuitive. More...

Histogram Hit Counting Method

Previously, there were 2 counting methods in a Histogram visualization: Visit and Visitor (default).

You can now use a third counting method, "Hit", as a segment container. “Occurrences” is used as the y-axis metric in the freeform table. More...

Clear All button for Segment Comparison and Contribution Analysis configuration

Rather than manually deleting each element, you can now Clear All elements in the following Workspace areas:

Updated names for Summary Change display types

Two current Summary Change Options were renamed to clarify their meaning:

  • Show Change > Show Percent Change
  • Show Difference > Show Raw Difference

Extended decimal places for abbreviated Summary Number/Changes

Previously, abbreviated Summary number/change visualizations showed 0 decimal places.

You can now choose 0-3 decimal places to enhance your reporting. More...

Analytics Admin

Admin Group Permissions

The following permissions were consolidated into a single 'Classifications' permission in support of a new classification experience slated for next year: 'Traffic Classifications', 'Video Classifications', 'Conversion Classifications', 'Classification Hierarchies', 'Classifications Manager' and 'Classifications Importer/Exporter & Rule Builder'. Any user who had any of these permissions before the September Maintenance Release now has the new permission.

More information will be forthcoming about the new Classifications experience once it is closer to release.


Analytics for Voice

Adobe Analytics Cloud can now track the performance of voice-enabled intelligent assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana, and Apple Siri.

See Frequently Asked Questions .

[!DNL Analytics] - Fixes and Updates {#analytics-interface}

Fixes and minor updates applied to Adobe Analytics interface tools and components (Analysis Workspace, Reports & Analytics, Report Builder, and so on).

Product Fix or Update

Analysis Workspace

  • Fixed an issue with scheduled Workspace projects not delivering. (AN-149150, AN-138186)
  • Fixed an issue with Workspace projects not downloading or sending. (AN-149074, AN-141311)
  • Fixed an issue where data was not returned after adding a calculated metric that contained an event not enabled for the report suite. However, data was returned after a second calculated metric was added that also contained non-enabled metrics. (AN-14884)
  • Fixed an issue with blank lines appearing occasionally in freeform tables. (AN-148833, AN-148567)
  • Fixed an issue with line graphs not adjusting when de-selecting metrics. (AN-148718, AN-147756, AN-148407)
  • Fixed an issue with Workspace projects getting delivered on dates different from their scheduled dates. (AN-148693)
  • Fixed an issue with Workspace projects not opening when they contained invalid bar charts. (AN-148581)
  • Fixed an issue with cohort tables showing no data. (AN-146403, AN-144140)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the filtering out of non-segmentable components when clicking "Create Segment from Selection". (AN-142883)

Analytics and Admin Tools

  • Authentication: Fixed an issue with customers getting logged out frequently due to IP addresses changing. (AN-147874)
  • Authentication: Fixed an issue that occurred when logging in through the Marketing Cloud - users were unable to access certain virtual report suites. (AN-148185, AN-147504)
  • Admin: Fixed an issue that prevented traffic detail information from getting exported and displayed in the Billing Center. (AN-148365)
  • Admin: Fixed an issue with processing rules getting deleted when a new rule was added that looked for query string parameters with “%”. (AN-146389)
  • Admin: Fixed an issue that caused different types of admins to show up in different UIs: Analytics Admins (users made an admin in Analytics UI) and Marketing Cloud Admins (users made an admin in Marketing Cloud), resulting in an inconsistent count. (AN-140044)
  • Admin: Fixed an issue that resulted in Geography reporting to be enabled for all report suites going forth. (AN-149293)
  • Calculated Metrics: Fixed an issue when creating segments from a dimension where the condition was “Exists” and yet was asking for a value. (AN-148630)
  • Reports & Analytics: Fixed an issue with no reports suites displaying in the report suite selector, in cases where a special character appeared in the company name. (AN-147934)
  • Reports & Analytics: Fixed an issue that caused scheduled reports to time out and not get delivered. (AN-140336)
  • Segmentation: Fixed an issue that occurred when creating a segment in Analytics and sharing it with the Marketing Cloud: 2 segments were simultaneously getting created in Audience Manager with the same name, yet different report suites. Going forth, we will publish the segment to ONE report suite only. (AN-148432)

[!DNL Analytics] - Administration, Data Collection, Implementation {#analytics-implement}

Fixes and updates applied to Analytics administration tools, including implementation and developer (Web Services and SDKs).

Product / Feature Update

Data Warehouse

  • Fixed an issue that caused segments using "java_enabled" to not be handled properly for Data Warehouse jobs. (AN-147372)

AppMeasurement (Legacy and Mobile SDKs)

AppMeasurement for JavaScript

JavaScript Version 2.5.0

AppMeasurement for Other Platforms

See AppMeasurement Release History the following for a release history of AppMeasurement on the following platforms:

  • JavaScript
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Flash-Flex
  • OSX
  • Windows Phone, XBOX, Silverlight, and .NET
  • BlackBerry
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Symbian
Analytics Web Services (SOAP and REST APIs)

Livestream API

Livestream API will expose new "pageEvent" and "exclude" fields in its output. This update lets you include information from the Page Event field so that customers can determine whether the hit was a page view, link call, or media call.

See Metrics and Dimensions .

[!DNL Audience Manager]

Feature Description

Actionable Log Files

With Actionable Log Files, you can capture media data from Google DCM logs and use the data as traits in Audience Manager. Capture impressions, clicks, and conversions from ad servers as traits without having to use pixel calls. See Actionable Log Files .

Trait Audit Log

The details page for rule-based and onboarded traits includes an audit log. This enhancement shows the 10-most recent changes made to those trait types and lets you download the entire log as a .csv file.

Fixes, Enhancements, and Deprecations

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Audience Lab from loading in a timely manner. (AAM-32249)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Profile Merge Rules to display report data inaccurately on the summary dashboard compared to the details page. (AAM-31118)
  • Fixed a bug in Model Builder and Segment Builder that truncated descriptions if the text contained double quote marks. (AAM-31314)
  • Fixed an issue where updated Audience Manager segment names were not sent to Google DFP destinations. (AAM-31677)
  • Revised text descriptions for data feed APIs and the APIs for trait request and response parameters. (AAM-31901, AAM-31914)

DIL Bug Fixes, Enhancements, and Deprecated Code

DIL is the API data collection code for [!DNL Audience Manager]. The September release increments DIL to version 6.12.


DIL support for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 is deprecated and will be discontinued. (CORE-4932)

  • Fixed a Chrome-related bug that caused DIL to throw an error when clicking the back button in that browser. (CORE-5135)
  • Removed unused code modules. (CORE-4554)
  • DIL now re-fires ID syncs when the region ID in the event call response changes. (CORE-4304)

[!DNL Target]

Refer to the Adobe Target Release Notes for the latest release information about the following products:

  • Target Standard and Premium
  • Target Classic
  • Recommendations Classic

[!DNL Primetime]

Adobe Primetime is a multiscreen TV platform that helps media companies create and monetize engaging, personalized viewing experiences.

Primetime Release Notes

Primetime Help Home

[!DNL Campaign]

[!DNL Adobe Campaign] provides an intuitive, automated way to deliver one-to-one messages across online and offline marketing channels. You can now anticipate what your clients want using experiences determined by their habits and preferences.

Adobe Campaign Standard 17.9

Release date: September 18, 2017

Feature Description

Library of Email templates

Introducing eighteen brand-new, responsive templates designed in two beautiful themes - Astro and Feather. These customizable templates are industry agnostic, and ready to be used right away. Templates include content for a variety of use cases to get your email marketing campaigns designed and delivered more quickly, efficiently and more beautifully than ever before.

Dynamic Reporting with Profile Data

Dynamic Reporting provides fully customizable and real-time business reports. With this release, a powerful enhancement to Dynamic Reporting adds access to profile data, enabling demographic analysis by profile dimensions such as gender, city, zip code and age in addition to functional email campaign data like opens and clicks. With the same easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, determining how your email campaign performed against your most important customer segments is easier than ever.

Mass Subscription with Origin and Date

With this Mass Subscription enhancement, you are now able to store subscription information (origin and date) directly in the Adobe Campaign Standard database through the Subscription Services activity in a workflow.

Adobe Campaign v7 17.9

Release date: September 21, 2017

Feature Description

ACS Connector Enhancement

It is now possible to send back behavioral data from Adobe Campaign Standard to Adobe Campaign v7, thus allowing marketers and data analysts to build a 360° view of marketing campaigns; create advanced audiences and segments that incorporate ACS behavioral data; and more effectively measure the ROI of marketing activities.

SAP HANA connector

Break the silos and leverage all your external data ‪in ‪Adobe Campaign in real-time with Federated Data Access ‪connectors, now also supporting SAP HANA. Federated ‪Data Access ‪allows users to connect multiple disparate, ‪external ‪databases with Adobe Campaign. Query data in real-time from any source without importing ‪the ‪dataset or storing it within the Adobe Campaign platform.

Hadoop Connector via HiveSQL

When it comes to handling large data sets, Hadoop has the advantage over relational database management systems, and its value for any size business will continue to increase as unstructured data continues to grow. Adobe Campaign can leverage the power of Hadoop through the Hadoop Connector via HiveSQL where customers can access schemas directly from the Adobe Campaign UI to create advanced, highly segmented audiences in fast, flexible, and scalable manner.

LINE Channel: Messaging Enhancements

This enhancement to the LINE Channel will allow you to optimize cost efficiency by paying per campaign and not for each piece of content that is sent; increase user engagement by sending rich messages (not just flat images); and simplify usability with multi-messaging by not needing to create multiple deliveries for a single campaign.

For product documentation, see:

Additional Resources

[!DNL Experience Manager]

AEM release notes {#section_0D030B9BE20E4D4A883A8F8917420558}

Adobe recommends customers with on-premise deployments to deploy the latest patches to ensure higher stability, security, and performance.

Title Description

Product releases

AEM 6.3 Dynamic Media Feature Pack (NPR-14410 and NPR-18912)

This release provides new automation and delivery capabilities for Dynamic Media customers, and is the first release targeted for existing Dynamic Media Classic (S7)-AEM customers to transition over to Dynamic Media.

Product maintenance

AEM 6.2 Service Pack 1-Cumulative Fix Pack 7

AEM 6.2 SP1-CFP7, released September 12, 2017, is an important update that includes key customer fixes released since the general availability AEM 6.2 SP1 in December, 2016.


Touch UI Feature Status

While most capabilities are present in the touch-enabled user interface, there are features that are not yet complete and will be added in future releases.

For the current status of capabilities that are implemented in AEM 6.3, see Touch user interface feature status .

Forms Rule Editor

Adaptive Forms Configuration Service lets you limit rule editor access to users based on their role or function.

See Grant rule editor access to select user groups .

Forms Performance Tuning

You can exclude AEM Forms files and folders from on-access virus scan application to improve the performance of your Forms server.

See Performance tuning of AEM Forms server .

Adaptive Forms

Form developers can embed fully functional adaptive forms in an external web page hosted outside AEM. It helps users fill a form without leaving the web page and remain in context of other elements on the page.

See Embed adaptive form in external web page .

Forms Data Integration

AEM Forms provides a configuration package that you can use to quickly integrate Dynamics 365 with Forms. The package includes a cloud service configuration and a form data model with preconfigured Dynamics 365 entities and services.

See Microsoft Dynamics 365 OData configuration .

Install and Upgrade Forms JEE

Fixed several issues and refreshed installation and upgrade documentation for AEM 6.3 Forms JEE.

See Install or upgrade AEM Forms on JEE under Topics in the left panel.

Getting Started Developing AEM Sites 6.3 - WKND Tutorial

New developer 6.3 Getting Started tutorial is available based on the following latest AEM technologies:

See Getting Started developing AEM Sites 6.3 - WKND tutorial .

Using Client-Side Libraries

Details on locating clientlibs under /apps and using the proxy servlet and using preprocessors is now added.

AEM Screens 6.3 Documentation Using Client-Side Libraries

New AEM Screens 6.3 documentation is available. Alternatively, a Quickstart is available that lets a user create a Digital Signage Experience in 5 minutes. See the following resources:

Details on locating clientlibs under /apps and using the proxy servlet and using preprocessors is now added.

Decoration Tag Behavior

When a component in a web page is rendered, you can generate an HTML element, wrapping the rendered component within itself. For developers, AEM offers clear and simple logic for controlling the decoration tags that wrap included components.

See Decoration tag .

Editor Limitations

The editor in the touch-optimized user interface makes use of overlays to interact with content confined in an iframe. This interaction creates some limitations in both usage of the editor and also for developers.

See Editor limitations .



Dynamic Media Feature Pack: Architecture and Troubleshooting

  • Overview of new Dynamic Media Feature Pack capabilities.
  • Architecture of Dynamic Media Feature Pack.
  • Troubleshooting tips and tricks.


Additional AEM resources {#section_B1FAFE0975E74070812BC036D994FBE3}

[!DNL Advertising Cloud]

Updated - October 16, 2017 {#section_9BE2DC52CA7D4B16B608D5B910B359D5}

Feature Description


(Bing Ads campaigns with remarketing targets) Advertising Cloud supports the following:

  • Your existing Bing Ads audiences and remarketing list targets/exclusions are listed in the Audience Targets view in Campaigns and in the Audiences views in Campaigns Beta.
  • Bulksheets now support creating and editing ad group-level audience targets (but not exclusions). In the Download Bulksheet dialog, selecting the "RLSA Target" section adds data about RLSA targets, including these columns: "Campaign Name," "Ad Group Name," "Bid Adjustment" (optional), "Audience," and "RLSA Target Status." The "RLSA Target ID" column is added automatically for each RLSA target.


  • Campaign-level audience targets are synced and visible in the Audiences views but aren't yet supported in bulksheets.
  • In-market audiences aren't supported.
  • Bid adjustments for Bing audience targets aren't yet auto-adjusted via the portfolio setting to auto-optimize bid adjustments.

Search Campaigns Beta

You can now assign campaigns to portfolios from the beta Campaigns view.


In the AdWords Audience Target Report, you can now include columns for transaction properties tracked by Advertising Cloud.

September 16, 2017

Feature Description


The portfolio settings to auto-optimize bid adjustments for location targets and device targets are no longer in beta mode.

Google data for "Impression Share Lost due to Budget" is now used to auto-adjust campaign budgets in portfolios, when the portfolio uses the "Auto adjust campaign budget limits" option.

Search Advanced Campaign Management

Bing Ads and AdWords shopping templates now allow up to eight tiers of product groups, including "All Products" and seven other tiers. Previously, they allowed up to seven tiers including "All Products."

Search Campaigns

Bing Ads will begin migrating Advertising Cloud-managed accounts to the new sitelink model (shared sitelinks) on September 25; the process is expected to take four days. Between September 22 and the completion of your account migration, sitelinks will not be accessible in Advertising Cloud and will incorrectly show as deleted. If you need to make changes to your sitelinks before the migration is completed, work directly in the Bing Ads editor; your changes will be migrated to the new model and synced by Advertising Cloud after the migration is complete. Functionality to support shared sitelinks will be available in the October release.

Search Campaigns Beta

All users now have the new Search Beta user interface at Search Advertising >  Campaigns > Campaigns Beta.

New features include the following:

  • You can now create and edit single search engine account records from the Accounts view.
  • Campaigns can now target audiences (remarketing lists) from the Live > Audiences > Targets view. Previously, you could target audiences only at the ad group level. You can set a bid adjustment for each audience target either from edit mode or from the "Bid Adjustment" column in the Targets view; automated bid adjustments are not yet available. Note:  Bulksheet support will be available in a future release.
  • Your existing custom views (created in the legacy Campaigns view) are available in the left navigation pane, under "Custom Views." You can load them, including the columns and filters, but can't yet edit or create custom views in the Beta view.
  • All views except for the Ads and Sitelinks views now have a search feature in the toolbar.
  • Performance improvements for the grid have resulted in faster load times, smoother scrolling, and more available rows.