A Todos List - CRUD API with pagination. (Golang + ScyllaDb)
- Make sure you are in linux machine.
- Make sure you have docker installed in your machine.
sudo bash start.sh
sudo bash stop.sh
(Run at the end, when you want to close the app removing all the data that was created and stored in ScyllaDb)
1) [POST] - /add-todo (Add user todo)
2) [GET] - /get-user-todo-by-id (Get single todo for user)
3) [GET] - /get-user-todos (Get all todos for user)
4) [POST] - /update-user-todo-by-id (Update single todo for user)
5) [POST] - /delete-user-todo-by-id (Delete todo created by user)
6) [POST] - /delete-user-todos (Delete all todos for user)
1) /add-todo
user_id* (int)
title* (string)
description* (string)
status* (string - pending/completed)
2) /get-user-todo-by-id
user_id* (int)
id* (int)
3) /get-user-todos
user_id* (int)
sort (string - asc/desc)
filter (string - pending/completed)
limit (int)
offset (int)
4) /update-user-todo-by-id
user_id* (int)
id* (int)
title (string)
description (string)
status (string)
5) /delete-user-todo-by-id
user_id* (int)
id* (int)
6) /delete-user-todos
user_id* (int)