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phpMyFAQ SQL Injection at "Save News"

High severity GitHub Reviewed Published Mar 25, 2024 in thorsten/phpMyFAQ • Updated Mar 25, 2024


composer phpmyfaq/phpmyfaq (Composer)

Affected versions

= 3.2.5

Patched versions




A SQL injection vulnerability has been discovered in the the "Add News" functionality due to improper escaping of the email address. This allows any authenticated user with the rights to add/edit FAQ news to exploit this vulnerability to exfiltrate data, take over accounts and in some cases, even achieve RCE.


The vulnerable field lies in the authorEmail field which uses PHP's FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL filter. This filter is insufficient in protecting against SQL injection attacks and should still be properly escaped. However, in this version of phpMyFAQ (3.2.5), this field is not escaped properly can be used together with other fields to fully exploit the SQL injection vulnerability.


4 PoCs are demonstrated here to illustrate the potential impacts.

PoC 1 - Postgres Time Based SQLi

  1. Login as admin or any user with the rights to view and save news.
  2. Navigate to "../phpmyfaq/admin/?action=news", click on "Add news", fill in some data, send and intercept the request.
  3. Modify the intercepted "/admin/?action=save-news" request to look like the SS below:
    3.1 - Set the "authorEmail" field in the body to "test'/*@[](".
    3.2 - Set the "linkTitle" field in the body to "*/,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);select+pg_sleep(5)--".
    3.3 - Set the rest of the fields as empty and send the request.
  4. Notice the 5s delay in the response time, indicating that the sleep function was executed, verifying the existence of the SQLi vulnerability.

PoC 2 - SQLi to Read Data from PostgresDB

  1. Steps 1 and 2 are the same as PoC 1.
  2. Modify the intercepted "/admin/?action=save-news" request to look like the SS below and send the request:
    2.1 - Set the "authorEmail" field in the body to "test'/*@[](".
    2.2 - Set the "linkTitle" field in the body to "*/,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);SELECT+remember_me+FROM+faquser+limit+1+offset+1%3b--".
    image (1)

PoC 3 - SQLi to Read Files from PostgresDB

  1. Steps 1 and 2 are the same as PoC 1.
  2. Modify the intercepted "/admin/?action=save-news" request to look like the SS below and send the request:
    2.1 - Set the "authorEmail" field in the body to "test'/*@[](".
    2.2 - Set the "linkTitle" field in the body to "*/,1,1,1,1,1,(select+pg_read_file(CONCAT(CHR(67),CHR(58),CHR(92),CHR(87),CHR(105),CHR(110),CHR(100),CHR(111),CHR(119),CHR(115),CHR(92),CHR(119),CHR(105),CHR(110),CHR(46),CHR(105),CHR(110),CHR(105)))),1)--". (the CONCAT() and CHR() functions are used to bypass the escaping of single quotes, these characters in its decoded form is "select pg_read_file('C:\Windows\win.ini')")
    image (2)

PoC 4 - SQLi to Shell

It is also possible to obtain a shell if superuser is enabled on the postgres DB. These are the high level steps of the exploit chain:

  1. Create a table called "cmd_exec" to store the payload.
  2. Create a function in postgres to store the command to write a web shell to the "../htdocs" directory. (This step is required as CONCAT() function cannot be used to bypass the step where; "COPY cmd_exec FROM PROGRAM '' " is run as it requires single quotes.)
  3. Trigger the function to write the PHP web shell at "http://<URL>/shell.php" that takes in commands via the "?cmd=" parameter.
  4. Send the Python reverse shell command via a GET request to launch the reverse shell.

The video demo and the Python PoC script can be accessed from this link:


The SQL injection vulnerability discovered in the "Add News" functionality of the application allows authenticated users with appropriate privileges to execute malicious SQL queries, potentially leading to data exfiltration, account takeover, and even remote code execution. Attackers can exploit the vulnerability to read sensitive data from the database, such as user credentials and system files, compromising the confidentiality and integrity of the system. Moreover, successful exploitation may enable attackers to gain unauthorized access to user accounts or execute arbitrary commands on the server, impacting both system administrators and end users.


@thorsten thorsten published to thorsten/phpMyFAQ Mar 25, 2024
Published by the National Vulnerability Database Mar 25, 2024
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database Mar 25, 2024
Reviewed Mar 25, 2024
Last updated Mar 25, 2024



CVSS overall score

This score calculates overall vulnerability severity from 0 to 10 and is based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).
/ 10

CVSS v3 base metrics

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
User interaction

CVSS v3 base metrics

Attack vector: More severe the more the remote (logically and physically) an attacker can be in order to exploit the vulnerability.
Attack complexity: More severe for the least complex attacks.
Privileges required: More severe if no privileges are required.
User interaction: More severe when no user interaction is required.
Scope: More severe when a scope change occurs, e.g. one vulnerable component impacts resources in components beyond its security scope.
Confidentiality: More severe when loss of data confidentiality is highest, measuring the level of data access available to an unauthorized user.
Integrity: More severe when loss of data integrity is the highest, measuring the consequence of data modification possible by an unauthorized user.
Availability: More severe when the loss of impacted component availability is highest.

EPSS score

Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS)

This score estimates the probability of this vulnerability being exploited within the next 30 days. Data provided by FIRST.
(37th percentile)






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