The larger goal here is simple, but hard to achieve: Actually learn and in-corp-orate things
I'll need help, so if this seems like something you'd be interested in, drop a line.
Personally, I'm sick of talking to people in this industry who don't know how things work fundamentally and what the impacts are. I'm no Oracle and I also include myself in this group.
There is a staggering lack of imagination in this industry. What Heidegger would say "meditative thinking" or bringing these concepts closer to one's thinking and understanding them natively.
- All these concepts are is an instantiated form of a general idea.
- Traditional Computer Science concepts are not here to reveal some great secret of computing.
- In fact, they are to be read as an apology, of giving a compromised form to something far more interesting, elegant and beautiful.
i.e. They are pointing to something far, far more interesting.
- To drive at the deeper idea, that explicates all others.
This is a fairly lofty goal, and likely a stupid one. But its the only way I've found this field exciting.
Not the gadgetry, not the glint and a-la-mode fashions, but the deeper understanding that can be employed by your creativity.