A place to jot down processes that others could find useful.
Wiki - https://github.com/aenygma/workshops/wiki
- Basically a walk through of Charles Leifer's Analytics App.
- ref: https://charlesleifer.com/blog/saturday-morning-hacks-building-an-analytics-app-with-flask/
- goal: how it works
- can be anything to secure your app, ?? (need to brainstorm)
build a device/fs where you can R/W files and it keeps track of changes
build a list of changed items, then md5 them during low-cpu-usage time
- First pass: do it on the fly, then show why perf drops (dd/iperf)
- Then deferred work, then UI, then query update accordingly
Maybe for better perf, make kernel module?
Goal: See FS as an organizing method
Learning Goals:
- How FS works
- How deferred queues can work
Elodie (insert link) provides a way to store and index images and can leverage Exif in how stuff is stored
It would be nice to search the images for a person.
Goal: Moving from computer descriptive search -> human descriptive search
Learning goals:
- How file layout works/challenges
- How EXIF tags works/challenges
- How file indexing ''
- How ML/Embedding work ''
- bc possibly need to have a store of embeddings
- Given my username/password, i should be able to get my SMUD data
- Should be a local python api, no sending creds anywhere except via HTTPS
Goal: Create an API service from a static/rendered html page
Learning Goals
- Learn challenges of creating an API
- Learn how design should work (mapping urls to objects)
- Learn how to pick proper actions (or endpoints)
- Wake up call service - receive a call at a given time to wake up/go do something
- More HW based
- Tap USB keystrokes/mouse/data to send via WiFi to remote somewhere
- SSID broadcast: "hp printer" >:)
- Useful for sending raw data over sockets
Something with Controlling
ref: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-remote-controlled-sockets/
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-web-server/
- maybe return some data via server?
Goal: Being a dick
- How WiFi DeAuth attack can work
- OpenAuth
- API usages
- python requests
- Bash/CLI cowboy-ing
- CodeReview
- Reading DDD/RFCs
Abstraction Barrier