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Agama Integration Tests

CI CI - Integration Tests

This is repository contains support for writing integration tests for Agama and few example tests.

It uses the Puppeteer library for driving and communicating with a web browser.

Currently there is only one simple test which just sets the root password and a test for taking screenshots automatically. More tests will be implemented separately in the openQA, this package basically serves as a template for writing and building tests.

Webpack advantages

  • Puppeteer and its dependencies are not needed on the Live ISO
  • The tests can use additional libraries if needed, they do not need to depend on the Live ISO content
  • The used Puppeteer version is not bound to the Live ISO (it only needs to be compatible with the included Firefox browser), the version update is simple
  • The builtin Node.js test runner supports the Test Anything Protocol (TAP), already supported by openQA


First install the needed NPM packages:

npm ci


To compile the source test files run:

npm run build

This compiles the sources into the dist subdirectory.

To generate the target files without optimizations run this command:

npm run devel

In this case the generated files are a bit bigger.

To rebuild the tests during development automatically you can run:

npm run watch

This builds the tests in development mode to have faster builds.

By default the ESlint checks are enabled, if you want to disable them set ESLINT=0 environment variable. For example use ESLINT=0 npm run watch.

Running the tests

The generated tests are executable, simply run the file (this connects to the locally running Agama instance, to use a remote one see the options below):


If you copy the test to a different machine do not forget to also copy the vendor.js file and *.map files if you want to get backtrace locations in the original source code. To use the map files use the --enable-source-maps node option:

node --enable-source-maps ./dist/test_root_password.js

To use the TAP output format, use the --test-reporter Node.js option:

node --test-reporter=tap ./dist/test_root_password.cjs

Alternatively it is possible to implement own test reporter.

The test currently accepts several optional arguments, run ./dist/test_root_password.js --help:

Usage: test_root_password [options]

Run a simple Agama integration test

  -u, --url <url>                 Agama server URL (default:
  -p, --password <password>       Agama login password (default: "linux")
  -r, --root-password <password>  Target root login password (default:
  -b, --browser <browser>         Browser used for running the test (choices:
                                  "firefox", "chrome", "chromium", default:
  -h, --headed                    Run the browser in headed mode with UI (the
                                  default is headless mode)
  -d, --delay <miliseconds>       Delay between the browser actions, useful
                                  in headed mode (default: 0)
  -c, --continue                  Continue the test after a failure (the
                                  default is abort on error)
  --help                          display help for command

Full example for running the browser in the English locale, using local Chrome browser in headed mode and connecting to a remote Agama instance:

LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ./dist/test_root_password.js -h -d 50 -b chrome -u https://agama.local

Running from Live ISO

The tests are also installed in the Agama Live ISO in the /usr/share/agama/integration-tests directory. You can run them the same way as from Git checkout described above, just use the /usr/share/agama/integration-tests path prefix.


  • The tests use the Node.js built-in testing framework and the runner instead of Mocha.js (or any similar framework) which needs a special test runner that cannot be easily bundled into the generated file by Webpack.


Agama integration tests







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