Yet another CLI utility to automate Kafka cluster management
Kafka-Ops is a command-line utility written in Go and mostly inspired by KafkaSpecs java tool. It allows to automate Kafka management by describing resources (topics, ACLs) and their configs in spec-files and applying them to Kafka cluster. Kafka-Ops uses AdminClient Kafka API to align cluster resources with the spec idempotently. The spec can be manifested either in YAML or JSON format.
- Kafka 2.0+
Both YAML and JSON formats of spec files have the same notation and can be converted from each other. This is the example for YAML format:
- configs:
cleanup.policy: compact
compression.type: producer
min.insync.replicas: '1' 'default'
name: my-topic1
partitions: 3
- name: my-topic2
state: absent
- name: my-topic3
partitions: 1
replication_factor: 1
min.insync.replicas: 'default' 30000
- principal: 'User:test1'
- resource:
type: 'topic'
pattern: 'my-'
patternType: 'PREFIXED'
allow_operations: ['READ:*', 'WRITE:*', 'DESCRIBE:*']
- resource:
type: 'group'
pattern: 'my-group'
patternType: 'LITERAL'
allow_operations: ['READ:*']
deny_operations: ['DESCRIBE:*']
- principal: '*'
- resource:
type: 'topic'
pattern: 'my-topic'
patternType: 'MATCH'
allow_operations: ['ANY']
state: absent
The format is quite evident. Just few remarks:
- The topic config values are always strings, while partitions and replication_factor are always numeric
- The topic config value can be set to default. This will remove the per-topic setting and the topic will be using the cluster default value
- replication_factor for topic is optional. If utility will need to create the topic and this setting will not be defined then it will be set to 1 on single-node clusters and to 2 on multi-node clusters
- The parameter state=absent can be used for deleting topics and ACLs if they present. Any value other than absent is considered as present
- The patternType=MATCH, patternType=ANY, operation=ANY, principal=* can be used when state=absent for deleting ACLs but be careful with that
- The ACL operation is described as OperationType:Host
- The Host part can be omitted and will be considered as '*' when state=present and as any host (including '*' itself and any separately defined IP) when state=absent
"topics": [
"name": "my-topic2",
"partitions": 3,
"replication_factor": 1,
"configs": {
"": "30000",
"segment.bytes": "1073741824"
"acls": [
"principal": "User:ANONYMOUS",
"permissions": [
"resource": {
"type": "group",
"pattern": "*",
"patternType": "LITERAL"
"allow_operations": [
"resource": {
"type": "topic",
"pattern": "*",
"patternType": "LITERAL"
"allow_operations": [
"resource": {
"type": "cluster",
"allow_operations": [
./kafka-ops --apply --broker kafka1.cluster.local:9092,kafka2.cluster.local:9092 --spec kafka-cluster-example1.yaml --yaml
TASK [TOPIC : Create topic my-topic1 (partitions=3, replicas=1)] ***********************
ok: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [TOPIC : Delete topic my-topic2 ***************************************************
ok: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [TOPIC : Create topic my-topic3 (partitions=1, replicas=1)] ***********************
ok: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [ACL : Create ACL (ALLOW User:test1@* to READ topic:PREFIXED:my-)] ****************
changed: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [ACL : Create ACL (ALLOW User:test1@* to WRITE topic:PREFIXED:my-)] ***************
changed: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [ACL : Create ACL (ALLOW User:test1@* to DESCRIBE topic:PREFIXED:my-)] ************
changed: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [ACL : Create ACL (ALLOW User:test1@* to READ group:LITERAL:my-group)] ************
changed: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
TASK [ACL : Create ACL (DENY User:test1@* to DESCRIBE group:LITERAL:my-group)] *********
changed: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
SUMMARY ********************************************************************************
ok=3 changed=5 failed=0
Some settings can be read from environment variables:
export KAFKA_BROKER=kafka1.cluster.local:9093
export KAFKA_SPEC_FILE=kafka-cluster-example2.json
export KAFKA_USERNAME=admin
export KAFKA_PASSWORD=admin-secret
./kafka-ops --apply --protocol sasl_ssl --json --verbose --stop-on-error
Kafka-Ops can also export the current topics and ACLs from the cluster. This can be useful for editing the spec and applyting back or for migrating the spec to another cluster.
./kafka-ops --dump --yaml
Note that if no broker is defined then Kafka-Ops tries to connect to localhost:9092.
Kafka-Ops supports the simple templating for Spec-file. For now the variables are only read from environment variables and from command-line arguments.
Templating can be useful for multi-tenant and multi-environment Kafka clusters.
- configs:
cleanup.policy: compact
name: my-product.{{ .Plant }}.{{ .Env }}.my-topic
partitions: 2
This spec can be then applied:
Plant=myplant Env=myenv ./kafka-ops --apply --spec kafka-cluster-example3.yaml --template --var Env=realenv --var One=more
TASK [TOPIC : Create topic (partitions=2, replicas=1)] ****************
changed: [kafka1.cluster.local:9092]
SUMMARY ********************************************************************************
ok=0 changed=1 failed=0
The value defined in command-line argument takes precedence over the one from environment variable.
All go-template functions can be used. Example:
name: my-product.{{ if .Plant }}{{ .Plant }}{{ else }}default{{ end }}.{{ .Env }}.my-topic
But Kafka-Ops fails if some unresolved template key is encountered. In order to override this behaviour use flag --missingok.
Kafka-Ops supports deleting the topics and consumer groups by patterns. Please refer to the Spec-file example showing how to achieve the goal:
- name: my_
state: absent
patternType: PREFIXED
- name: topic[1-2]
state: absent
patternType: MATCH
- name: my_
state: absent
patternType: PREFIXED
- name: grou[a-z]
state: absent
patternType: MATCH
- name:
state: absent
Two pattern types are supported: PREFIXED (the object name must start with the string) and MATCH (the object name must match the defined regex). The third option is LITERAL which is default. Kafka-Ops looks through the list of topics and/or consumer groups and deletes the matched ones.
Kafka-Ops can read broker connection settings right from the Spec-file. This can be useful when the Spec is being templated by some third-party tool (e.g. by Helm). The settings can be defined as follows:
broker: kafka1.example.local:9093,kafka2.example.local:9093
protocol: SASL_SSL
mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256
username: admin
password: admin-secret
./kafka-ops --help
Manage Kafka cluster resources (topics and ACLs)
Usage: ./kafka-ops <action> [<options>] [<broker connection options>]
--help Show this help and exit
--dump Dump cluster resources and their configs to stdout
See also --json and --yaml options
--apply Idempotently align cluster resources with the spec manifest
See also --spec, --json and --yaml options
--version Show version
--spec A path to manifest (specification file) to be used
with --apply action
Can be also set by Env variable KAFKA_SPEC_FILE
--yaml Spec-file is in YAML format
Will try to detect format if none of --yaml or --json is set
--json Spec-file is in JSON format
Will try to detect format if none of --yaml or --json is set
--template Spec-file is a Go-template to be parsed. The values are read from
Env variables and from --var arguments (--var arguments are
taking precedence)
--var Variable in format "key=value". Can be presented multiple times
--missingok Do not fail if template key is not defined
--verbose Verbose output
--stop-on-error Exit on first occurred error
Broker connection options
--broker Bootstrap-brokers, comma-separated. Default is localhost:9092
Can be also set by Env variable KAFKA_BROKER
--protocol Security protocol. Default is plaintext
Available options: plaintext, sasl_ssl, sasl_plaintext
--mechanism SASL mechanism. Default is scram-sha-256
Available options: scram-sha-256, scram-sha-512
--username Username for authentication
Can be also set by Env variable KAFKA_USERNAME
--password Password for authentication
Can be also set by Env variable KAFKA_PASSWORD
You need golang and GNU make to be installed.
make test && make build
If you have rpm-build installed then you can build RPM-package
make rpm
This is an open source project so feel free to contribute.