This project just an example to understand how to use spring mvc & mongo db crud operations. In this project you can also find some example about using boostrap modal dialog, form validation with ajax call and recaptcha google api.
It is a web application which has a page to manage users. In this page all of users, which are saved in system, listed. And you can add new users or update saved one in a modal dialog window form. Form validation was performed on this page with AJAX. And also delete operation managed with AJAX call.
I used technologies listed below to develop this project.
- Spring 4.3.1.RELEASE
- Hibernate Validator 2.6.3
- jQuery 1.10.2
- Maven 3
- JDK 1.8
- Tomcat 7
- Eclipse 4.6.1
- Boostrap 3
- Mongo Db 3.2
The project was developed using maven but I used Eclipse ide and I commited all project files with settings files which are belong to used ide. So when you want to open with some other ide, you should consider this issue.