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init: azure rbac aks service discovery #1311

merged 12 commits into from
Aug 19, 2024
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,3 +21,7 @@ docs/src/main/paradox/attachments

# Bloop
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.{ Cmd, ExecCmd }
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.{Cmd, ExecCmd}
import sbt.Keys.parallelExecution

ThisBuild / resolvers += "Akka library repository".at("")
ThisBuild / resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
Expand All @@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ lazy val `akka-management-root` = project
// in AkkaManagement should also be updated
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +75,18 @@ lazy val `akka-discovery-kubernetes-api` = project

lazy val `akka-discovery-azure-api` = (project in file("discovery-azure-api"))
name := "akka-discovery-azure-api",
organization := "com.lightbend.akka.discovery",
libraryDependencies := Dependencies.DiscoveryAzureApi,
// FIXME: update once we have a release out
mimaPreviousArtifacts := Set.empty

lazy val `akka-discovery-marathon-api` = project
Expand Down
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions discovery-azure-api/src/main/resources/reference.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Akka Service Discovery Azure Config

akka.discovery {
# Set the following in your application.conf if you want to use this discovery mechanism:
# method = azure-rbac-aks-api
azure-rbac-aks-api {
class = akka.discovery.azureapi.rbac.aks.AzureRbacAksServiceDiscovery

authority-host = ""
authority-host = ${?AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST}

# Required
# Injected by the workload identity controller manager
client-id = ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID}

federated-token-file = "/var/run/secrets/azure/tokens/azure-identity-token"
federated-token-file = ${?AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE}

# Required
# Injected by the workload identity controller manager
tenant-id = ${AZURE_TENANT_ID}

# AKS uses a pair of first-party Microsoft Entra applications
# The AKS Microsoft Entra server application ID(scope) that the server side uses is 6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630/.default
entra-server-id = "6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630/.default"
entra-server-id = ${?AZURE_SERVER_ID}

# API server, cert and token information. Currently these are present on K8s versions: 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and perhaps more
api-ca-path = "/var/run/secrets/"
api-token-path = "/var/run/secrets/"

# Required
api-service-host = ${KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST}
api-service-port = ${KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT}

# Namespace discovery path
# If this path doesn't exist, the namespace will default to "default".
pod-namespace-path = "/var/run/secrets/"

# Namespace to query for pods.
# Set this value to a specific string to override discovering the namespace using pod-namespace-path.
pod-namespace = "<pod-namespace>"
pod-namespace = ${?KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}

# Domain of the k8s cluster
pod-domain = "cluster.local"

# Selector value to query pod API with.
# `%s` will be replaced with the configured effective name, which defaults to the actor system name
pod-label-selector = "app=%s"

# Enables the usage of the raw IP instead of the composed value for the resolved target host
# Note that when using names, the deprecated DNS form <a>-<b>-<c>-<d>.<ns>.pod.<zone> is used
# and that may not work on newer Kubernetes versions.
use-raw-ip = true

# When set, validate the container is not in 'waiting' state
container-name = ""
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
* Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Lightbend Inc. <>

package akka.discovery.azureapi.rbac.aks

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.discovery.ServiceDiscovery.{ Resolved, ResolvedTarget }
import akka.discovery.azureapi.rbac.aks.AzureRbacAksServiceDiscovery._
import akka.discovery.azureapi.rbac.aks.JsonFormat._
import akka.discovery.{ Lookup, ServiceDiscovery }
import akka.dispatch.Dispatchers.DefaultBlockingDispatcherId
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{ Authorization, OAuth2BearerToken }
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal
import akka.http.scaladsl.{ ConnectionContext, Http, HttpsConnectionContext }
import akka.pki.kubernetes.PemManagersProvider
import{ AccessToken, TokenRequestContext }
import{ DefaultAzureCredential, DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder }

import java.nio.file.{ Files, Paths }
import{ KeyStore, SecureRandom }
import{ KeyManager, KeyManagerFactory, SSLContext, TrustManager }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.jdk.FutureConverters._
import scala.util.control.{ NoStackTrace, NonFatal }

* Finds relevant targets given a pod list. Note that this doesn't filter by name as it is the job of the selector
* to do that.
object AzureRbacAksServiceDiscovery {
private def azureDefaultCredential: DefaultAzureCredential =
new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build()

private val accessTokenRequestContext: TokenRequestContext =
new TokenRequestContext()

private[aks] def targets(
podList: PodList,
portName: Option[String],
podNamespace: String,
podDomain: String,
rawIp: Boolean,
containerName: Option[String]): immutable.Seq[ResolvedTarget] =
for {
item <- podList.items
if item.metadata.flatMap(_.deletionTimestamp).isEmpty
itemSpec <- item.spec.toSeq
itemStatus <- item.status.toSeq
if itemStatus.phase.contains("Running")
if containerName.forall(name =>
itemStatus.containerStatuses match {
case Some(statuses) => statuses.filter( == name).exists(!_.state.contains("waiting"))
case None => false
ip <- itemStatus.podIP.toSeq
// Maybe port is an Option of a port, and will be None if no portName was requested
maybePort <- portName match {
case None =>
case Some(name) =>
for {
container <- itemSpec.containers
ports <- container.ports.toSeq
port <- ports
} yield Some(port.containerPort)
} yield {
val hostOrIp = if (rawIp) ip else s"${ip.replace('.', '-')}.$podNamespace.pod.$podDomain"
host = hostOrIp,
port = maybePort,
address = Some(InetAddress.getByName(ip))

private final class KubernetesApiException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace

private final class AzureIdentityException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace

private final case class KubernetesSetup(namespace: String, ctx: HttpsConnectionContext)

* Finds relevant targets given a pod list. Note that this doesn't filter by name as it is the job of the selector
* to do that.
final class AzureRbacAksServiceDiscovery(implicit system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends ServiceDiscovery {
private val http = Http()

private val settings = Settings(system.settings.config.getConfig(""))

private val log = Logging(system, classOf[AzureRbacAksServiceDiscovery])

private val kubernetesSetup = {
implicit val blockingDispatcher: ExecutionContext = system.dispatchers.lookup(DefaultBlockingDispatcherId)
for {
namespace: String <- Future {
.orElse(readConfigVarFromFilesystem(settings.podNamespacePath, "pod-namespace"))
httpsContext <- Future(clientHttpsConnectionContext())
} yield {
KubernetesSetup(namespace, httpsContext)

log.debug("Settings [{}]", settings)

import system.dispatcher

private def fetchAccessToken: Future[AccessToken] =
.onErrorMap { error =>
log.error("[{}]", error)
new AzureIdentityException(
"Attempt failed while fetching access token. Check if workload identity is enabled for the cluster or not and if the pods has been injected with required AZURE environment variables"

private def parseKubernetesResponse(response: HttpResponse, entity: HttpEntity.Strict): Future[PodList] =
response.status match {
case StatusCodes.OK =>
log.debug("Kubernetes API entity: [{}]",
Unmarshal(entity).to[PodList].recoverWith {
case exception =>
"Failed to unmarshal Kubernetes API response. Status code: [{}]; Response body: [{}]. Ex: [{}]",

Future.failed(new KubernetesApiException("Failed to unmarshal Kubernetes API response."))
case StatusCodes.Forbidden =>
Unmarshal(entity).to[String].flatMap { body =>
log.warning("Forbidden to communicate with Kubernetes API server; check RBAC settings. Response: [{}]", body)

new KubernetesApiException(
"Forbidden when communicating with the Kubernetes API Server. Check if the managed identity has the appropriate role assigment(example: Azure Pod Reader) or if workload identity is enabled for the cluster."
case other =>
Unmarshal(entity).to[String].flatMap { body =>
"Non-200 when communicating with Kubernetes API server. Status code: [{}]. Response body: [{}]",

Future.failed(new KubernetesApiException(s"Non-200 from Kubernetes API server: $other"))

private def pods(ctx: HttpsConnectionContext, request: HttpRequest, timeout: FiniteDuration): Future[PodList] = {
for {
response: HttpResponse <- http.singleRequest(request, ctx)
entity <- response.entity.toStrict(timeout)
pods <- parseKubernetesResponse(response, entity)
} yield pods

override def lookup(lookup: Lookup, resolveTimeout: FiniteDuration): Future[ServiceDiscovery.Resolved] = {
val selector = settings.podLabelSelector.format(lookup.serviceName)

for {
ks <- kubernetesSetup
token <-
request <- podRequest(token, ks.namespace, selector)
pods <- pods(ks.ctx, request, resolveTimeout)
} yield {
val addresses =
targets(pods, lookup.portName, ks.namespace, settings.podDomain, settings.rawIp, settings.containerName)
if (addresses.isEmpty && pods.items.nonEmpty) {
val containerPortNames = pods.items.flatMap(_.spec).flatMap(_.containers).flatMap(_.ports).flatten.toSet
"No targets found from pod list. Is the correct port name configured? Current configuration: [{}]. Ports on pods: [{}]",
serviceName = lookup.serviceName,
addresses = addresses

private def podRequest(token: String, namespace: String, labelSelector: String) = {
val host = settings.apiServiceHost
val port = settings.apiServicePort
val path = Uri.Path.Empty / "api" / "v1" / "namespaces" / namespace / "pods"
val query = Uri.Query("labelSelector" -> labelSelector)
val uri = Uri.from(scheme = "https", host = host, port = port).withPath(path).withQuery(query)

Future(HttpRequest(uri = uri, headers = List(Authorization(OAuth2BearerToken(token)))))

* This uses blocking IO, and so should only be used at startup from blocking dispatcher.
private def clientHttpsConnectionContext(): HttpsConnectionContext = {
val certificates = PemManagersProvider.loadCertificates(settings.apiCaPath)
val factory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm)
val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12")
factory.init(keyStore, Array.empty)
val km: Array[KeyManager] = factory.getKeyManagers
val tm: Array[TrustManager] =
val random: SecureRandom = new SecureRandom
val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2")
sslContext.init(km, tm, random)

* This uses blocking IO, and so should only be used to read configuration at startup from blocking dispatcher.
private def readConfigVarFromFilesystem(path: String, name: String): Option[String] = {
val file = Paths.get(path)
if (Files.exists(file)) {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
log.error(e, "Error reading [{}] from [{}]", name, path)
} else {
log.warning("Unable to read [{}] from [{}] because it doesn't exist.", name, path)
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* Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Lightbend Inc. <>

package akka.discovery.azureapi.rbac.aks

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import PodList._
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json._

@InternalApi private[aks] object JsonFormat extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val containerPortFormat: JsonFormat[ContainerPort] = jsonFormat2(ContainerPort.apply)
implicit val containerFormat: JsonFormat[Container] = jsonFormat2(Container.apply)
implicit val podSpecFormat: JsonFormat[PodSpec] = jsonFormat1(PodSpec.apply)
implicit val containerStatusFormat: JsonFormat[ContainerStatus] = jsonFormat2(ContainerStatus.apply)
implicit val podStatusFormat: JsonFormat[PodStatus] = jsonFormat3(PodStatus.apply)
implicit val metadataFormat: JsonFormat[Metadata] = jsonFormat2(Metadata.apply)
implicit val podFormat: JsonFormat[Pod] = jsonFormat3(Pod.apply)
implicit val podListFormat: RootJsonFormat[PodList] = jsonFormat1(PodList.apply)