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Video Demo: Drive Link
Simple course management application built for an interview task.
Create a simple application for an admin in a University to manually choose courses for students. Where in as a admin i should be able to
- See the list of students
- Click on a student's profile
- And should be able to check the details about the courses that student has selected.
- And should be able to add new courses for the student.
- Install Xampp Xampp Docs
- Start Xampp Server
There is a seperate repository for the server here 👉 academia-server-repo
- Click on Admin option in the xamp control panel and open phpmyadmin.
- Create a new database with name
. - Run the queries from the sql file present in the server repository.
Clone the server repository
Run npm install or yarn install
to install all of the packages
Run nodemon app.js
Note: Default port no is 3000. You can update the port in app.js if necessary.
Clone the repository
Run npm install or yarn install
to install all of the packages
Run npm start
Note: Please verify if the server is up at 3000 or update the port number in services - index.js file.
Run npm test
Note: Units tests is been implemented on common components - StudentCard and CourseCard.
Really enjoyed working on this project :)
- Finalize the stack,libraries to be used.
- Create a prototype in figma.
- Design /Research the architecture for the App.
- Build the server app.
- Add authentication for the APIs
- Build the client app.
- Make application responsive on mobile devices
- Implement tests for the app.
- Host the app in heroku/000webhost/netlify.
- Learn about docker and create a docker container for the same.
- Update the documentation/readme file.