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What is this app about?

Simple course management application built for an interview task.

Tech Stack,Libraries & Tools used:

NodeJS Express.js React Chakra MySQL Heroku Postman DeltaX


Create a simple application for an admin in a University to manually choose courses for students. Where in as a admin i should be able to

  1. See the list of students
  2. Click on a student's profile
    • And should be able to check the details about the courses that student has selected.
    • And should be able to add new courses for the student.


XAMPP Control Panel

To setup Backend:

There is a seperate repository for the server here 👉 academia-server-repo

Step I:
  1. Click on Admin option in the xamp control panel and open phpmyadmin.
  2. Create a new database with name academia.
  3. Run the queries from the sql file present in the server repository.

XAMPP Control Panel

Step II:

Clone the server repository

Step III:

Run npm install or yarn install to install all of the packages

Step IV:

Run nodemon app.js Note: Default port no is 3000. You can update the port in app.js if necessary.

Postman Collection(json):


To setup Frontend:

Step I:

Clone the repository

Step II:

Run npm install or yarn install to install all of the packages

Step III:

Run npm start

Note: Please verify if the server is up at 3000 or update the port number in services - index.js file.

To run tests:

Run npm test

Note: Units tests is been implemented on common components - StudentCard and CourseCard.

Here is how i planned the planning doc/whimsical:

Planning Doc

Really enjoyed working on this project :)

  • Finalize the stack,libraries to be used.
  • Create a prototype in figma.
  • Design /Research the architecture for the App.
  • Build the server app.
  • Add authentication for the APIs
  • Build the client app.
  • Make application responsive on mobile devices
  • Implement tests for the app.
  • Host the app in heroku/000webhost/netlify.
  • Learn about docker and create a docker container for the same.
  • Update the documentation/readme file.


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