- Eclipse
- Apache Tomcat 7
- Maven
- Copy the given settings.xml to C:/Users/XXX/.m2/
- Working internet connection for the maven to download all dependencies
- Import the supplied maven project to eclipse (PayGenerator/)
- Create & configure Tomcat server (install directory, ports to use etc.)
- Deploy the web application (Right-Click on project and Run As -> Run on Server)
- Open a browser and navigate to “http://localhost:8080/
- Enter input file in the text box (default path pre-populated)
- Click on button “Generate Pay Details”
- Employee Income details are displayed in a new page in a table
- The same details are also saved as a CSV in below location, C:/dev/myob/PayGenerator/output/ File name contains timestamp, to avoid unwanted overwrites.
- Solution assumes that the input CSV has correct no. of fields and in pre-defined order (first name,last name,annual salary,super rate,payment start date)
- Output CSV is generated in below location, C:/dev/myob/PayGenerator/output/empPayDetails_20190604134310.csv
- Output files contain timestamp in name, so as to not overwrite file for every execution.