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This is a high level summary of changes in each released version of the application. Each release is tagged, you can check the tag names using
the command git tag -l
in a checked out source and use git log tag-1..tag-2
to find the detailed changes between two tags. For example, to find the changes between version 1.7.1 and 1.8.0 you can run:
git log v1.7.1..v1.8.0
Or, if you want to see what has changed in each submodule as well:
git log --submodule=log --patch v1.10.2..v1.11 \
| awk '/^commit/,/^diff/ { if ($1 != "diff") { print; } }'`
- Update FIT file reader to handle lap records at the start for lap swimming activities
- Line up the Heart Rate and Power/Speed Reserve plot lines by using 0-150% range for the Y axis -- this makes plots easier to interpret. (AB#68)
- Use distance as weight series for Grade and Elevation histograms, instead of time, since these histograms are heavily affected by time (more time would be spent on an ascending slope, where the rider goes slower, than on a descending one, creating skewed histograms) (AB#65)
- Recognize Blue-tooth LE devices in FIT files, allowing them to be tracked in the Equipment tab (AB#63)
- Fix a bug in the Critical Power estimation dialog, where the setting would always revert to CP3 regardless of the user choice. (AB#64)
- Handle vehicle count roll over for radar traffic, since the vehicle count seems to roll over at 310 vehicles. (AB#69)
- Keep highlighted the selected lap when series selection changes in the lap view (AB#67)
- Fix handling of the last lap of an activity in the Map view, which could cause an error to be reported (AB#66)
Show traffic information (other vehicles overtaking the rider) on the map. This feature uses data collected by the MyBikeTraffic Garmin IQ application, see https://www.mybiketraffic.com/about/ from a Garmin Varia bike radar. Data is overlaid on the map for each session where it is available.
Allow multiple instances of the ActivityLog2 and AL2-Climb-Analysis applications to run simultaneously. This allows databases for two or more athletes to be opened at the same time.
Application settings and preferences are now stored in the database, allowing separate settings for charts and displayed fields for different user databases.
Update FIT file reader to handle lap records at the start. New Garmin firmware generates FIT files which have out-of-time-order lap messages before the track points. This update will correctly assign track points to the correct lap, instead of creating an additional lap to hold these points. (AB#57)
Show equipment names from fit-product-defs file, so product names are up-to-date when fit-product-defs itself is updated. If the user names their devices explicitly, they will still show with the user-specified name. Also updated fit-product-defs to include latest devices.
Graph for "Left-Right Balance" series uses 50% when values are missing from the data -- if a value is missing, it is better to assume neutral balance instead of an "all the way to the left", which 0% would produce.
Use interpolated lookup in GPS Segments view. Usually there is a large distance between adjacent data points in GPX segment files, and the point might show up in the wrong place on the plot if we always use an exact data point.
Fix segment matching so a single match is found on a particular route segment. If there is a U-Turn on a route, the segment could be matched twice: both before and after the U turn. (AB#61)
In the session view, a previously highlighted lap is removed from the graphs and map view when switching segment types, to avoid showing misleading data in these views. (AB#60)
Make al2-climb-analysis tool more resilient to printing bad values. Wrap ~r so it does not throw an exception if it has to print a non-rational number, such as +inf.0
Ensure the calculated HRV metrics have valid values and return #f if they don't. This avoids returning +nan.0 or other values which throw exceptions later on. (#98)
Workaround incorrect device serial produced by ELEMNT Bolt which uses signed 32 bit numbers for device serials, causing truncation for some serial numbers, so they were not found in the database -- this caused creation of duplicate entries. (AB#56)
Fix W'Bal series going above max value. Maximum value should be WPrime, but on longer stops the calculation could produce a value larger than that. (AB#55)
Make data for AE trend chart more resilient to bad values. Some devices import speed, power or HR as 0 when they don't have data, instead of using the "not available" flag
More improvements to PMC trend chart: legend entry now shows data for today, if today's date is covered by the PMC chart range; added Ramping Rate, the average increase in CTL over the past 4 weeks; Hovering over TSS "dots" on the plot shows the activity, or activities, on that day.
New al2-activity-import command line import utility allows setting up scripts to automatically import activities.
The ActivityLog2 application now accepts the database on the command line and AL2-Climb-Analysis to accept the GPX route file on the command line. This allows setting up scripts to open separate activity databases.
A map can be added to the charts view, this allows showing the map next to all the other data series (#66)
Update FTHR settings for percentage and duration, after re-reading Friel's book. Threshold Heart Rate is 95% of the highest average 20-minute HR. For running use 100% of the 30 minute highest HR.
Update Aerolab parameter estimation: use an exponential "temperature" drop instead of a linear one and also transition all parameters between states instead of just one of them. This seems to find better matches for CdA and Crr.
Fix a bug with reading FIT files containing extra data after the FIT file information (#96), as well as FIT files which have bad developer field definitions.
Fix a bug that where very long device names were created on activity import, in some degenerate cases, causing the application to fail to start.
Fix a bug that prevented the user from saving CP2 parameters in the "Athlete/Edit Critical Power..." dialog. (AB#53)
Fix a bug preventing saving of sport zones in the "Athlete/Edit Sport Zones..." dialog (AB#52)
"Sensor Battery low" don't include voltage -- some sensors don't report the voltage when reporting battery low condition and this caused an application crash.
Add extra checks to prevent crashes and errors when data is missing. Graphs used to expect that data such as heart rate or power is always available, or that sport zones always exist for an activity. This caused errors and crashes when such data was missing.
Fix a bug where session inspector would fail to load when there were no previous UI settings saved -- this is the case in new installations, and this prevented the use of ActivityLog2 in such cases
Wattbike generated FIT files can now be imported without breaking the lap selector in the session inspector. These FIT files contain unusual encoding for timestamps, which broke the laps selector.
"Performance Management Chart" (PMC) had some visual improvements and some internal refactoring of the code. Has nicer colors and hovering over individual TSS points shows the corresponding activity, or activities.
"Combined Pedal Smoothness" data series is now imported from FIT files -- this data is generated by some power meters (#94)
- Add Aerolab analysis for sessions (AB#41). This implements estimating the Coefficient of Drag Area (CdA) and Coefficient of Rolling Resistance (Crr) using the method described in "estimating CdA with a power meter" by R. Chung. This is the initial implementation, which has been used for a limited amount of testing. For more details about this feature, see Aerolab
- Add climb rate as a metric for laps and GPS segments, this measures the vertical climb speed for a segment (most useful for climb sections) and it is a good indicator for how hard you are climbing. It ISO Power (normalized power) is a better metric, but that one requires a power meter.
- Improvements to Critical Power model fitting to produce more realistic estimations when there is poor data at shorter time intervals. Also avoid crashing the application when the CP parameters cannot be determined.
- Fix Swimming MMAX plot range by converting between a m/s value into an appropriate min/km, min/100m, etc. values, so the numeric limits for the plot are appropriate.
- New graphs for the session inspector: heart rate, power/speed reserve and aerobic decoupling graphs. The "reserve" graphs show a 30second rolling average, of heart rate reserve (percentage between min and max heart rate), or power/speed threshold (CP, CV). Aerobic decoupling shows the ratio between heart rate reserve and power or speed reserve.
- New sport types: Kayak and SUP. Hiking and Sailing sport IDs were re-mapped, so they are correctly labeled when importing FIT files with these activities.
- Improvements to AL2-Climb-Analysis tool: added ability to read binary FIT course files, fixed a bug for course files with points in the same location, and added a summary (distance, ascent, descent) to the header.
- Add option to track/not track location on the map in the session inspector, since scrolling the map each time the mouse goes over the elevation plot can sometimes be annoying.
- Update activity summaries in the segment match view when they change (AB#50). Changes to activities, like changing the headline or removing an activity is detected by the segment match list, and they are updated there as well. This avoids potential bugs where a deleted activity is still shown in the view and the user attempts to select it.
- Fix bug preventing saving updated Sport Zones in the sport zone editor
- Graphs in the graph selector dialog for the session inspector are now sorted alphabetically and easier to find
- Graphs in the session inspector are now sub-sport specific, allowing, for example to have different graphs for Road Cycling vs Indoor Cycling.
- Changed the "Average Line" to "Redline" in the graphs to indicate that we don't always display the actual average for that setting.
- Changed default missing value to #f instead of 0 for some graphs, so the graph does not drop to 0 for a missing value.
- Removed automatic download of weather data (#46). The weather data provider DarkSky will discontinue their service, and no suitable replacement was found. The linked issue contains more details, but currently weather data can be added manually or imported from FIT files, for devices that add this info to the activity.
- Fixed a bug with viewing Open Water Swim activities (#89)
- Changed pace for Open Water Swim activity graphs to min/100m or min/100yd
- The map view occupies the entire view when there is no elevation data, such ss with Open Water Swim activities.
- Changed how RPE is shown, making it more easily editable from the session inspector. Also added names to numeric values for RPE.
- Removed the drop-down selection for the activity time zone in the session inspector. The time zone can still be edited from the "Activtiy/Edit..." dialog.
- Fixed a race condition in the FTHR analysis dashboard, which caused it to show an error.
- The Critical Power estimation chart is now significantly faster.
- Added an "Activity/Show session data frame summary..." menu item. This shows a description of the data frame for the activity, and can be used to determine what data series are present and how many have NA values -- this is mostly a debugging tool for the data files.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error to be reported when activities are renamed (AB#47)
- Fixed a build issue that caused only Open Street Map tiles to be available in the map view. Additional map tiles are now available from the Edit/Preferences dialog.
- Fixed a bug that caused corruption in the map tiles -- original issue in one of the packages used by the application: https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-easy/issues/21
- Fixed a bug with grade series calculations when the route goes through a tunnel and GPS signal is lost.
- Lap views which show climbs (Hill Climbs, GPS Segments) now have a FIETS column, The FIETS score is a number indicating the difficulty of the climb.
- Altitude series will now correctly use the imperial system (feet), (#9)
- Updated list of device names, so more devices are recognized by name.
- More FIT devices are recognized in activities, so they can be tracked as equipment.
- Added a new application icon.
- Added AL2-Climb-Analysis tool to the installer, this was a separate project at https://github.com/alex-hhh/AL2-Climb-Analysis
- Time zone database updated to latest version.
- Fixed a bug where "Cycling" sport zones were not used for sub-activities such as "Road Cycling" or "Indoor Cycling"
- Fixed a bug that caused an error to be reported when trying to sort views on columns containing some empty fields.
- Fixed the CSV exporter to correctly quote values instead of creating potentially broken CSV files.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error to be reported when deleting activities.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error to be reported when switching to Trends view when no trends charts are available (this was fixed by updating to Racket version 8.6)
improvements to the "smoothing" step of the elevation correction algorithm -- the result is much smoother elevation plots, without loosing the peaks and valleys.
limit the range of the elevation plot in the GPS segments view, plots look better when the segment does not start at or near zero elevation.
weather data records can now be read from activity files -- this is some work towards addressing #46, however, except for a few sample files, I could not get my Garmin to record this data...
improve responsiveness for the heat map trend chart, while the chart is loading. Also improved the color range, so more frequent routes are better highlighted.
Temperature data is now read from FIT files and shows up in summary data as well as graphs for a session.
Various fixes to the Lap Swim Editor, to work with Lap Swims which have HR data.
Varius fixes to importing Lap Swim activities from recent Garmin Watches, including recording Heart Rate data from wrist based sensors.
Various fixes to GPS segments: show both elapsed and moving time for a segment match, make the code more resilient to GPX files form different sources, fixes a bug where the grade was incorretly colored for a segment and added FIETS score to the data about a segment.
The Chez Scheme based Racket implementation is now used for the build (currently Racket 8.3 CS)
Changed release versioning scheme to use YEAR.MONTH -- this is more meaning full to the end user and should be more obvious if they use an old version.
Fixed issue #73 where an activity would fail to import when the user stopped running while keeping the watch recording.
Fixed issue #74 where heard rate samples would be associated with the wrong pool length in lap swimming activities.
Heart Rate data is now shown for lap swimming activities -- currently this only works for activities recorded with a device that measures heart rate at the wrist. See issue #4
Updated the tab bar in the Trends view to allow reordering tabs by dragging them.
The default set of columns visible in various views has been restricted to a smaller subset to make the activities and lap views easier to follow. This only affects new users of the application and the visible columns can be edited using the "View/Setup Columns..." menu item.
Added support for GPS segments -- these allow defining sections of a route (e.g. a hill climb) and inspecting all activities that traverse that section, allowing comparing time, power, speed, etc. on the given segment.
Added 100 meter splits as custom intervals for sessions (this is useful for open water swims (#67)
GPX export will now also export heart rate, cadence, speed, power and distance data when this is available.
For some trend charts, the user can choose session labels to show on the chart and timestamps of the sessions containing the selected labels will be marked on the plot. Charts supporting this feature are the body weight, aerobic decoupling, PMC, time in zone, training volume and triathlon training volume.
This allows, for example, to mark races on the performance management chart, by marking the race sesssion with th "race" label and selecting the "race" label on the PMC chart. Given that "note" activities with future dates can be created and assigned labels, this feature also allows marking future races or other evens on the chart.
New plot type for elevation, shading the area under the plot with colors that depend on the grade (more intense colors for higher grades) (AB#37)
fix a bug which used too many network resources when made map tile were loaded (#68)
fixed a bug which caused an error to be reported when the user deleted an activity (#70, AB#39)
Heat maps in trend charts can now render a large number of data points (tested with 4 million data points, or about 2500 activities, but should be able to handle larger numbers)
Improvements to elevation correction algorithm, will work better for flat routes and the algorithm will handle bad data points better.
Also added an preference option to avoid calculating corrected elevation on import. Corrected elevation can still be done on individual activities.
Session labels can now be selected as a column in the activities view (#62, #61)
Added tool to clear spikes from power data series, the tool is available from the "Activity/Clear Power Spikes..." menu option (AB#31)
Aerobic Decoupling and ISO Power are now calculated for custom lap types (such as Hill Climbs) and can be viewed in the "Laps" tab of the session inspector.
There are various other bug fixes and small usability improvements. For a detailed log, see the git log between the v1.10.2 and v.11 tags.
Bugfix release, fixing the following bugs:
Fix importing FIT files which contains 64bit data fields, see also #50
Fix importing FIT files produced by the Coros2 watch
Bugfix release, fixing the following bugs:
Fix workout import for workouts containing "open" steps (until lap button press), see also #49
Fix sorting by battery voltage in the equipment view, see also AB#25
Speed-up rendering of charts which are colored by zone, see also AB#24
New release containing assorted new features and bug fixes, the most important of them are:
New look for the time/distance charts for the session inspector. Plots are now shown in multiple columns and dual series plots are available (for example Power + W'Bal or Elevation + Grade).
Add support for the 3 parameter Critical Power model, both in estimating it in the MMAX Trends Chart and when setting up athlete CP values for display in the session inspector (the Athlete / Edit Critical Power... menu)
Elevation correction fixes: when averaging elevation, only different passes over the area are considered, avoiding averaging against nearby points from the same run. This results in better corrected elevation values.
Avoid spikes in grade (slope) series: fixed a bug which caused unrealistic spikes in the grade series
Fixed a bug in the FTHR Estimation dialog where the HR zones were showed instead of the pace or power ones.
Improve readability of "hover labels" which displayed in plots: more information is added to the labels and they are less transparent.
New release containing assorted new features and bug fixes, the most important of them are:
ActivityLog2 will display the local time where the activity took place. Timezones are detected from GPS coordinates and can be set manually for other activities. See #11 and the blog post about this feature.
A new "Functional Threshold Analysis Dashboard" for determining sport zones. For more details, see this blog post
New "Injury Risk" Trend Chart, based on this blog post
Scatter plots in trend charts now support dual series such as Torque Effectiveness and Pedal Smoothness. These are power-related series, recorded for the left and right pedal separately. When such a series is selected, two plots will be displayed side-by-side, one for the left pedal, one for the right pedal. See also #3.
Fix a bug which caused incorrect segment to be highlighted when selecting laps in the Graphs View. See also AB#3.
Map view will be correctly zoomed when the first activity is opened. See also AB#7.
Fix an error being displayed when trying to fetch weather data when the weather data download was disabled in the "Preferences" dialog. See also AB#18.
This is a bug fix release containing the following fixes:
Correctly assign XDATA series to applications when activities are recorded using more than one Connect IQ application.
Fix exception when trying to sort a view using a column which contained empty cells.
This release updates the Windows installer to allow installing the application for the current user only. This will avoid the intimidating Windows UAC prompt which warns the user that the application is trying to modify the computer.
NOTE If a previous version if ActivityLog2 was already installed, it is recommended to un-install it first before installing this version.
add support for enhanced altitude and speed records in FIT files -- newer Garmin devices create FIT files with altitude and speed stored in these types of records.
add support for reading compressed FIT files which some devices produce.
the application now contains a large database of device names and there's a greater chance that the device will be correctly named when it is seen the first time. Existing devices will not be renamed, but the user can rename these to anything they wish.
A new HeatMap Trends chart, this fixes issue #7.
A new layout for the Model Parameters inspector page, ranges for sport zones are more clearly identified
(Bug Fix) display a "No Data to Plot" message when attempting to display a plot for a data series which does not exist in the activity.
More accurate detection of hill climb and descent sections in an activity.
Continuous Integration Build improvements -- this is more of a "behind the scenes" change, but has the following user visible changes:
A windows installer is now built for every changes pushed to the master branch. This is not however published as a release.
The version number produced by an Azure DevOps build now contains the build number as the fourth value (e.g. The build number should always change even if the same version is built a second time.
The windows installer is now signed with GnuPG. This is an experimental feature, but if you wish to verify the signature see this wiki page. Note that Windows will still warn when attempting to install the application, as I don't want to spend money purchasing a signing certificate for a hobby project, sorry.
On windows, the application executable now contains a proper name and the version number of the application. This makes it easier to identify the application in process explorer.
This is a bug fix release, fixing the following bugs:
Fix bug which prevented editing effort based on Heart Rate zones, see issue #45
Fix bug which prevented entering athlete metrics (bodyweight, etc) on an empty database, see issue #44
Fix bug which prevented entering manual weather information from an activity.
Fix bug which caused Time-In-Zone data to be duplicated when the sport zones for an activity changed.
Weather data is now fetched from DarkSky.net, as the previous provider, Wunderground is retiring their service. See issue #33.
Fix bug which prevented import of activities containing Garmin Run Power data field, see issue #42. Also fixed import for some other activities that contain Garmin IQ data.
Add support for named sport zones. Each sport zone now can have a name defined, and this name is used in all places where sport zones are used (e.g. as values for histogram plots and as hover tags for plots)
Fixed bug which displayed mouse hover information over plot legends, causing incorrect image re-draw.
This release introduces support for XDATA, which is data recorded by third party applications and sensors, such as running power. For more details on the implementation see docs/xdata.md.
The code base was also reorganized, and many tests and improvements were added to the code, these should have no user visible changes. In addition to this, the following minor fixes were added:
- The activity view panel will display a log message when the current filter does not select any activities.
- Better handling of gaps in GPS recording
- Add support for trend-lines for bodyweight chart
- New trends chart: Aerobic Efficiency
- Fix issue #25: the histogram plot will not forget its settings
This release contains the following bug fixes and improvements:
"Lengths For Lap" label for Swim sessions is now vertical, it looks much nicer.
improvements to map drawing and fixing an issue where maps would not display correctly on high DPI displays (issue #29)
reduce flicker when graphs view is opened for the first time for a session.
fixed a bug where histogram trends could not be computed for the "Grade Adjusted Pace" series.
This is a bug-fix release, addressing issue #34, which prevented creation of new trend charts.
- A new workout editor
- General bug-fixes
In addition to general bug-fixes, the following improvements were made in this release:
Moving the mouse over a plot will show relevant information at the current mouse position, this works on all the plots, both for an individual session and the trend plots. See this blog post for some screen shots.
Data between views is synchronized in more cases (e.g. the activity list view is updated when he session weather changes), reducing the need to refresh views. In particular, reports and trend charts are refreshed automatically when sessions are added, removed or are updated.
Implement Grade Adjusted Pace for running sessions (see Issue #15). W'Bal for running sessions is computed using the GAP series to model more accurately the W' depletion while running uphill.
Only show "Model Parameters" page for Swim-Bike-Run activities
When no Tau is defined for the critical power parameters, the "Model Parameters" page will display the "implicit tau" which is W' / CP.
In addition to general bug-fixes, the following improvements were made in this release
Changes to sessions and athlete metrics are now synchronized between the various views, so they don't need to be manually refreshed when things change. For example, editing the session headline in the session view, will automatically update the headline in the activity list and calendar view.
Session Views are also updated with Critical Power values are changed via the "Athlete/Edit Critical Power..." menu.
Currently, reports and trends are not updated via this mechanism and they need to be manually refreshed with Ctrl-R.
The activity view filter settings are now remembered between application restarts.
Label and equipment filters change meaning from ANY to ALL. For example, adding two labels to the filter will now display sessions that have both labels assigned. Previously it would display sessions that have either one of the labels assigned. The same change was made for equipment filters.
The settings dialogs for the BAVG, HISTOGRAM and SCATTER trend charts have been updated to allow filtering sessions by labels and equipment in addition to sport and date. This allows more refined selections of sessions to include in a trend chart.
Histogram plots format time as "hh:mm:ss" instead of displaying time in seconds only (potentially showing values like 10000 seconds)
Issue #17, fix Best-Avg calculations for running and swimming activities
Issue #12, the session view has a new "Model Parameters" tab which shows the sport zones and critical power parameters used for that session
Issue #20, the Best Avg plot is now shown for lap swimming activities
Issue #13, the Critical Power curve is shown on the Best-Avg plot for a session. The best efforts for the activity and the theoretical best efforts from the CP curve are also shown. The Critical Power parameters used are the ones that are applicable to the session, and are set in the "Athlete/Edit Critical Power..." dialog box. This dialog box has been updated to create/edit CP parameters for swimming -- this allows the CP curve to be displayed for swimming activities as well
The GPS track data for a session can be exported to a GPX file
Plots can be exported as images in more image than just PNG. In particular, they can be exported as SVG files making them scale nicely.
Added support for Critical Power estimation and model W' depletion and reconstitution during an activity. CP estimation works for Cycling (using power) and Running and Swimming (using pace).
For more details, see the "doc/critical-power.md" file.
Sport zones can now be defined for a specific time range and each session will use the sport zones for that time range.
Scatter plots can be defined for several activities at once via the Trends pane. This allows to plot, for example, pace vs cadence for all runs in a training season.
- add a sample image to the trends chart selection dialog to make it easier to determine what type of chart is being selected
- the "Select Data Series" dialog box in the Chart View allows re-ordering the plots
- update the zone colors used by the application, these are now defined in a separate file, color-theme.rktd
- updates to the visual layout and colors of scatter plots
- the map view can show only the selected lap -- this can be used, for example, for sking sessions where the GPS track overlaps as
- map tile count did not drop to 0 when all tiles were downloaded
- fix bug preventing the deletion of a session in certain cases
- pace labels are correctly formatted for run and swim histogram plots
- improvements to the corrected elevation algorithm, corrected elevation data can now also be deleted.
- various performance improvements related to session loading and plotting
- updates to climb / descent detection code
- Lap views can show laps as they were recorded by the device and also splits by km, miles, hill climbs and descends plus best pace (for running) and best power (for bike)
- Most plots can display colors by the respective sport zone
- Histogram trend plots
- Multiple map tile sources
- Lots of small fixes and improvements
Initial built version.