Once deployed (via GitHub pages), my personal website can be found here: https://alexander-mead.github.io./
Go to the function directory:
cd functions/mandelbrot
First, install the poetry
poetry install
Install the Fortran part of the backend
cd Fortran
poetry run sh f2py.sh
cd ..
Run the test script:
poetry run python mandelbrot.py
An image of the Mandelbrot set should appear.
For a local deployment (runs on
sh build.sh local
or for a cloud deployment:
sh build.sh cloud
If a deployment is running, try the API invocation script:
sh test.sh <url>
some gibberish (which is the image in a weird format) should be displayed on the terminal.
Return to the root directory
cd ../..
Go to the function directory:
cd functions/nbody
First, install the poetry
poetry install
Ensure that the twinLab model (if this is being used) is trained:
poetry run python training.py
Run the test scripts:
poetry run python nbody.py
an image of a slice through an N-body simulation should appear.
For a local deployment (runs on
sh build.sh local
or for a cloud deployment:
sh build.sh cloud
If a deployment is running, try the API invocation script:
sh test.sh <url>
some gibberish (which is the image in a weird format) should be displayed on the terminal.
Return to the root directory
cd ../..
If there are any problems with deployment, try looking in the following files:
(ensure the architecture matches)functions/*/Dockerfile
Otherwise, try restarting Docker and/or purging the current set of containers.