Python script that fetches jpg's or a pdf from a mail server and merges every containing several jpgs to a pdf/mail.
========================= SET UP =========================
sender.txt contains the contributers. They are the ony ones that are able to upload files via email.
password.txt should contain the base64 encryption of your password
========================= RUNNING DETAILS ========================= You'll need Imagemagick and python
Imagemagick download:
The script will first set up the folder structure needed. Then Download the attachments, compress them to a .pdf and place in "www/uppladdat" directory.
When all new emails are downloaded, an .html-file will be created with links to every downloaded file. Sorted by the course-code specified in sender.txt
========================= TODO! =========================
Need a new design on the HTML page. The boxes needs to expand downwards or a menu would need to be added. And only show one box at the time
Add Connection constants, so any email can be used without changing the python file.
========================= Bugs! =========================
The scipt does not send an email to people that isn't in the sender.txt list