Beamer Theme that I created for presentations using the color schemes of Louisiana State University.
- v1.0: Initial version defines a color scheme using LSU's purple and gold colors for any beamer theme
- v1.1: Created two themes that use the color scheme from v1.0
- v1.2: Modify outer theme due to change in icon sizes
Powerdot Theme using LSU colors created for the LaTeX presentation. (Why? because I had lot of time to evaluate powerdot)
The following style files were created for personal use and are not endorsed by Louisiana State University,
High Performance Computing at LSU or Center for Computation & Technology. Feel free to use or modify them for
personal use.
Moving these files to github now that I am no longer at LSU and I don't know how long my CCT website will
be available. Feel free to modify and use for your personal use.
Good Luck!
Alex Pacheco
Manager, Research Computing, Lehigh University
Formerly: HPC User Services Consultant, Louisiana State University