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Champion Trade Telegram Bot

This is the Telegram bot for Champion Trade platform. It handles user interactions and provides access to the trading mini app.


Core Features

  • Menu button "Trade" that opens the mini app
  • Welcome message with trading platform access
  • About information for Champion Trade
  • Direct link to Champion Trade website

Technical Features

  • Registry-based command and action management
  • Automated menu command generation
  • Extensible architecture for adding new commands/actions
  • Comprehensive error handling and logging
  • Test coverage for components

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create .env file from .env.example:

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Update .env with your configuration:

    • BOT_TOKEN: Your Telegram bot token from @BotFather
    • WEBAPP_URL: The official Telegram Mini App URL ( URL) used for direct links and sharing
    • WEBAPP_HOST_URL: The actual hosting URL where your web application is deployed
    • NODE_ENV: Set to 'development' for local development
  5. Start development server:

    npm run dev

Production Deployment

Option 1: Traditional Hosting

  1. Set up your production environment (e.g., VPS, cloud server)

  2. Clone the repository

  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install --production
  4. Set up environment variables:

    • Create .env file or set system environment variables
    • Set NODE_ENV=production
    • Configure production WEBAPP_URL ( URL)
    • Configure production WEBAPP_HOST_URL (hosting URL)
    • Set production BOT_TOKEN
  5. Start the bot:

    npm start

Option 2: Docker Deployment

  1. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t champion-telegram-bot .
  2. Run the container:

    docker run -d \
      --name champion-bot \
      -e BOT_TOKEN=your_token \
      -e WEBAPP_URL=your_telegram_webapp_url \
      -e WEBAPP_HOST_URL=your_hosting_url \
      -e NODE_ENV=production \

Option 3: Serverless Deployment

The bot can also be deployed to serverless platforms like:

  • AWS Lambda
  • Google Cloud Functions
  • Vercel
  • Heroku

Choose the platform that best fits your needs and follow their specific deployment guidelines.

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── index.js                    # Application entry point
│   ├── bot/
│   │   ├── ChampionBot.js         # Main bot implementation
│   │   ├── commands/
│   │   │   ├── commandRegistry.js # Command management system
│   │   │   ├── baseCommand.js     # Base command class
│   │   │   ├── startCommand.js    # Start command implementation
│   │   │   ├── tradeCommand.js    # Trade command implementation
│   │   │   ├── helpCommand.js     # Help command implementation
│   │   │   └── __tests__/        # Command tests
│   │   ├── actions/
│   │   │   ├── actionRegistry.js  # Action management system
│   │   │   ├── baseAction.js      # Base action class
│   │   │   ├── aboutAction.js     # About action implementation
│   │   │   ├── webAppDataHandler.js # Web app data handler
│   │   │   └── __tests__/        # Action tests
│   │   └── middleware/           # Bot middleware
│   ├── config/                   # Configuration management
│   ├── constants/                # Application constants
│   ├── errors/                   # Error definitions
│   ├── services/
│   │   ├── trade/               # Trading service
│   │   └── validation/          # Validation service
│   ├── types/                   # Type definitions
│   └── utils/
│       ├── logger.js            # Logging utility
│       └── __tests__/          # Utility tests
├── .env.example                 # Environment variables template
├── package.json                # Project dependencies and scripts
└──                   # Project documentation


Command and Action System

The bot uses registry patterns for managing both Telegram commands and actions. This architecture provides:

  • Centralized command management
  • Automatic menu command generation
  • Metadata support for each command
  • Easy command registration and initialization

Command System

The command system is built on three main components:

  1. BaseCommand: Abstract base class providing:

    • Error handling
    • User info extraction
    • Common command utilities
  2. CommandRegistry: Central command management:

    • Command registration and initialization
    • Menu command generation
    • Metadata management
  3. Individual Commands:

    • Extend BaseCommand
    • Implement specific command logic
    • Include command-specific error handling

Action System

The action system mirrors the command system structure:

  1. BaseAction: Abstract base class providing:

    • Error handling
    • User info extraction
    • Callback query handling
  2. ActionRegistry: Central action management:

    • Action registration and initialization
    • Metadata management
    • Action type categorization
  3. Individual Actions:

    • Extend BaseAction
    • Implement specific action logic
    • Include action-specific error handling

Adding New Commands

const BaseCommand = require('./baseCommand');

class NewCommand extends BaseCommand {
  async handle(ctx) {
    try {
      // Your command implementation
      await ctx.reply('New command response');
    } catch (error) {
      await this.handleError(ctx, error);

module.exports = NewCommand;
  1. Register the command in src/bot/ChampionBot.js:
// Import your command
const NewCommand = require('./commands/newCommand');

// In registerDefaultCommands method:
commandRegistry.register('newcommand', NewCommand, {
  description: 'Description for menu',
  usage: '/newcommand'

The command will automatically be:

  • Added to the bot's command menu
  • Initialized with proper error handling
  • Available through the /newcommand command

Adding New Actions

  1. Create a new action class in src/bot/actions/:
const BaseAction = require('./baseAction');

class NewAction extends BaseAction {
  async handle(ctx) {
    try {
      await this.answerCallback(ctx);
      // Your action implementation
      await ctx.reply('New action response');
    } catch (error) {
      await this.handleError(ctx, error);

module.exports = NewAction;
  1. Register the action in src/bot/ChampionBot.js:
// Import your action
const NewAction = require('./actions/newAction');

// In registerDefaults method:
actionRegistry.register('newaction', NewAction, {
  description: 'Description of the action',
  type: 'button'

The action will automatically be:

  • Initialized with proper error handling
  • Available through the specified trigger (e.g., button callback)
  • Configured with metadata for management

Handler Registration

Commands and actions are registered in ChampionBot through dedicated methods:

class ChampionBot {
  registerCommands() {
    // Register commands with metadata

  registerActions() {
    // Register actions with metadata

  registerDefaults() {

Metadata Support

Both commands and actions support rich metadata:

  • description: Shown in Telegram's command menu
  • usage: Command usage information
  • Additional custom metadata as needed

Command Metadata

commandRegistry.register('trade', TradeCommand, {
  description: 'Open trading interface',  // Shown in menu
  usage: '/trade',                        // Usage help
  category: 'trading',                    // Grouping
  requiresAuth: true                      // Auth flag

Action Metadata

actionRegistry.register('about', AboutAction, {
  description: 'About Champion Trade',    // Description
  type: 'button',                        // UI type
  category: 'info',                      // Grouping
  requiresAuth: false                    // Auth flag


The project includes comprehensive tests:

├── bot/
│   ├── commands/__tests__/     # Command tests
│   ├── actions/__tests__/      # Action tests
└── utils/__tests__/           # Utility tests

Run tests with:

# Run all tests
npm test

# Run with coverage
npm run test:coverage

Separation from Web App

This bot is intentionally separated from the web app for several reasons:

  1. Independent scaling - Bot and web app can be scaled separately
  2. Easier maintenance - Changes to bot don't affect web app and vice versa
  3. Better deployment flexibility - Can be deployed to different platforms
  4. Clearer separation of concerns - Bot handles Telegram interactions, web app handles trading interface

Development Workflow

  1. Bot and web app can be developed independently

  2. For local testing:

    • Run web app locally (e.g., npm run dev in web app project)
    • Update bot's WEBAPP_URL to point to local web app
    • Run bot locally (npm run dev)
  3. For production:

    • Deploy web app to production host
    • Update bot's WEBAPP_URL to production URL
    • Deploy bot using preferred method


No description, website, or topics provided.






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