Plugin to play local video on iOS with filename intro.mp4 on full screen without controls and show the app once video is finished.
ionic cordova plugin add
Create Ionic Service to use this plugin in ionic-cordova-angular project
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { cordova, IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core';
providedIn: 'root'
export class PluginService extends IonicNativePlugin {
//name in package.json file of plugin
static pluginName = 'introvideo';
// plugin id in the plugin.xml of plugin
static plugin = 'cordova-plugin-introvide';
// clobbers target in the plugin.xml of plugin
static pluginRef = 'introvideo';
static repo = '';
static platforms = ['iOS'];
coolMethod(myStrMsg): Promise<any> {
return cordova(this, 'coolMethod', {}, [myStrMsg]);
import the service file in app-component.ts or any *.page.ts
use function
to play video full screen on iOS.
- Place file intro.mp4 in root of ionic project
- Add Platform iOS
ionic cordova plaform add ios
- Run Command
ionic cordova prepare ios
ionic cordova emulate ios --livereload --target=""
Target ccan be found from following commandionic cordova emulate ios --list
- Pass name of file and extension as string to function coolMethod to play fullscreen.