kubexp is a console user interface for kubernetes.
- automatic update view when cluster changes
- switch cluster
- resource details and incremental search
- following container logs
- exec into container
- pod port-forward
- upload/download files to container
- scale deployments, replicasets etc.
- delete resources
You need a shell with access to kubernetes through kubectl. Kubexp uses the same configuration file (usually ~.kube/config
) to connect to the k8s cluster(s).
Your service account must have a rolebinding to cluster admin in each k8s cluster. The file rbac-default-clusteradmin.yaml contains the according clusterrolebinding for the default service account:
kubectl apply -f rbac-default-clusteradmin.yaml
Go to releases page and download the binary for your platform.
wget https://github.com/alitari/kubexp/releases/download/${KUBEXP_RELEASE}/kubexp
chmod +x kubexp
To run the kubexp container you need to mount the config file. Note, that when kubexp runs in a container the port-forward feature will not work.
docker run -it -v ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config alitari/kubexp:${KUBEXP_RELEASE}
- use arrow keys to navigate and return key to toggle between the item list and item details
- to get help in the user interface type 'h'
- hit Space-Key to reconnect when resource is OFFLINE
- resources in the menu are organized in categories, hit 'r' to change the category
- get command line options with
kubexp -help
set the GOOS environment variable according your os
# setup development environment
SRCDIR=${GOPATH:-${HOME}/go}/src/github.com/alitari/ && mkdir -p $SRCDIR && cd $SRCDIR
git clone https://github.com/alitari/kubexp.git && cd kubexp
# fetch dependencies
go get -v -t -d ./...
export GOOS="linux"
# export GOOS="windows"
# build executable
./build.sh bin
# execute linux
# execute windows
# bin/kubexp.exe
# execute tests
go test main/..
- GOCUI go framework for console user interfaces