- New Resource:
(#8102) - New Resource:
(#8109) - New Resource:
(#8115) - New Resource:
(#8115) - New Resource:
(#8115) - New Resource:
(#8115) - New Resource:
(#8116) - New Data Source:
(#8064) - New Data Source:
(#8064) - New Data Source:
(#8064) - New Data Source:
(#8068) - New Data Source:
(#8068) - New Data Source:
(#8113) - New Data Source:
(#8113) - New Data Source:
- client: improves getting endpoints method for cas serivce. (#8061)
- client: Adds new method IsInternationalAccount used to invoking bss openapi. (#8081)
- client: Improves the cas endpoint setting method. (#8094)
- resource/alicloud_snat_entry: Refactored the resource alicloud_snat_entry; Added the field eip_affinity; Removed the ForceNew for field snat_ip. (#8062)
- resource/alicloud_alb_listener: Removed the idle_timeout, request_timeout enums limitation. (#8063)
- resource/alicloud_ecs_launch_template: Supports to setting default version number and output latest version number; data-source/alicloud_ecs_launch_templates: Improves the fetching logics. (#8066)
- resource/alicloud_oos_secret_parameter: add new attribute dkms_instance_id. (#8067)
- resource/alicloud_cdn_domain_new: Removes the limitation of domain_name. (#8084)
- resource/alicloud_amqp_instance: Improves the invoking api method and supports refreshing credential automatically. (#8085)
- resource/alicloud_fc_function: Adds new attribute function_arn. (#8089)
- resource/alicloud_bastionhost_instance: Improves the invoking api method and supports refreshing credential automatically; data-source/alicloud_bastionhost_instances: Adds new attribute storage and bandwidth. (#8092)
- resource/alicloud_cen_*: Added retry strategy for error code. (#8093)
- resource/alicloud_alb_ascript: add new attribute dry_run. (#8095)
- resource/alicloud_instance: Removed the ForceNew for field ipv6_addresses; Fixed the update errors caused by the number of tags exceeding 20. (#8096)
- resource/alicloud_ims_oidc_provider: Adds new attribute arn. (#8099)
- resource/alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes: load_balancer_spec: remove default value; worker_vswitch_ids: mark as deprecated, use vswitch_ids instead; vswitch_ids: support create and update operation for control plane vswitches. (#8100)
- resource/alicloud_fcv2_function: Adds new attribute function_arn. (#8103)
- resource/alicloud_message_service_topic: Refactored the resource alicloud_message_service_topic; Added the field enable_logging, tags, create_time; Deprecated the field logging_enabled. (#8104)
- resource/alicloud_alikafka_instance: Added the field enable_auto_group, enable_auto_topic, default_topic_partition_num, vswitch_ids. (#8108)
- resource/alicloud_message_service_queue: Added the field tags. (#8112)
- resource/alicloud_mongodb_account: Support create sharding instance account. (#8114)
- resource/alicloud_cloud_monitor_service_basic_public: Supports international account. (#8118)
- data-source/alicloud_vpcs: Adds new attribute dhcp_options_set_id, dhcp_options_set_status and dns_hostname_status. (#8079)
- data-source/alicloud_event_bridge_service: Improves the invoking bss openapi method. (#8082)
- data-source/alicloud_fnf_service: Supports international account. (#8086)
- data-source/alicloud_edas_service: Supports international account. (#8088)
- data-source/alicloud_pvtz_service: Supports international account. (#8090)
- data-source/alicloud_oss_buckets: Improves the attribute schema tat; docs: Improves the arguments and attributes description and notes. (#8105)
- docs: mark the resource alicloud_cen_instance_grant deprecated. (#8073)
- docs: improves the description of the resource aliclodu_sae_application argument sls_configs. (#8075)
- docs: Corrects the product introduce link of resource alicloud_sls_collection_policy. (#8076)
- docs: Removes the useless example code. (#8080)
- docs: Adds a new example for resource alicloud_sls_collection_policy. (#8083)
- docs: Improves the argument targets description of resource alicloud_cms_alarm. (#8101)
- docs: docs: fix typo of alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes_clusters and alicloud_cs_edge_kubernetes_clusters. (#8107)
- docs: Improves description for ccapi. (#8111)
- docs: Improves example for alb_load_balancer_access_log_config_attachment. (#8117)
- testcase: Fixed alicloud_ga_accelerator_spare_ip_attachment testcase. (#8058)
- testcase: Fixed alicloud_config_rule testcase. (#8059)
- testcase: Fixed ecs testcase. (#8060)
- resource/alicloud_oss_*: Fixes the panic error while resposne is nil. (#8070)
- resource/alicloud_dcdn_waf_rule: Fixes the panic error when rateLimit is nil. (#8069)
- resource/alicloud_oss_*: Fixes the panic error while resposne is nil. (#8070)
- resource/alicloud_cloud_monitor_service_enterprise_public: Fixes the InvalidParameter when creating it. (#8074)
- resource/alicloud_dcdn_domain: Fixes the updating arguement scope does not working error. (#8077)
- resource/alicloud_oss_bucket: Fixes the panic error when not setting bucket name explicitly. (#8078)
- resource/alicloud_adb_db_cluster: Fixed the read error caused by RegionId parameter. (#8097)
- resource/alicloud_ecs_session_manager_status: Fixed the create, update error caused by state refresh. (#8106)
- resource/alicloud_nlb_load_balancer: Fix invalid value for private_ipv4_address. (#8110)
- data-source/alicloud_vpc_ipam_ipams: fix bug where names were not set. (#8087)