All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #1250 Add evm code snippet modal and fix input fields
- #1247 Support multi address creation txs
- #1245 Support assets from assetlist in chain config
- #1244 Add EVM contract verify alert info to both Solidity and Vyper upload file(s) and contract code
- #1240 Update social media handle and naming convention from Celatone to Scan
- #1232 Support EVM verification with multiparts and standard JSON input for both Solidity and Vyper
- #1233 Support "move/" prefix hex module address in search
- #1230 Update EVM contract verify max width layout
- #1225 Validate EVM verification form options
- #1226 Show nonce on EVM tx details
- #1224 Support Vyper verification with contract code
- #1223 Support Vyper on EVM contract details
- #1222 Update Scan required environment variable
- #1220 Add EVM contract verification for Solidity with contract code (flattened method)
- #1219 Add tooltip to full editor sidebar
- #1218 Add EVM library contract
- #1217 Add evm contract method shortcuts on the overview section
- #1216 Supports searching by method name in evm contract details
- #1214 Add EVM contract details constructor arguments
- #1213 EVM verification status modal, and highlight bar
- #1211 Implement evm gas refund logic
- #1210 Add EVM contract details code preview
- #1209 Implement evm contract details interaction
- #1208 Implement evm interaction section
- #1207 Add EVM contract details compiler settings
- #1206 Add EVM contract details abi
- #1204 Add EVM contract details deployed bytecode
- #1203 Fetch EVM verify config from API, and wire up to UIs as initial values
- #1202 Add EVM contract interaction form
- #1201 Add EVM contract verification with upload files
- #1200 Add EVM contract verification with contract code
- #1199 Add EVM contract verification with Hardhat
- #1198 Add EVM contract verification with Foundry
- #1197 Add EVM contract verification with standard JSON input both for Solidity and Vyper
- #1194 Add EVM contract verification with Vyper upload file method
- #1193 Add optimizer configuration to EVM contract verify page, fix constructor args, and Zod type
- #1188 Add request and simulate evm tx
- #1192 Add fixed bytes hex address util
- #1189 Add constructor args to EVM contract verify page
- #1187 Add onboarding section to EVM contract details page and add EVM contract verify page
- #1184 Add custom layer to Initia Widget
- #1182 Add Initia Widget
- #1256 Remove Bytecodes for non primary instantiated EVM contracts
- #1255 Remove layout scrollbar and implementation address link
- #1252 Improve EVM verify error details
- #1253 Filter initia wallet, change isInitia logic, and theme logic
- #1249 Improve import order
- #1248 Support querying multiple evm verification infos
- #1246 Handle undefined constructor args
- #1242 Improve EVM proxy contract details and checksum address
- #1236 Remove unnecessary configs for users in custom network configs
- #1228 Refactor EVM verification form path and form type location
- #1215 Bump react wallet widget package to support http endpoints
- #1205 Improve EVM contract verify page via external verifier
- #1185 Replace minitia with rollup
- #1186 Bump packages mainly @initia/react-wallet-widget
- #1243 Fix EVM Create checked by null To instead
- #1241 Fix EVM contract details interaction filter
- #1239 Fix check verified EVM contract and minor EVM contract details
- #1238 Fix EVM verify external docs link and EVM contract details mobile
- #1237 Fix EVM contract details UI layout and mobile
- #1235 Support EVM custom chain id and minor bug fixes
- #1191 Fix contract address form validation
- #1190 Fix EVM contract details verify boarding and verification page
- #1174 Add custom network by url with query param
- #1176 Improve adding custom network by url with query param
- #1175 Fix tooltip bg color
- #1172 Fix auto popup for module drawer in mobile
- #1169 Fix minor bugs
- #1168 Normalized voting power by 1e6 for Initia
- #1162 Proxy move verify through celatone verification api first
- #1165 Remove Miniswap from App menu
- #1157 Remove graphql and change faucet button
- #1156 Update osmosis pools to get data from API instead of GraphQL
- #1148 Update NFT collections to get data from API instead of GraphQL
- #1140 Update NFTs to get data from API instead of GraphQL
- #1135 Update txs to get data from API instead of GraphQL
- #1136 Update code to get data from API instead of GraphQL
- #1132 Update account type to get data from API instead of GraphQL
- #1149 Refactor component react select input
- #1094 Replace getFirstQueryParam with zod validation
- #1163 Fix hardcode initiation-1 to support new initiation-2
- #1159 Fix search showing invalid proposal and pool id
- #1158 Fix incorrect msg detail extraction, total deposits is null in proposal
- #1150 Fix camel case on message
- #1147 Support Evm Tx Input data decoder
- #1139 Support EVM method call erc20 factory
- #1127 Add EVM contract details EVM transactions
- #1131 Support EIP-1559 gas information on EVM Tx details page
- #1120 Add EVM contract details Cosmos transactions
- #1130 Support EVM contract and transaction hash in the main search
- #1128 Implement EVM tx details
- #1129 Support custom evm minitia
- #1116 Add EVM contract details assets
- #1112 Add EVM contract details bytecodes
- #1109 Add EVM contract details overview
- #1106 Add EVM contract details HTML skeleton layout
- #1123 Implement block EVM tx list
- #1122 Support batch json rpc requests
- #1113 Add message EVM tag to transaction lists and details
- #1121 Add EVM related tx section on the cosmos tx details page
- #1111 Support basic EVM account details and saved account
- #1118 Implement base evm method chip
- #1117 Add JSON RPC request and get block data from JSON RPC
- #1105 Add base minievm branch with its sign mode and pubkey type
- #1151 Add redirect logics for /address path to /accounts and /accounts to either /contracts or /evm-contracts
- #1141 Separate loading logic for evm contract cosmos and evm txs for more reasonably state logic
- #1146 Bump pnpm to version 9
- #1133 Refactor evm denom and amount for each method
- #1152 Fix duplicate contract evm txs due to refetch on mount + cached data
- #1145 Shorten value in evm txs table amount and render amount in evm txs details
- #1142 Fix minievm bugbash (wording, spacing, and alignment)
- #1143 Fix missing daemon name and block time info
- #1134 Fix evm contract evm txs loading state and evm tx details ui
- #1137 Bump axios and remove initia js client usage
- #1126 Fix tx message detail alignment in small screen
- #1103 Apply move verify badge to all places
- #1092 Add module verification badge and entry points
- #1096 My past module verifications with functionalities
- #1085 Add my module verification details
- #1087 Add modules verify page
- #1102 Support add local development chain lite version
- #1101 Add get all codes and contracts APIs
- #1125 Refactor custom minitia chain config type
- #1095 Update native broadcast helper function to generic sign and broadcast function
- #1093 Remove unused userkeys and adjust flex from string to number
- #1119 Fix move verification bug bash
- #1115 Fix move reverify button
- #1108 Fix example dev config to initialocal
- #1107 Fix network states config
- #1100 Fix account modules spacing
- #1104 Fix pool asset card not taking full width
- #1085 Add verify module store
- #1081 Add service APIs for move verify module
- #1082 Replace CONFIG_CHAINS by fetching the chains from the API
- #1077 Add download minitia custom JSON
- #1074 Add custom minitia upload JSON page
- #1002 Add contract verification modal
- #1060 Handle wasm verify info on various pages e.g. deploy/migrate flow pages, code/contract pages
- #1083 Add wasm verify badges on public pages and contract list pages
- #1099 Remove dashboard API
- #1090 Change query page layout in mobile and adjust code snippet copy button
- #1080 Adjust color and remove accent color
- #1088 Remove userKey from network store and add test for it
- #1034 Clean up custom icon file
- #1054 Improve main search bar to show both address and address as username
- #1091 Fix typo function name
- #1089 Fix document links for code detail
- #1075 Fix custom minitia minor change
- #1058 Show chain config JSON and remove modal
- #1057 Add local minitias to network selector
- #1043 Save custom minitias JSON form to localstorage
- #1059 Disable add custom networks on non initia deployments
- #1052 Add entry point to add custom minitias network in network selector
- #1038 Add custom networks options page to navigate between manual and upload json
- #1054 Add chain config store, useChainConfig hook, and apply it all places
- #1062 Adjust edit minitia layout and other minor styling
- #1061 Refactor custom network routes and add support chain ids to hook
- #1053 Move move decoder and verifier links to env
- #1063 Fix bug bash for add custom networks
- #1069 Fix add custom minitia network manually
- #1065 Fix zod url validation to allow only http and https in add custom minitia page
- #1064 Fix cancel button in add custom minitia page
- #1068 Add fetching bech32 prefix from lcd and disable close success modal on overlay click
- #1067 Add gas fee details to support more decimal digits and add default value
- #1066 Remove add custom minitia supported feature step and add vm type in network detail
- #1050 Fix gap between network subsection
- #1048 Support getCollectionByCollectionAddress in Lite tier
- #1037 Add Sequencer for Collection details
- #997 Redesign asset selector
- #1033 Add Sequencer for NFT details
- #1015 New network selector
- #1032 Search collection address on both full and sequencer tier
- #1024 Add Sequencer for account detail NFTs
- #1007 Add app menu for initia
- #992 Add new search function
- #1021 Add Milkyway network (glados-1)
- #1020 Add Sequencer for recent txs, overview page
- #1009 Add Sequencer for account details page
- #1006 Add Sequencer for past txs
- #994 Add Sequencer, Mesa tier and TierSwitcher component
- #1005 Support recent blocks, block details in sequencer tier
- #1078 Add banner modal and adjust color
- #1040 Refactor networks selector
- #1039 Make NFT Txs to load more style
- #1036 Refactor home and change some component names to match the current convention
- #1022 Separate API requests in home page overview component
- #1049 Change nft image ratio from cover to contain
- #1044 Fix incorrect formatted value in attached funds
- #1042 Fix bugbash for sequencer tier release
- #1029 Fix default wasm permission to permissionless
- #1026 Add missing menu items for sequencer tier
- #1025 Handle new tx query params for contract txs
- #1027 Fix balances pagination nullable
- #1008 Support both new, old DB schema for NFTs
- #994 Add Sequencer, Mesa tier and TierSwitcher component
- #1013 Remove unused validator's delegator count, disable Sentry
- #1012 Move modules, balances query to LCD
- #1018 Fix module txs response type
- #1016 Fix handling event value nullable
- #1004 Fix empty string moniker
- #1010 Fix signer info sign mode multi type validation
- #968 Add custom meta title for each page
- #934 Add view module in mobile
- #950 Add initia username
- #971 Support search functionality with LCD endpoint
- #970 Support account details lite version
- #964 Support migrate page lite version with LCD
- #966 Support lite version for proposal details
- #958 Support lite version for block index page
- #951 Support contract details lite version with LCD endpoint
- #961 Add and refactor proposal related lcd endpoints
- #952 Support module details page lite version with LCD endpoint
- #940 Support my published modules page lite version with LCD endpoint
- #956 Add landlord-1 network
- #954 Add gas token for initiation-1
- #949 Support lite version for instantited by me
- #948 Support lite version for past txs
- #923 Add get txs by contact and account addr lcd
- #943 Support lite version for params
- #939 Migrate contract query msgs from api to LCD
- #910 Support proposals page lite version with LCD endpoint
- #930 Add validator details stats to support lite version
- #928 Add validator details page lite version
- #933 Support lite version for code details contract list
- #929 Support lite version for code details page
- #925 Move contracts service to new folder structure
- #926 Add latest height query
- #924 Add Initia initiation-1 & minitia networks
- #919 Remove singleStakingDenom config and use from lcd instead
- #918 Support lite version for delegation informations
- #916 Support lite version balances
- #773 Make theme switchable per network
- #906 Support transaction details page lite version with LCD endpoint
- #898 Adjust navigation and overview page for lite version
- #912 Support lite version validator list
- #901 Support lite version recent codes
- #902 Add publish/republish tag to modules table
- #903 Prevent list pages in lite version
- #897 Add config for lite version support
- #1001 Support pre and post db schema on nft & collection queries
- #1000 Query module info from lcd directly
- #998 Use expression on Nft query
- #996 Allow disable voting period tally config
- #960 Adjust UI in contract and account detail page
- #983 Add fallback for collection names that are empty string
- #982 Support Icns in account osmosis lite version
- #973 Remove overview text from landing page title
- #967 Utilize consensus address for better consistency
- #963 Add separator between token in tx message
- #959 Update @cosmos-kit/react to v2.15.0 and friends
- #947 Add zod type for sign mode infos
- #917 Update filter selection input to support multiple use case
- #936 Add isHydrated in app context for redirect behaviors
- #921 Add theme
- #922 Adjust color for latest blocks
- #826 Apply dynamic component theme generation
- #795 Rebranding
- #907 Migrate mahalo and minitias from 2 to 3
- #905 Refactor module related component for better readability
- #900 Refactor module details info
- #899 Refactor module details APIs
- #866 Update upload code CTA to sticky bar
- #872 Change Query/Execute page to Interact Contract
- #895 Show collection address and creator on the collection list page
- #995 Remove unnecessary retries and refetch on window focus
- #988 Fix total asset value and assets in json
- #991 Fix code select section heading label
- #986 Fix bugbash lite version (creator, sorting name in validator)
- #985 Fix proposal details lite version bugs
- #987 Fix bug bash (query redirection, module button color, modal open/close, migration contract radio button, txs count in account detail)
- #989 Change tomcat endpoints
- #984 Exclude non block number from searching block in lite
- #974 Fix tx by account addr lcd to support new cosmos sdk
- #976 Support save accounts in lite version
- #944 Fix asset input selector
- #979 Fix txs detail receiver overflow screen
- #980 Pass through block in search in lite
- #981 Fix useAccountData
- #978 Fix republish module description notice
- #975 Fix view function lite ver and add proposal alert
- #977 Fix block query in search
- #962 Fix tx msg expand
- #965 Add search not found state in module detail
- #946 Fix token card
- #941 Fix contract interaction routing
- #936 Fix mobile search not focusable
- #931 Fix minor module related ui
- #932 Add isGov in module details
- #915 Fix delegation rewards field name
- #911 Fix validator top flex
- #909 Remove module arbitrary policy as it is no longer supported
- #904 Fix wasm page container text alignment
- #893 Fix validator list percent
- #887 Add blackwing devnet 1 network
- #880 Add resolved voting power for proposals
- #878 Support searching proposal id and validator address on the main search
- #875 Add Amplitude tracking to validator details page
- #865 Apply voted proposals filter and search input to table
- #860 Add voted proposals in voted tab
- #862 View failed reason
- #853 Add voted proposals in overview
- #847 Add amp proposal details page
- #857 Migrate osmosis-1 graphql
- #854 Create PageHeaderContainer component
- #851 Add amp validator list page
- #848 Change Initia's config to use the new chain IDs (mahalo-2, minimove-2, miniwasm-2)
- #840 Add chip total count in instantiated by me title
- #837 Voting power in validator detail overview
- #836 Add recent 100 blocks chart
- #833 Add link to transactions page to current bonded token component
- #832 Add bonded token changes delegation related transactions
- #831 Update zod schema to apply with new validator delegation related txs api spec
- #828 Add validator detail voting power overview section with data from APIs
- #835 Add amp view in json - block and proposal details
- #823 Add validator uptime and penalty events
- #822 Add validator list page
- #819 Add validator detail overview section with data from APIs
- #821 Add Validator's proposed blocks table
- #818 Replace bonded tokens voting powers with real data from api v1
- #801 Add validator detail ui structure
- #817 api v1 - validator voted proposals
- #816 api v1 - validator staking provisions
- #815 api v1 - validator delegators count
- #813 api v1 - validator historical powers
- #812 api v1 - validator delegation related txs, proposed blocks
- #807 api v1 - validator uptime
- #804 api v1 - validator info
- #803 api v1 - validator list
- #799 Add extra config single denom staking
- #796 Depositors list in vote details section
- #793 Proposal Validator Votes Table
- #788 Add voting power chart component
- #790 Handling period tab condition
- #787 Vote result on vote details section
- #785 Quorum status on vote details section
- #782 Show proposal details on vote details section tabs
- #779 Proposal period overview voting - no with veto alert
- #778 Proposal period overview voting
- #775 Proposal period overview deposit
- #777 Proposal votes table including filter and search functionality
- #766 Proposal status summary body
- #763 Proposal status summary top
- #765 Support Proposal Cancelled status
- #760 Add proposal messages
- #764 api v1 - proposal params
- #759 Add proposal description and metadata
- #762 api v1 - proposal validator votes info
- #745 Add proposal top
- #758 api v1 - proposal validator votes
- #757 api v1 - proposal data
- #731 Add proposal detail page structure
- #749 Add multi-type proposals
- #753 api v1 - proposal type filter
- #888 Apply timeout for delegator counts on validator detail
- #863 Add link to user document (move)
- #883 Improve validator badge to have a dynamic width
- #884 Bump cosmjs tx parsing problem
- #861 Upgrade json schema package version
- #871 Move filter and search logic to API
- #869 Change GraphQL phoenix-1 endpoint to prod
- #855 Modify formatPrettyPercent param type to ratio number for better readability
- #843 Add link to user document
- #845 Edit error fetching message on the contract state
- #844 Modify wording status for rejected proposals
- #841 Bump cosmos-kit package fixing the installed wallet issue
- #830 Change GraphQL neutron-1 endpoint to prod
- #825 Change GraphQL pion-1 endpoint to prod
- #820 Change GraphQL neutron endpoint to legacy
- #806 UX Improvement - adjust txs icon, event logs layout and adjust asset section
- #805 Revamp code detail page contracts section
- #802 Revamp code detail page
- #800 Add logging error in Zod parsing
- #798 Add empty state to proposal messages
- #797 Fix Vote Periods subtab internal state instead of route
- #784 Make proposal list row clickable with command/ctrl
- #776 Add expand/collapse all to proposal messages in detail page
- #781 Tooltip default shouldWrap
- #774 Add relevant contract to cosmwasm pool
- #771 Adjust proposal detail
- #772 Add zod validator to code details page code id params
- #770 Add unit test for account store (mobx)
- #769 Add unit test for format.test.ts on shortenName function
- #768 Add unit test for truncate.test.ts
- #767 Add unit test for fee.test.ts
- #756 Redirect usei to homepage
- #750 api v1 - recent codes list
- #752 Support contract state's key as base64
- #969 Fix contract data lcd missing data
- #942 Fix asset input
- #890 Fix tomcat pretty name
- #889 Fix overflow validator table header
- #886 Fix tx detail message newline
- #885 Fix voted proposals freeze columns
- #881 Fix abi option boolean problem
- #877 Fix validator list/details bug bash
- #874 Fix minor proposal and validator bugs
- #876 Fix validator votes dropdown
- #873 Fix bug bash select input and ui
- #868 Fix validator jail state
- #867 Fix validator details voting table
- #864 Fix voting countdown text
- #859 Fix voting power chart display data
- #858 Handle neutron and minitia validator links
- #852 Show quorum only during the voting period since past total voting power is not available
- #849 Fix validator list empty state and voting percent dividers
- #846 Fix voting period status badge
- #838 Fix validator list sorting on priority
- #839 Disable contract delegations on non-gov chains
- #827 Fix misc bugs - proposal msgs accordion, IBC tag, mobile tooltip
- #814 Fix pool fallback icon incorrect size
- #811 Fix pool asset cards not full
- #810 Incorrect tooltip style on overview
- #792 Expedited with network params
- #791 Proposal view in json direct to the lcd information
- #789 Remove loading overlay on pool list page causing the page look like flicking
- #783 Fix link used for Osmosis Pool JSON To poolmanager
- #780 Fix proposal vote table, scroll to top on table
- #761 Fix copy button tooltip alignment
- #754 Fix mobile guard incorrect behavior
- #751 Fix fail txs should have no logs and remove stone-12-1
- #743 Add mobile view for proposal list
- #808 Migrate to temp osmosis graphql
- #746 Fix initia chain pretty names and resource panel
- #744 Fix pool tx events
- #721 Migrate to pnpm
- #727 Add amp nft pages
- #720 Add delegations for contract details
- #684 Add nft page
- #717 Add total value for contract details
- #711 Refactor assetInfos and add movePoolInfos to tx details
- #724 Add stone-13
- #725 Adjust unsupported asset display in account and contract detail
- #728 Support tx events for cosmos sdk 0.50
- #729 Add missing title for block transactions
- #726 Add missing title for instantiate permission and adjust contract menu in nav bar
- #713 Adjust search state consistency
- #712 api v1 - proposal list
- #714 api v1 - recent contracts list
- #710 Refactor all address types
- #740 Fix to use isDisabled instead of disabled on button
- #739 Fix nft minter address
- #736 Fix assets related bugs
- #735 Fix nfts related bugs
- #734 Fix search spamming by using debounce
- #733 Fix contract list nullable fields
- #732 Fix custom tab incorrect variant and recent modules text
- #722 Fix flicker query page
- #702 api v1 - contract info
- #703 api v1 - contract's query msgs
- #697 api v1 - contract tables (migrations and related proposals)
- #696 api v1 - block details
- #695 api v1 - contract states
- #678 api v1 - contract table counts
- #686 Add amp module list, my published module, and resources/module tab
- #664 Add Vercel speed insights and analytics
- #677 Add minimove-1 and miniwasm-1
- #676 New error fetching image & refactor empty states
- #666 Add my published modules page
- #671 Add mahalo-1
- #652 Add amp publish module and deploy script
- #648 Support OPInit transaction in initia
- #654 Add recent modules page
- #653 Migrate from stone-12 to stone-12-1
- #637 Add amp module interaction and code snippet property
- #633 Add amp module detail and breadcrumb
- #667 Adjust for search bar consistency
- #692 Add verify link for mahalo
- #675 Make module links clickable with command/ctrl and add copier for struct names
- #674 Adjust contract list card and microcopies
- #672 Refactor balances
- #682 Render token amount < 0.000001 properly
- #669 api v1 - contract transaction
- #672 refactor balances
- #662 Add republish button in module detail
- #665 Revise mobile guard text
- #659 api v1 - move modules, resources on account detail page
- #658 api v1 - delegations info, total value on account detail page
- #656 api v1 - tables on account details page
- #645 Add search for resource in account detail
- #634 api v1 - move pool info
- #657 api v1 - overview stats
- #650 api v1 - account info on account detail page
- #655 Change title of publish new module page
- #636 api v1 - balances
- #641 api v1 - recent txs list
- #640 api v1 - recent blocks list
- #634 api v1 - move pool info
- #632 api v1 - assets info
- #698 Update Neutron gas price
- #694 Reroute cosmwasm pool back to pool detail page
- #691 Fix unsupported token card
- #693 Fix ui styling for contract card and states
- #687 Fix resource and module related bugs
- #690 Fix query msg regex for Sylvia contract
- #689 Fix execute msg regex for Sylvia contract
- #685 Disable save account in mobile
- #683 Fix save account hex duplicate and search with hex
- #673 Fix total share is zero
- #668 Support object key in contract state
- #647 Remove Select network auto select first item
- #646 Fix UTC timestamp on block, tx query
- #644 Remove relation badge from transaction card in mobile
- #680 Temporarily hide sei block time
- #679 Temporarily update sei pacific graphql endpoint
- #661 Add stone-12-1 network
- #642 Add stone-12 network
- #629 Add Amplitude for save account,to save code page count, and to save
- #628 Add Amplitude for contract states, pagination and contract details
- #620 Add hex address in save account feature in initia
- #618 Add save account feature in account detail page
- #616 Add table for saved accounts and add save, remove and edit modal
- #613 Add saved accounts modal ui
- #611 Add saved accounts page
- #608 Deprecate stone 10
- #601 Add modules in public project
- #581 Support new move input i.e., object, fixed_point, and decimal
- #583 Support Move code snippets
- #585 Add Initia Faucet
- #562 Support searching with hex address and module path
- #572 Wireup module publish details
- #558 Wireup module transaction history table
- #558 Wireup module transaction history table
- #556 Fully functional deploy script page
- #550 Add modules and resources in account detail
- #540 Wireup publish module tx
- #544 Show module source code if available
- #534 Wire up initia execute function
- #533 Wire up initia view function
- #536 Add publish module validation and decode query
- #524 Add initia abi form
- #530 Publish module component state wireup and add leaflet
- #521 Initia module interaction function panel and selected function info accordion
- #515 Initia select module drawer wireup
- #494 Initia select module drawer UI
- #490 Add initia module interaction page
- #488 Add initia navigation and sidebar
- #524 Refactor contract detail page and add contract states
- #688 Update stone-12-1 graphql
- #627 Add responsive for published event in module detail
- #625 Fix abi empty vector serialization
- #605 Apply singleton class style to Amplitude structure
- #591 Bump initia.js due to decimal serialization and dynamic buffer
- #564 Handle multi bond denoms data in the delegation section
- #593 Refactor submit button to a common component
- #574 Add min height to wasm page container to properly align footer
- #569 Add move config to dev shortcuts in homepage
- #559 Restructure and refactor responsive tables
- #549 Add move tx filer options
- #553 Use Cmd on Mac OS while Ctrl on others
- #548 Handle interaction page query param and refactor page
- #546 Handle 404 on the current selected chain
- #586 Add shortcut for contract states
- #598 Display content field for submit proposal tx details
- #587 Make block row clickable
- #579 Improve ux writing for recent items page
- #546 Handle 404 on the current selected chain
- #639 Fix this wallet nav bar section
- #623 Fix abi empty vector serialization
- #619 Fix observer, logo and disable delegation in Account Detail Page
- #617 Fix textwrap module path on module detail, framer motion incorrect transition prop, loadingoverlay not centered
- #610 Remove
from code - #615 Fix useEffect on pool page
- #612 Fix transaction detail ui
- #614 Disabled saved account for now
- #607 Fix mintscan tracking in internal
- #604 Fix single delegation total card zero state
- #603 Dynamically change returned data by isWasm, isMove
- #602 Fix package version client error
- #599 Fix getNavigationUrl to support move
- #590 Fix upload script various bugs
- #594 LP assets filtering and delegation ui/ux improvement
- #584 Throw an error when tx failed on postTx
- #555 Rewrite publish status resolver into an effect
- #557 Fix see module ux writing and policy modal
- #554 Fix and improve ui alignment, cta, and publish error
- #551 Fix various bugs on the interaction page
- #547 Fix form null and sort modules when submit an address
- #543 Fix Initia testnet chain config
- #597 Fix pool txs row chevron and copy icon, add replace navigation option to public project details page
- #563 Order by contract latest history timestamp in account contract instances
- #560 Fix pool type alignment in pool card
- #487 Support Station Extension
- #508 Add auto focus, enter key listener on contract selection
- #492 Add jsonschema actions on contract detail page
- #486 Switch to schema tab when available and prefill,expand,and scroll to the prefill msg
- #483 Add json schema functionality to execute page
- #482 Add json schema functionality to query page
- #477 Add json schema section on code detail page
- #475 Add json schema functionality to instantiate contract
- #472 Add json schema functionality to migrate contract
- #461 Add json schema form
- #455 Implement schema store and unit test
- #453 Attach schema feature on upload complete
- #481 Support Stargaze testnet
- #471 Add proposal config, use Hasura admin secret
- #467 Dynamic wallet by network, add disableAnyofAddress config
- #322 Tab url path for account details and public project details pages
- #449 Support searching with pool id
- #419 Add error message box for tx failed modal and enhance styling
- #415 Search by icns names feature and Show registered icns names on account details page
- #438 Add new home page
- #437 Add first landing prompt for dev mode
- #436 Implement merge navigation
- #596 Show parameter changes field for ParameterChangeProposal Tx
- #575 Support message suggestion for contract from Sylvia framework
- #564 Update cosmjs version to latest and bump terra testnet gas price
- #540 Add open proposal configuration
- #532 Implement new Amplitude structure
- #538 Add empty state in query and execute with json schema
- #537 Change json schema select widget null option wording for readability
- #535 Improve json schema features
- #531 Revise developer features and add accordion to sidebar navigation
- #529 Improve developer features ux writing and transition
- #528 Improve developer features toggle for a smoother ux
- #519 Validate schema input when initialFormData has changed
- #513 Disable simulating fee when JSON input is invalid
- #510 Support optional fields for array, boolean, and string
- #505 Adjust attach funds form label and icon styling for schema section
- #501 Add more JSON Schema state, e.g. empty object state, boolean field
- #502 Display queried time and add json/schema output switch
- #500 Disable estimated fee when input is invalid
- #498 Automatically switch to schema tab and show 404 not found error
- #491 Improve scrolling into view by delaying scroll function
- #489 Improve jsonschema query response UI and fix jsonschema incorrect oneOf behavior
- #484 Fix text size consistency in txs message
- #480 Update chain registry package and add attach funds in code snippet
- #478 Fix pool txs icon and style
- #474 Refactor stored and saved codes pages
- #468 Add breadcrumb to pool id page
- #466 Fix developer mode alert
- #457 Add alert for proposal forum review
- #389 Fix modal consistency
- #381 Correctly infer output type from snake-camel utils
- #422 Create query keys enum
- #450 Retrieve asset prices only when necessary (/prices url path)
- #451 Add jest test cases for json, date, and number in utils
- #412 Refactor contract detail data loading
- #402 Add validator image resolver hook (add keybase as a fallback option)
- #408 Improve dropdown and combo box interaction
- #421 Generate example addresses from a fixed-bytes array
- #431 Add new Osmosis v16 tx messages
- #414 Add jest test cases for funds and assetValue in utils, and remove isDecimalNumber in utils
- #435 Refactor chain's config, add new chain configs
- #626 Fix handle validator image
- #570 Use native tokens in attached funds
- #567 Fix attached funds in code snippet
- #539 Fix JSON schema upload text
- #527 Fix ellipsis explorer link
- #526 Fix missing Tx proposal type
- #525 Add accountId to txs count query keys
- #522 Fix to support undefined execute msg
- #520 Fix update instantiated info height data and handle genesis height case
- #518 Fix contract migration remark data
- #511 Fix tx relation selector incorrect option
- #499 Fix responsive for icns and add cl pool icon
- #506 Fix simulation bugs
- #504 Fix response Json schema UI
- #503 Fix assets
view more
button in account detail and fix txs row - #496 Fix icns bech32 prefix searchbar display and schema switch highlight on query page
- #499 Fix sometimes select widget input not full, manual schema upload max lines, and expand/collapse all chevron
- #497 Fix stored codes route and navbar behavior from dev to normal mode
- #470 Fix json schema array field default behavior
- #476 Fix terra rpc
- #473 Fix wording on upload code modal
- #465 Fix wrong access queryKey in validator info
- #464 Fix
hook by addingassetInfos
to its dependencies - #463 Fix event box content clipping and improve animation
- #462 Fix validator query dependencies
- #460 Fix icns names and contract address alignment
- #459 Fix contract txs by using contract account id instead of contract address
- #456 Fix pool count chip in pool transaction table
- #454 Fix contract selection loading state for other folders
- #452 Fix public project data on the account details and code details page still remains when switching network
- #397 Implement first version of Osmosis v16 pool
- #358 Add Amp for Pool Detail page
- #355 Add Amp for Pool List page
- #294 Add Pool related txs table
- #296 Add pool header and pool assets section for pool details page
- #295 Add expand/collapse all for unsupported pool list
- #277 Wire up data for pool navigation page
- #276 Add Pool navigation and pool detail data
- #270 Add Pool navigation and detail page
- #418 Add gitignore for new yarn version
- #406 add test cases for
- #398 Setup Jest and sample tests
- #411 Add override api endpoint
- #385 Upgrade cosmos kit major version and replace hooks
- #380 Support local network
- #363 Add config not found page and rewrite network logic
- #343 Apply fetching mechanism and keyboard arrow navigation to searchbar
- #384 New pagination style
- #388 Save Navbar expand/collapse state in the local state
- #407 Add code upload error message under the dropzone
- #372 Add code hash to code details and upload section
- #329 Add allowed user to store code flow
- #321 Add amplitude to proposal to store code page
- #274 Add proposal to store code page
- #279 Add instantiate permission to msg store code, change error display design, and upgrade cosmjs to version 0.30.1
- #366 Add recent contracts
- #428 Get all validators from graphql
- #417 Support responsive and add new theme
- #283 Change unsupported token icon render logic
- #420 Unify create proposal page layout
- #416 Remove the old redundant useSimulateFee hook
- #413 Add jest test cases for date utils
- #404 Use internal navigate instead of app link for block navigation
- #396 Refactor useConfig, disable wasm related tabs on the public project page
- #392 Refactor proposal table and fix empty state of the proposal list table
- #374 Remove testnet, mainnet concepts and use permission from params
- #369 Implement Wasm feature from config
- #359 Remove hardcode constant (length) and use from config
- #367 Update osmosis testnet 5 config and use explorer url from config instead
- #368 Use chain name from config for Meta instead of env variable
- #336 Get address type length from example addresses instead of hardcode
- #354 Remove useChainId and use currentChainId from config
- #341 Apply faucet info from chain config
- #338 Use gas from chain config
- #333 Update endpoints including LCD, RPC, Graphql
- #335 Refactor hardcoded api route to utils
- #373 Add view in Json for assets in account details page
- #376 Fix pluralize and capitalize
- #401 Add permission chip to code selection box
- #386 Handle uppercase address
- #382 Add pool manager v15 msgs to tx details
- #371 Refactor assign me component and fix color in redelegation page
- #342 Add fallback n/a token on asset icon on asset box
- #331 Add validation check for builder in proposal to store code page
- #324 Add deposit/voting period from gov params and add minimum required alert for proposal to store code
- #357 Abstract color, typeface, images to theme config
- #352 Refactor/Abstract styling (color system, font weight and more)
- #347 Move tx table accordion arrow to the front and refactor block txs table
- #410 Remove hardcode precision in attach funds dropdown selection and get assets from API, delete microfy and demicrofy function, remove useChainRecordAsset
- #434 Fix stepper item bg color
- #429 Fix duration formatter, type and add migrate tab to balancer pool
- #427 Fix upload access endpoint, Public project searchbar bug, account tx bug
- #425 Fix reset past tx filter state and permission alert on migration page
- #365 Fix pool page UI including helper text gap, icon alignment in pool asset table, empty state border, add message type, input selection icon, and accordion alignment
- #362 Fix missed out hard-coded osmosis testnet 4 in code
- #361 Fix incorrect assigned message index for each pool message in pool tx tables
- #360 Fix supported pool list cannot be searched with token ID and should not show pagination when data is less than 10
- #403 Retrieve faucet information from api and use api instead of lcd to prevent CORS
- #400 Fallback explorer link for validator/proposal and gov params token symbol
- #395 Disable wasm related tabs on the account detail page
- #392 Fix format denom function
- #390 Fix minor styling
- #391 Fix incorrect empty state for past txs table
- #383 Fix title input field and navigation in sticky bar in proposal to store code, redirect path for wasm flag
- #379 Able to access txs tab when count query timeout, change tabs to lazy load mode for better performance
- #387 Fix reseting proposal table when applying filters
- #375 Fix incorrect display resolve height in proposals page
- #356 Fix store code out of gas error by gzipping file before submitting tx
- #344 Fix enable tx bug in proposal to store code
- #346 Apply initial condition to my stored codes upload button
- #327 Update logic to enable upload wasm code
- #317 Add amplitude for proposal list page and pagination
- #364 (Contract Details) use instantiated height and time from indexer as fallback
- #323 Revise back button and breadcrumb components
- #339 Update all routes to plural form, and patch all codes
- #334 Change
, fix tx service when accountId is undefined - #311 Refine css styling
- #328 Add proposal and pool page in sidebar navigation
- #298 Show deposit/voting period from gov params and add minimum required alert
- #370 Fix ContractResponse type
- $348 Workaround for the issue that walletManager local storage is not cleared when switching networks
- $340 Remove resend and redo button in accordion if relation is related (Past txs page)
- #337 Fix beforeunload keep showing up Leave modal
- #330 Fix proposal table component propagation
- #316 Stop propagation when clicking on ContractRowCTA menu
- #310 Add amplitude for landing on the following pages - blocks, block detail, txs, network overview
- #268 Wireup create proposal to whitelisting
- #266 Add proposal whitelisting page
- #286 Add block proposer
- #275 Searching can now be determined by chain
- #273 Add subheader and network overview
- #278 Fully wired block details page
- #272 Add blocks page and table component
- #287 Add app default human address for each chain
- #271 Create transaction list page
- #245 Add amplitude for account detail page
- #232 Add delegation data and section for the account detail page
- #261 Add Relation column to transaction tables and refactor transaction table components
- #265 Add filter by status and type to proposal list page, and change Inactive proposal status to DepositFailed
- #263 Wireup search bar and my proposal switch in proposal list page
- #260 Add proposal list table to proposal list page
- #255 Get data for proposal list page
- #250 Add skeleton, route, and amp for proposal list page
- #262 Add amplitude tracking for tx page components
- #224 Support search by tx and internal tx link
- #226 Add fully functional transaction details page
- #254 Add GiHub link to public code and contract detail pages
- #230 Add cw2info to code table
- #309 Add public account name and description in account detail page
- #289 Add public accounts to public projects
- #308 Adjust view more button to full width and fix empty state layout in contract history
- #304 Remove suffix for token card
- #282 Change details page top section explorer link to copy link
- #293 Add comma separator to pagination and total blocks
- #291 Update tx count query
- #285 Add data fetching error state, and empty state to blocks page
- #292 Handle format token with M and show only 2 decimal points when more than 1,000
- #284 Add data fetching error state to txs page
- #281 Change Osmosis mainnet GraphQL
- #251 Refactor Code and Contract tables into general components
- #252 Refactor Empty State image source logic
- #249 Change code table format in select code draw and add CW2 info
- #247 Refactor hover logic of copier icon
- #246 Show edit button when code name is set, and align button section to top
- #240 Change modals containing tables to drawers for easier exploration
- #239 Add code description and code name for public code in code details page
- #237 Change unsupported tokens layout and style
- #306 Fix react query function timeout and retries, minor ui bugs
- #307 Remove minor ui in account detail
- #297 Fix open new tab on tx modal link clicked
- #303 Fix pagination problem when using filter
- #301 Fix whitelist revalidation trigger
- #305 Fix UI avatar for validator not shown when encounter special chars
- #302 Fix token card width, text size for unsupported token button in account details page and tx count color when equal to zero
- #300 Fix search bar's placeholder text and remove separator in latest block height
- #290 Fix spacing and styling in account detail
- #280 Fix begin unlocking optional coins field causing crash
- #269 Fix array value json string format and receipt row text color
- #257 Fix proposal resolved height query, resolved height rendering, and move ResolvedHeight and VotingEndTime to their own file
- #264 Fix txhash uppercase query
- #258 Fix address type render for contract admin address
- #253 Fix public code logo shown when switching from mainnet to testnet
- #248 Fix table padding bottom for editable cells
- #241 Fix NAToken size
- #244 Fix json funds instantiate cannot edit
- #243 Fix Json viewer and view more btn
- #299 Fix validator identity url
- #233 Disable account detail page
- #228 Add Faucet testnet page
- #79 Add dropdown menu and wireup up json attach funds
- #225 Add assets section in account details page
- #220 Add transactions table for account details page
- #222 Add proposals of an account
- #221 Add codes of an account
- #223 Newer version of token card and format mechanism
- #214 Show code permission helper text in save new code modal
- #218 Add instantiated and admin contracts of an account
- #192 Add alternative sidebar with only icons
- #210 New design for token card, currently support price
- #189 Add skeleton for the account details page
- #193 Get data for account details page
- #234 Fix faucet wording
- #216 Change icon to Alles Labs icon set
- #227 Refactor directory structure and components e.g. various tables
- #207 Add cta to submit public project in list page
- #206 Refactor copy functionality into one component
- #238 Fix incorrect isCurrentPage for overview page
- #235 Fix css bugs and aesthetics improvement
- #236 Add alphabetically sorting to JSON attach funds
- #231 Fix double slash for endpoint, disable calling endpoint when there is no contract addr in contract details page
- #229 Disable Sentry debug to prevent " is not a function" error
- #219 Fix asset value and price formatter
- #217 Fix state reset in Save New Code modal and no permission in migration
- #195 Make code name cell for migration table to be editable in contract detail page
- #213 Fix
in old safari version (< 15.4) andat()
of array
- #199 Final prelaunch cleanup
- #202 Reorder absolute and relative timestmap in stored block height
- #201 Add GPLv3 license
- #170 Add Google Analytics 4 for website analytics
- #169 Add amplitude for website analytics
- #133 Add OG and default SEO with next-seo
- #160 Add remaining public codes and contracts info
- #162 Add for error logging and stack tracing
- #178 Add close modal button when update admin succeed and reset states on close
- #167 Show public projects only on mainnet networks and change all codes to recent codes
- #152 Change default network to mainnet and refactor logic
- #150 Add Osmosis mainnet GraphQl, LCD, RPC
- #149 Apply new branding
- #93 Add filter code by instantiate permission in all codes page
- #141 Add 404 not found page, catch network params error
- #134 Fix un-align sub-page with sidebar
- #144 Add
Assign me
for admin address on instantiate form - #131 Add CW2-related information to contract details page
- #120 Add simulate migrate fee and the final migration step
- #108 Add migrate options on migrate page and upload new code for migration
- #130 Add support for Terra public projects
- #112 Refactor past transactions page, support new messages including Migration, Instantiate2, Update Admin, Clear Admin, and change filter actions to dropdown selection. Add redo modal for instantiate2 and create component for tokens used in past tx page.
- #113 Update admin page ui and wireup
- #98 Add migrate, update admin, clear admin menu on contract list and detail
- #102 Add quick menu in overview and add highlighted in left sidebar
- #125 Add connect wallet alert in instantiate page
- #126 Add port id copier for IBC port id
- #76 Add Public projects page
- #116 Support Terra2.0 mainnet and testnet
- #94 Add unsupported assets in contract details page
- #106 Add sort alphabetically to query and execute shortcuts
- #88 Add code snippet for query and execute
- #107 Remove osmosis mainnet from chain list
- #99 Validate label and codeId field in instantiate page
- #103 Add check mark to selected network
- #92 Create select contract component for admin and migrate pages
- #97 Change label style to always afloat
- #95 Add network to url path
- #89 Update feedback link
- #90 Add update admin (
) and migrate (/migrate
) page routes - #91 Add migrate shortcut to the sidebar
- #75 Add code-related contracts table to the code detail page
- #81 Can scroll on side bar with fix deploy new contract button
- #86 Add transactions table in contract details page
- #74 Add tokens rendering for contract details page
- #85 Add sending asset in execute contract page
- #84 Contract proposals table ui and wireup
- #82 Add all codes page
- #83 Add invalid code state
- #73 Wireup migration table
- #77 Wireup code info section in code details page
- #70 Change default token denom on contract detail
- #78 Ignore building step when branch is not main
- #62 Add footer
- #71 Add search bar at the top (currently support only contract address and code id)
- #69 Add execute table in contract details page
- #65 Create instantiate button component
- #64 Add contract not exist page
- #63 Add code id explorer link and code table row navigation
- #67 Add Public Codes shortcut to sidebar and add Quick Actions section
- #66 Add code details data loader including code info and contract instances
- #60 Add navigation to contract row
- #47 Wireup init msg in contract details page
- #51 Wireup contract info in contract details page
- #59 Wireup code name, description, and cta section
- #53 Show contract description in contract details page
- #58 Wireup top section in contract details page
- #54 Render execute cmds shortcut in contract details page
- #46 Wireup instantiate info in contract details page
- #55 Add "Add To List / Edit" button to edit offchain details on query and execute pages
- #44 Render query cmds shortcut in contract details page
- #38 Show execute msg cmds when wallet is not connected
- #49 Add
branch tomain.yml
- #39 Render "Me" instead of user address
- #43 Add code details page ui skeleton
- #37 Add contract details data loader
- #31 Add contract details page ui skeleton
- #41 Add Github action for tracking for changes
- #204 Change back button wording and adjust flow
- #191 Add typeface (Poppins) and add new styling for command shortcut
- #190 Setup sentry tunnel in next config
- #179 Add loading state to My code, Recent Codes, Contract details, Code details, All public projects, Public project, Saved Contract, Instantiated my be
- #182 Disable mainnet store code and show alert, refactor select chain hook and alert variants
- #180 Add helper text to editable cell, Change trash button to bookmark button
- #181 Refactor funds filtering logic and sort by denom, enable clicking the whole row of contract list when its readOnly
- #171 Change gql query for better speed, remove unwrap and default values, and better handle data rendering
- #177 Handle instantiate render: tx hash, proposal, genesis, and data not available case
- #176 Adjust contract table fraction, limit tag render, full ellipsis contract desc/name length
- #168 Past tx: Long messages should wrap to new line, clear text input when click on action in filter by actions, fail transaction should not show resend button, header table from "tx hash" to "transaction hash", send message should count unique address, contract details page transaction header (from "actions" to "messages"), hover row should display copy button
- #174 Change "code description" to "code name" and wireup public code name in code detail page
- #173 Add connect wallet alert to migrate page
- #161 Fix editable cell, no wrap when hover and click outside to close the editable cell
- #159 Add query key so refetch data when network change
- #145 Disable closing on some modal when click on modal overlay
- #147 Add empty state for select code modal
- #140 Add placeholder texts to upload&instantiate, save code, and save&edit contract
- #139 Fix Date to Dayjs
- #135 Invalidate queries after update/clear admin tx
- #123 Refactor tables to use custom components
- #128 Rewrite add to other list state and add default list to save to
- #114 Handle wallet connection cases in instantiate button
- #115 (Contract Details Page) Show no admin and correctly handle explorer link by address type
- #68 Refactor past txs link props and make sure navigation works
- #64 Add address validation functions for contract and user addresses
- #52 Create a component for disconnected State and apply to contract, code, past tx
- #56 Refactor offchain form component by not receiving nameField and descriptionField
- #50 Refactor offchain component to use react-form and remove redundant offchain components, and refactor edit contract details modal
- #211 Fix contract count not display for code table in public project
- #208 Fix messages shown in past tx page (should show only wasm and send messages)
- #200 Fix add attached assets property
- #198 Fix handle keplr wallet ready
- #194 Fix "connect wallet state" for tables
- #196 Fix rewrite rule for amplitude
- #188 Fix "No contact description" prefill in description section in contract detail page
- #187 Fix renaming list flicker to the all lists for a second
- #184 Fix next seo to use default seo
- #186 Fix logo navigation
- #185 Fix sentry in next.config.js
- #183 Fix build failed because sentry env
- #175 Fix css related issue and tag selection input
- #165 Fix messages type
- #172 Fix infinite loop dep, wrong fallback validation
- #157 Fix chain path bug when mixed up with query params
- #154 Stay on the same contract list page after renaming the list
- #155 Fix uncontrolled input error and fix space bar issue in editable cell
- #156 Fix json editor cannot focus by clicking on empty area
- #166 Change default list when editing contract information
- #164 Add observer in code details page
- #151 Fix state reset on clicking wallet button
- #158 Change dayjs back to Date type as it is incompatible with mobx storage
- #153 Fix network dropdown blocked by filter topic
- #137 Throw error instead of returning undefined in query function
- #148 Fix scrolling to table header on first land
- #146 Fix contract select always fetch when theres no contract address, edit query keys
- #143 Use dummy address only when getting execute cmds
- #142 Fix migration table row duplicate and add key to port id render
- #138 Remove execute table in contract details page (due to data issue)
- #136 Fix decode message from query param in execute page
- #132 Fix permission field in upload simulation
- #121 Fix code snippet for query axios
- #129 Fix wallet disconnection on network query change
- #124 Fix public project query, display project image in contract details page
- #125 Fix incorrect CosmJS execute snippet
- #117 Fix native token label formatting
- #121 Fix code snippet for query axios
- #122 Fix unknown code upload block height
- #121 Fix code snippet for query axios
- #119 Fix searching and project ordering in public projects page
- #118 Fix floating tooltip when scrolling out of copy button
- #111 Fix recent activities navigation and instantiate encode/decode
- #105 Propoerly show instantiator of code contracts and contract in the instantiated list
- #72 Fix general wording and grammar
- #110 Fix proposal detail rendering
- #109 Fix incorrect rendering of zero value badges
- #101 Fix incorrect truncating of proposal id in contract detail's migration table
- #100 Fix contract instantiated time parsing
- #96 Fix incorrect instantiated block height explorer link
- #87 Fix funds didn't microfy before sending tx
- #80 Fix the misalignment of state in the PastTx page
- #42 Properly show CTAs on contract-list page and edit zero/disconnected state
- #45 Add chain ID and code details to contract detail data loader
- #57 Rewrite file with more information and structure