An explorer for a CosmWasm-powered Cosmos ecosystem.
The Scan frontend uses the following technologies:
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: React & Next.js
- Components: Chakra UI
- Deployment: Vercel
- Node.js (version >= 20) or using node version manager nvm (recommended, installation guide for nvm here).
- Clone the project either using the standard Git CLI or the GitHub gh CLI
# Git CLI
git clone
# gh CLI
gh repo clone alleslabs/celatone-frontend
- Install the dependencies
# Navigate to the cloned repository
cd celatone-frontend
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
- Create a
file in the root of the project and add the following environment variables
# The mnemonic of the wallet that will be used for estimate gas fees
NEXT_PUBLIC_DUMMY_MNEMONIC="your mnemonic here"
- Finally, run the development server
pnpm dev
The website will then be live on http://localhost:3000
- Modify a
by adding your own chain config
tier: "lite",
chainId: "localinitia",
chain: "localinitia",
registryChainName: "localinitia",
prettyName: "Local Initia",
lcd: "http://localhost:1317",
rpc: "http://localhost:26657",
wallets: ["keplr"], // keplr, compass, station
features: {
faucet: {
enabled: false,
wasm: {
enabled: false,
move: {
enabled: true,
moduleMaxFileSize: 1_048_576,
pool: {
enabled: false,
publicProject: {
enabled: false,
gov: {
enabled: true,
version: "v1",
hideOpenProposal: true,
nft: {
enabled: false,
gas: {
gasAdjustment: 1.5,
maxGasLimit: 200_000_000,
extra: {
layer: "1",
network_type: "testnet",
logo_URIs: {
png: "",
svg: "",
fees: {
fee_tokens: [
denom: "uinit",
fixed_min_gas_price: 0.15,
low_gas_price: 0.15,
average_gas_price: 0.15,
high_gas_price: 0.4,
registry: {
bech32_prefix: "init",
slip44: 118,
staking: {
staking_tokens: [
denom: "uinit",
assets: [
description: "The native token of Initia",
denom_units: [
denom: "uinit",
exponent: 0,
denom: "INIT",
exponent: 6,
base: "uinit",
display: "INIT",
name: "Initia Native Token",
symbol: "INIT",
images: [
png: "",
svg: "",
logo_URIs: {
png: "",
svg: "",
- Update your project environment variables by
- adding
- (move only) setting another variable
# move only