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Go Reference

Google Cloud Tasks integration with Cloud Run apps.


go get


Declare queues

To set up the queue system with its corresponding models and APIs, you'll need to call the code declaring the queues from your application's main function and then register the HTTP handler:

func main() {
  if err := models.ConnectQueues(); err != nil {

  // Register the queue handlers.

In the models/queues.go file:

var (
  QueueFoo cloudtasks.Queue
  QueueBar cloudtasks.Queue

func ConnectQueues() error {
  QueueFoo = cloudtasks.NewQueue("foo")
  QueueBar = cloudtasks.NewQueue("bar")

  return nil

Queues manage task consumption rates and the maximum number of concurrent tasks. These are pre-configured in Google Cloud.

A single queue can efficiently process multiple task types. It's recommended to use one queue for similar rate requirements instead of creating multiple queues, as this approach minimizes runtime overhead.

Defining tasks

Define background tasks within the same package that will execute them. By convention, task functions are named with the suffix xxFn, indicating they're background functions. The first argument in cloudtasks.Func is a unique string for debugging purposes. Declaring two tasks with the same name will trigger a panic.

var fooFn = cloudtasks.Func("foo", func(ctx context.Context, task *cloudtasks.Task) error {
  var arg int64
  if err := task.Read(&arg); err != nil {
    return errors.Trace(err)

  // ... task content

  return nil

Ensure global task declarations occur during initialization, typically in the init() function.

Task Invocation

Invoke tasks by calling the previously defined functions:

func FooHandler(...) {
  // ... other code

  var arg int64
  if err := fooFn.Call(r.Context(), models.QueueFoo, arg); err != nil {
    return errors.Trace(err)

  // ... other code

Tasks can accept any JSON-serializable data as arguments, excluding structs with private fields or methods. This flexibility allows for various data types, including basic types like numbers and strings, or more complex structures needed for task execution.

External task invocation

Invoke tasks of external applications with our helper that has retry and authorization built-in:

func FooHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
  // ... other code

  task := &cloudtasks.ExternalTask{
    URL: "",
    Payload: arg,
  if err := models.QueueFoo.SendExternal(r.Context(), task); err != nil {
    return errors.Trace(err)

  // ... other code


v0 -> v1

cloudtasks.NewQueue() now needs one less parameter. The first parameter with the Cloud Run URL is now deterministically guessed from the environment and can be completely removed.


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MIT License