Collaborative project consisting of 5 members.
This is a online trip management system application where user can book tour packages which include hotel and flight booking services.
This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations and business logics of any Trip Management System with user validation at every step.
Customer can register themselves with minimum wallet balance of Rs.1000.
Customer can book hotels, flights and tourpackages.
Customer cannot book any hotel, flight and tour package if his wallet balance is less then booking amount.
Customer can view his boooking by providing his customer id.
Customer can give feedback.
Admin can view all customer, delete customer and update a customer details.
Admin can register hotel, flight and tour package and can also modify them.
Admin can add report.
Spring Security
User Module
Hotel Module
Booking Module
Feedback Module
Report Module
TourPackage Module
Checkout Module
Flight Module
Spring Data JPA
Swagger UI
Tomcat server
Swagger UI Documentation