Another Node+Angular playground project. Search and surf public instagram photos, manage a list of followed profiles independently from your Instagram account, in a full responsive web app!
Requires an instagram developer account! Create one here!
You need Grunt installed globally:
$ npm install -g grunt
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Then execute these steps:
- Replace data in file config/config.js with your own configurations.
- Set ENV constant in grunt (row 27 of grunfile.js) equals to the Redirect URI of your instagram client.
- Execute
$ npm install
$ grunt
This project uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Node.js + Express for the backend
- AngularJS + Foundation Framework (SASS) for the frontend
- Angular Foundation for typeahead and modal directives
- Satellizer for OAuth 2.0 authentication in Angular
- angular-linkify slightly modified to parse instagram users link
- Grunt for build tasks
- instagram-node-lib as Instagram API proxy for Node
- Mongoose to read/write MongoDB database
- Favicon taken from "Shift" set by Tahsin Tahil