Task Wiki Opener
two is designed to open or create or list or search taskwarrior related wiki files, index files and template files. It enhances TaskWiki, and can take advantage of vim-template to quickly edit/ create/ locate project wiki files.
- note: the above image doesn't actually show two in action, but it does show vim-template-generated taskwiki project files (and Tagbar, and NERDtree) that two is designed to juggle.
- taskwarrior -- If you're not using this command-line todo manager, to track you tasks, then not much of the following will apply to you. Try it out and come back later!
- TaskWiki is the way to use taskwarrior tasks in
- vimwiki is a personal wiki for vim
To set your own locations or wiki filetypes, edit the initial variables in the script .
The defaults are ~/.task/wiki/attribute/name.attribute.wiki
and templates in ~/.vim/template/template.attribute.wiki
and the "attribute" is presumed to be "project" unless otherwise specified.
- vim-template
- vim-tagbar
two [proj_name | attribute:[value] | -g string | -l [name] | -t [template] | -h]
Opens the primary taskwiki index file at (by default) ~/.task/wiki/index.wiki
two foo
Opens (by default) ~/.task/wiki/project/foo.project.wiki (same as 'two project:foo')
two area:bar
Would open ~/.task/wiki/area/bar.area.wiki (by default). Two is project-centric, but you can easily use wiki files for task attributes other than project: (like tag:something , or uda:random) by using the ":" colon separator. The folders in the wiki root have to pre-exist for this to work. Future versions might prompt you to create them otherwise.
two area:
Would open ~/.task/wiki/area/index.wiki
two +biz
Would open ~/.task/wiki/tag/biz.tag.wiki (same as 'two tag:biz')
two -l [name]
Shows a tree of wiki files, under the taskwiki root, using [part_of_name] for case-insensitive search
two -g fix
Searches (grep) the files in the taskwiki root for the string "fix" and show a list of matching files
two -t [template name]
To edit template file or (without [template name]) displays a tree of the template folder
two -h
Shows basic usage and help
more features are planned; like working with attributes other than project, and printing taskwiki files
.. more docs to come! suggestions and improvements welcome.