Python implementation of the N64 compression algorithm "MIO0". Technical documentation of this was taken from hack64 with a lot of help by looking at
pip install mio0
from mio0 import find_mio0_indices, Endianness, decompress_mio0
# obtain rom as bytes
rom = open("SM64_US.z64", "rb").read() # "rb" => read binary results in bytes return value
# lists all mio0 segments found in rom
indices = find_mio0_indices(rom)
for segment_index in indices:
# endianness will depend on rom used
# - z64 = big
# - n64 = little
# - v64 = mixed (convert before)
output, segment_length = decompress_mio0(rom[segment_index:], Endianness.BIG)