A single-page JS application to study boolean logic.
Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/andrewdwooten/b-b-boolean.git
From the project directory in your terminal: open show.html
- Select Difficulty and click 'Begin Session!' button
- Problems will be displayed to which you may answer True or False
- Feedback will be displayed in the table at the bottom of the screen in order of most recent question to oldest question.
- Roulette difficulty will randomly display questions from all other difficulties.
- If, mid-session, you wish to change the difficulty, select another difficulty and the questions will be changed to that difficulty from the next question on.
- Feedback is not saved; if you refresh the page you will not be able to reference it(read it's gone forever)
- Problems are randomly generated, and it's improbable that the same problem will be generated twice.
- A new table of feedback will be added with each study session; they are ordered from most recent to oldest.