A website which communicates the mission, vision, and values of the Nation of Makers.
We need your help! We are in "build mode" right now, targeting a Nov 15th deadline. Pick whichever of the following two contribution methods fits your style.
If you need any help with any of this, please jump into the #nom_website channel in the NoM slack; we're here to help.
A side note to git pros: We're working on the master branch during build mode to simplify the process for contributors. After the site is live we'll introduce dev branches as in Github Flow
Fork the repo on github, clone it, edit, push, and create a PR. You know the drill.
If you don't know or don't want to mess with all that, then see the next section.
If you do want to learn how to use git and github via the CLI, then go to Fork a Repo -- github folks write good docs.
- Open any existing file above and click the "Edit" button as shown below. You can also start a new file by opening an existing folder and clicking "Create new file" or "Upload files".
2. Make changes, scroll down to the bottom to describe your changes (less than 80 characters in the title, and a more detailed description if required past 80 chars), then click "Propose file change".
3. Click the green "Create Pull Request" button.
4. A volunteer on the team will validate/merge your PR. If you don't
see any activity within a few hours, then feel free to get
someone's attention in #nom_website.
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