These are my dotfiles--primarily for Zsh and Emacs--organised for ease of distribution and installation on new machines.
Most of my Emacs configuration is documented as literate org files in the .emacs.d
directory. You can see how the files are loaded in .emacs.d/init.el
First, clone this repo. I typically clone it to ~/repos/andykuszyk/dotfiles
mkdir -p ~/repos/andykuszyk
cd ~/repos/andykuszyk
git clone
Next, ensure you have make
Then, install the dotfiles by simply running make
cd ~/repos/andykuszyk/dotfiles
The instructions above will install the dotfiles stored in this repo. However, some of this configuration may require additional packages to be installed on you system. These can be installed with:
make install-packages
I typically use this Make target once when I set-up a new machine.