A Zettelkasten tool for Markdown files.
is a command line tool which can either be installed locally, or used via a Docker image.
To install locally using the Go toolchain:
go install github.com/andykuszyk/markasten/cmd/markasten@master
markasten --help
Or, to use via a Docker image:
docker run andykuszyk/markasten:latest markasten --help
The tags
command is used to generate an index of files based on tags present in a header in each file. Headers are YAML formatted, and are expected to appear as frontmatter/metadata at the top of the file, enclosed in ---
. Tags are expected in the tags
An example of a header is as follows:
- tag-one
- tag-two
The tags
command can be invoked using the CLI:
markasten tags -i <path-to-input-files> -o <path-to-index-file> -t <index-title>
Or via the Docker image:
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/input -v "$(pwd)":/output andykuszyk/markasten:latest markasten tags --capitalize -i /input -o /output/README.md
It supports the following flags:
$ markasten tags --help
markasten tags [flags]
--capitalize If set, tag names in the generated index will have their first character capitalized.
--debug If set, debug logging will be enabled
-h, --help help for tags
-i, --input string The location of the input files
-o, --output string The location of the output files
--tag-links If set, links to files in the generated index will be annotated with the list of other tags they have.
-t, --title string The title of the generated index file (default "Index")
--toc If set, a table of contents will be generated containing a link to the heading of each tag
--wiki-links If set, links will be generated for a wiki with file extensions excluded
It can also be invoked using the GitHub Action in this repo:
name: docs
on: workflow_dispatch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: andykuszyk/markasten@master
command: "tags"
input: "docs/"
output: "docs/README.md"
additionalArgs: "--capitalize"
- run: cat docs/README.md
For a working example of a tags workflow, see:
for an example of generating a tags index from Markdown files in a repo..github/workflows/wiki.yml
for an example of generating a tags index from Markdown files in a wiki.
markasten backlinks find -i <path-to-input-files> -o <path-to-output-file>
markasten backlinks append -i <path-to-backlink-files> -o <path-to-target-files>
- Clone this repo.
- Run
go test ./...
Releases are created manually in GitHub, which will trigger a new Docker image to be built and published in GitHub Actions.