Role to deploy the Coraza WAF (OWASP) HAProxy SPOA-integration with its Core-Ruleset.
We focus on the HAProxy community-edition as the enterprise-edition already has a built-in WAF!
- Debian 12
# latest
ansible-galaxy role install git+
# from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.haproxy_waf_coraza
# or to custom role-path
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.haproxy_waf_coraza --roles-path ./roles
Need professional support using Ansible, HAProxy or the Coraza WAF? Contact us:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +43 3115 40 900 0
Language: German or English
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Check-out this Ansible WebUI
Here you can find a detailed config example and its results:
- name: 'default'
block: false
- name: 'default_block'
block: true
- name: 'be_app1'
block: true
# override vars inside CoreRuleset config REQUEST-901-INITIALIZATION.conf
tx.allowed_methods: 'GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS'
# disable PHP-checks
# re-enable it
# change/update single rules
# disable (comment-out) single rule
944100: false
# re-enable it
# 944100: true
# replace a rule with custom content
944140: |
SecRule ... \
"id:944140, ..."
Then you will need to include the SPOE-backend: /etc/haproxy/waf-coraza.cfg
And target the SPOE-agents in your HAProxy config: (or use the role ansibleguy/infra_haproxy with haproxy.waf.coraza.enable=true
http-request set-var(txn.waf_app) str(app1) if { req.hdr(host) -i -m str }
# fallback app
http-request set-var(txn.waf_app) str(default) if !{ var(txn.waf_app) -m found }
filter spoe engine coraza config /etc/haproxy/waf-coraza-spoe.cfg
http-request send-spoe-group coraza coraza-req
To log related information in HAProxy: (after the send-spoe-group line)
http-request capture var(txn.waf_app) len 50
http-request capture var( len 16
http-request capture var(txn.coraza.error) len 1
http-request capture var(txn.coraza.action) len 8
And then perform the result-actions:
# deny or silent-drop:
http-request deny status 403 if { var(txn.coraza.action) -m str deny }
http-response deny status 403 if { var(txn.coraza.action) -m str deny }
http-request silent-drop if { var(txn.coraza.action) -m str drop }
http-response silent-drop if { var(txn.coraza.action) -m str drop }
# optional - redirect:
http-request redirect code 302 location %[var(] if { var(txn.coraza.action) -m str redirect }
http-response redirect code 302 location %[var(] if { var(txn.coraza.action) -m str redirect }
tree /etc/coraza-spoa -L 4
> ├── apps
> │ ├── be_app1
> │ │ └── v4.7.0
> │ │ ├── @crs-setup.conf
> │ │ ├── main.conf
> │ │ └── @owasp_crs
> │ ├── default
> │ │ └── v4.7.0
> │ │ ├── @crs-setup.conf
> │ │ ├── main.conf
> │ │ └── @owasp_crs
> │ ├── default_block
> │ │ └── v4.7.0
> │ │ ├── @crs-setup.conf
> │ │ ├── main.conf
> │ │ └── @owasp_crs
> │ └── _tmpl
> │ └── v4.7.0
> │ └── ...
> └── spoa.yml
# haproxy spoe backend: /etc/haproxy/waf-coraza.cfg
# haproxy spoe agents: /etc/haproxy/waf-coraza-spoe.cfg
cat /etc/haproxy/waf-coraza-spoe.cfg
> [coraza]
> spoe-agent coraza-agent
> messages coraza-req
> option var-prefix coraza
> option set-on-error error
> timeout hello 2s
> timeout idle 2m
> timeout processing 500ms
> use-backend coraza-waf-spoa
> log global
> spoe-message coraza-req
> args app=var(txn.waf_app) src-ip=src src-port=src_port dst-ip=dst dst-port=dst_port method=method path=path query=query version=req.ver headers=req.hdrs body=req.body
> event on-backend-http-request
cat /etc/coraza-spoa/spoa.yml
> ---
> bind: ''
> log_file: '/dev/stdout'
> log_level: 'info'
> log_format: 'json'
> applications:
> - name: 'default'
> directives: |
> Include /etc/coraza-spoa/apps/default/v4.7.0/main.conf
> Include /etc/coraza-spoa/apps/default/v4.7.0/@crs-setup.conf
> Include /etc/coraza-spoa/apps/default/v4.7.0/@owasp_crs/*.conf
> response_check: false
> transaction_ttl_ms: 60000
> log_level: 'info'
> log_file: '/var/log/coraza-spoa/default.log'
> log_format: 'json'
> ...
Package installation
- Downloading WAF-Binary
- Rsyslog & Logrotate if
is enabled
Default config:
- WAF Configuration at:
- Application-Specific rulesets:
- Coraza Core-Ruleset
- Easy-to-manage Config
- App-specific rule-overrides
- Application-Specific rulesets:
- App-Specific Log-File at
- Log-File => Syslog with App-Specific Tags
- WAF Configuration at:
Default opt-ins:
- ...
Default opt-outs:
- ...
Note: this role currently only supports debian-based systems
Note: Most of the role's functionality can be opted in or out.
For all available options - see the default-config located in the main defaults-file!
Warning: Not every setting/variable you provide will be checked for validity. Bad config might break the role!
Info: You need to configure the WAF-Applications yourself if HAProxy is not managed by the ansibleguy/infra_haproxy Ansible-role (after setting
Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml
There are also some useful tags available:
- install
- logs
- apps => add or update an app
- config => only update config
- rules => only update rules
You can also use the only_app
runtime-variable to only provision one WAF-App:
ansible-playbook ... -e only_app=app1 --tags rules
To debug errors - you can set the 'debug' variable at runtime:
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e debug=yes