RocketMQ integration for Apache Flink. This module includes the RocketMQ source and sink that allows a flink job to either write messages into a topic or read from topics in a flink job.
To use the RocketMQSource
, you construct an instance of it by specifying a KeyValueDeserializationSchema instance and a Properties instance which including rocketmq configs.
RocketMQSource(KeyValueDeserializationSchema<OUT> schema, Properties props)
The RocketMQSource is based on RocketMQ pull consumer mode, and provides exactly once reliability guarantees when checkpoints are enabled.
Otherwise, the source doesn't provide any reliability guarantees.
The main API for deserializing topic and tags is the org.apache.rocketmq.flink.legacy.common.serialization.KeyValueDeserializationSchema
includes general purpose KeyValueDeserializationSchema
implementations called SimpleKeyValueDeserializationSchema
public interface KeyValueDeserializationSchema<T> extends ResultTypeQueryable<T>, Serializable {
T deserializeKeyAndValue(byte[] key, byte[] value);
To use the RocketMQSink
, you construct an instance of it by specifying KeyValueSerializationSchema & TopicSelector instances and a Properties instance which including rocketmq configs.
RocketMQSink(KeyValueSerializationSchema<IN> schema, TopicSelector<IN> topicSelector, Properties props)
The RocketMQSink provides at-least-once reliability guarantees when checkpoints are enabled and withBatchFlushOnCheckpoint(true)
is set.
Otherwise, the sink reliability guarantees depends on rocketmq producer's retry policy, for this case, the messages sending way is sync by default,
but you can change it by invoking withAsync(true)
The main API for serializing topic and tags is the org.apache.rocketmq.flink.legacy.common.serialization.KeyValueSerializationSchema
includes general purpose KeyValueSerializationSchema
implementations called SimpleKeyValueSerializationSchema
public interface KeyValueSerializationSchema<T> extends Serializable {
byte[] serializeKey(T tuple);
byte[] serializeValue(T tuple);
The main API for selecting topic and tags is the org.apache.rocketmq.flink.legacy.common.selector.TopicSelector
includes general purpose TopicSelector
implementations called DefaultTopicSelector
and SimpleTopicSelector
public interface TopicSelector<T> extends Serializable {
String getTopic(T tuple);
String getTag(T tuple);
The following is an example which receive messages from RocketMQ brokers and send messages to broker after processing.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// enable checkpoint
Properties consumerProps = new Properties();
consumerProps.setProperty(RocketMQConfig.NAME_SERVER_ADDR, "localhost:9876");
consumerProps.setProperty(RocketMQConfig.CONSUMER_GROUP, "c002");
consumerProps.setProperty(RocketMQConfig.CONSUMER_TOPIC, "flink-source2");
Properties producerProps = new Properties();
producerProps.setProperty(RocketMQConfig.NAME_SERVER_ADDR, "localhost:9876");
env.addSource(new RocketMQSource(new SimpleKeyValueDeserializationSchema("id", "address"), consumerProps))
.process(new ProcessFunction<Map, Map>() {
public void processElement(Map in, Context ctx, Collector<Map> out) throws Exception {
HashMap result = new HashMap();
result.put("id", in.get("id"));
String[] arr = in.get("address").toString().split("\\s+");
result.put("province", arr[arr.length-1]);
.addSink(new RocketMQSink(new SimpleKeyValueSerializationSchema("id", "province"),
new DefaultTopicSelector("flink-sink2"), producerProps).withBatchFlushOnCheckpoint(true))
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
The following configurations are all from the class org.apache.rocketmq.flink.legacy.RocketMQConfig
nameserver.address | name server address Required | null |
nameserver.poll.interval | name server poll topic info interval | 30000 |
brokerserver.heartbeat.interval | broker server heartbeat interval | 30000 | | producer group | UUID.randomUUID().toString() |
producer.retry.times | producer send messages retry times | 3 |
producer.timeout | producer send messages timeout | 3000 |
nameserver.address | name server address Required | null |
nameserver.poll.interval | name server poll topic info interval | 30000 |
brokerserver.heartbeat.interval | broker server heartbeat interval | 30000 | | consumer group Required | null |
consumer.topic | consumer topic Required | null |
consumer.tag | consumer topic tag | * | | what to do when there is no initial offset on the server | latest/earliest/timestamp |
consumer.offset.from.timestamp | the timestamp when was set |
System.currentTimeMillis() |
consumer.offset.persist.interval | auto commit offset interval | 5000 |
consumer.pull.thread.pool.size | consumer pull thread pool size | 20 |
consumer.batch.size | consumer messages batch size | 32 |
consumer.delay.when.message.not.found | the delay time when messages were not found | 10 |
The example below shows how to create a RocketMQ table:
CREATE TABLE rocketmq_source (
`user_id` BIGINT,
`item_id` BIGINT,
`behavior` STRING
) WITH (
'connector' = 'rocketmq',
'topic' = 'user_behavior',
'consumeGroup' = 'behavior_consume_group',
'nameServerAddress' = ''
CREATE TABLE rocketmq_sink (
`user_id` BIGINT,
`item_id` BIGINT,
`behavior` STRING
) WITH (
'connector' = 'rocketmq',
'topic' = 'user_behavior',
'produceGroup' = 'behavior_produce_group',
'nameServerAddress' = ''
The following connector metadata can be accessed as metadata columns in a table definition.
The R/W
column defines whether a metadata field is readable (R
) and/or writable (W
Read-only columns must be declared VIRTUAL
to exclude them during an INSERT INTO
topic | STRING NOT NULL | Topic name of the RocketMQ record. | R |
The extended CREATE TABLE
example demonstrates the syntax for exposing these metadata fields:
CREATE TABLE rocketmq_source (
`user_id` BIGINT,
`item_id` BIGINT,
`behavior` STRING
) WITH (
'connector' = 'rocketmq',
'topic' = 'user_behavior',
'consumeGroup' = 'behavior_consume_group',
'nameServerAddress' = ''
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