Bug fixes 1.8.1 milestone:
- [null ptr when extracting "the" rule. bug comp:grammar-editor](https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4/issues/254]
- [right click doesn't select rule for testing that rule bug comp:GUI](https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4/issues/251]
- [Icon looks blurry on Retina display enhancement](https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4/issues/244]
- [antlr can't process Grammar.g4 bug](https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4/issues/241]
- null ptr when looking at profiler I think w/o start rule or something bug comp:preview
Improvements 1.8.1 milestone
Please try this out: intellij-plugin-v4.zip 1.8.1-rc1
Also can somebody let me know if the new icon for the non-retina display looks okay?