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BH Future Work
(Revised version submitted as a PR: /vector/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/Futures.md
We've now taken the grand tour though the entire project and we can discuss futures.
We have two broad paths available to us:
- Complete the current work
- Rethink the work, borrowing the best bits, revising others.
The discussions here discussed not just how the code works, but why it was created as it was. The project spanned many months during which many issues arose, were discussed, and solutions adopted. For this reason, the project, as it exists, evolved to solve very specific issues that Drill presents.
The path of least resistance is to complete the roll-out of the work up through the CSV and JSON readers, then to upgrade other important readers, such as Parquet. The pull request plan discussed earlier works toward this goal.
We've now seen that the project consists of a number of related modules. The pull request plan suggests to keep each PR (relatively) small by do a PR one module at a time. This should work better than the "big bang" approach tried on the earlier PR. (That PR took six months to review and commit, which is probably not as helpful as it could be.)
Once the core readers are upgraded, attention can turn to other readers and operators as discussed below.
It should be clear, from the discussion and extensive unit tests, that the approach described here does, in fact, satisfy the goals we set out to achieve. But, we should always ask: but at what cost? Are we solving problems that don't need to be solved? (For example, perhaps it is easier to keep the dozen ways that readers to projection than to create a new framework.) Can we afford the cost of the PRs and the learning required to pick up the code? (Maybe the existing code has issue, but the issues are low priority and our time is better spent elsewhere.)
In fact, perhaps there is a different way to solve the underlying issue: controlling batch size. With sufficient metadata, can we pick a reasonable row count that gets us close enough to our target without the complexity of the result set loader?
And, in fact, is it necessary to control memory at all? Was the project originally on the right track to say that memory is essentially unlimited, and that having operators coordinate with one another is the right approach? (This author can't see how it would work, but perhaps others can.)
Even if no major changes are actually made, the team should always question assumptions to look for simpler, more robust, more scalable solutions. Questioning assumptions is how this framework came about, and it is the way that the team can drive future improvements.
The only ask is that, don't discard the work out of ignorance, out of a simple statement that "I don't see why we need this, so let's not do it." Please understand the issues (preferably even deeper than this author) and find the solutions that solve the underlying problems, but in a simpler, cleaner or more general way.
After the present work is committed, two paths become open to the team:
- Upgrade other readers
- Upgrade other operators
The project chose to start with CSV (actually, the "compliant text") reader because it is simple and proved the basic concept. The project then tackled JSON because it is the hardest. (As noted, the work identified many unresolved design issues in the JSON reader.) All other readers fall somewhere in between.
Readers where the focus of this project because readers are the largest source of batch size problems. While alternative solutions exist for internal (non-scan) operators, no solution exists for readers since, in general, readers do not know the size of incoming data until it is read.
The logical progression is that each community member upgrades the readers that are important to them. MapR is Drill's primary sponsor, so perhaps MapR upgrades readers that are commercially important to MapR (such as the Parquet reader.) Other teams, at their convenience, upgrade other readers.
The timing is flexible. Once the code is available, upgrades can happen at any time. But, once Drill moves to create an admission control solution, then Drill must be able to manage memory, and all readers must be upgraded or deprecated at that time. If any reader declines to limit its batch size, then the entire query may die because the fragment (and each operator in the fragment) will be forced to handle data beyond the budgeted memory size. The only three solutions at that time will be to either:
- Turn off admission control for "unmanaged" readers.
- Disable unmanaged readers when admission control is enabled.
- Upgrade unmanaged readers so that they manage batch size.
Drills internal (non-scan) operators must also be upgraded, but here we have two choices.
- Use the result set loader to write batches (and the corresponding reader to read batches), or
- Use the "batch sizer" solutions employed in sort and hash agg to implement ad-hoc solutions.
Frankly, the "batch sizer" solution is the simplest short-term solution if our focus is exclusively batch size control. (Efforts are underway using this approach.)
The cost of upgrading existing operators will be high because:
- The generated code that works with vectors must be replaced by generated code that works with result set readers and writers.
- The code generation mechanism, including semantic analysis, must be changed to understand the higher-level view of batches.
- Mechanisms that currently work at the vector level (such as transfer pairs) must be evolved to work with vectors created by the result set loader.
- The ad-hoc projection, batch assembly, vector allocation code should be upgraded to use common mechanisms (perhaps derived from the work done for scans.)
- To enable this work (and unit testing) the operators should evolve to use the common operator framework rather than providing ad-hoc iterator implementations in each operator.
The above work is not justified just for batch size control since a simpler alternative exists. Instead, the above work is justified only if we get more value. Some long-term architectural advantages include:
- Once all operators use the result set readers and writers, we become free to enhance the underlying vector storage format. Perhaps we move to Arrow or to using fixed-sized buffers. Since only the generated accessor code deals with the vector memory layout, such changes become much easier to make.
- If we with to improve code generation, we will have to understand and enhance the code generation framework. (Perhaps we move to plain Java. Perhaps we replace some generated code with "pre-written" code such as for copying rows of data.) If we are going to revisit code generation, we might as well generate code for the column accessors than continue to work directly with vectors.
- As Drill matures, thorough unit testing becomes the only reliable way to ensure continued quality. The current approach of running a few system tests is stochastic: maybe tests find problems and maybe they don't. We'd need well-designed, blackbox tests that exercise all (or most) code paths. That can only be done via unit tests. If we must modify operator structure to allow such testing, we might as well use that opportunity to use the new operator framework, which enables us to more easily move to use the new column accessors.
Each of the above deserves far more detail than can be provided here. This should at least provide the flavor of the opportunities available.
These are all complex architectural issues which are not at all obvious from a superficial task-oriented view of the code. For this reason, it may take years to understand the need for, and move toward, the above approaches. This again argues for using simpler (if less robust) solutions short-term.
This project started, in part, from a desire to address memory fragmentation in Drill. The project solves one aspect of fragmentation (limiting vector sizes to the Netty block size or smaller.) But, it does not directly solve a more fundamental issue: that database experts have known since at least the '80s that memory fragmentation is unavoidable in a system that does random allocations or random sized blocks without compaction.
C++ applications are subject to memory fragmentation because the follow the above patterns. Database systems written in C++ (such as Impala) solve the issue by allocing fixed size "buffers" that reside in a "buffer pool." Database systems have long shown that such a solution works well and avoids fragmentation.
Java applications are not subject to fragmentation because the Java GC performs compaction and coalescing of free blocks. This prevents the issue of fragmentation by ensuring a steady supply of large spans of free memory (until the application allocates so many blocks that it exhausts heap.) Many Java developers (including Drill's) see GC as an unwanted cost, and look for alternatives.
Fixed-size blocks work well for row-based systems: the system simply packs a block with rows until no more fit. Fixed-sized blocks are less obvious for columnar systems. Each column grows independently and each has different sized data. This is why Drill adopted a malloc
-like approach. But, in so doing, Drill became subject to memory fragmentation. Is this a Catch-22?
Drill uses direct memory to avoid GC costs. But, in so doing, Drill gave up the solution that allows random-sized allocations to work: compaction. So, to continue to use direct memory without compaction, Drill may find it necessary to follow most other database systems and adopt a memory model based on fixed-size blocks.
One possible solution (for which a prototype exists) is to rethink the value vector. Today each value vector is represented as a single, variable-sized (but power-of-two sized) block. This leads to two issues:
- Fragmentation of the Netty free list.
- Excessive internal fragmentation (on average, 25% of each vector is unused).
This model has the advantage of representing vectors as, essentially, Netty byte buffers. But, Netty points to an alternative solution: a composite byte buffer.
In Netty, we can have a logical byte buffer which is actually comprised of a series of underlying buffers. Netty does the required offset translations.
The prototype mentioned earlier does something similar, but with fixed size blocks. Rather than a vector being a single block, it is physically comprised of a string of fixed-size blocks:
Current: [The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.........]
Logical: [The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.]
Physical: [The quic][k brown ][fox jump][s over t][he lazy ][dog.....]
The implementation can be based on power-of-two blocks. The example uses 8 bytes, but a real solution would use much larger. (The prototype found that 1 MB blocks amortize costs and are at least as fast as the current solution.) Power-of-two blocks allow a very simple indexing schema: just mask and shift similar to how SV4 vectors work.
The prototype adds a simple caching scheme: writes happen sequentially, so the block reference need be resolved only when a block becomes full.
Once fixed size blocks are implemented, various memory management designs become available. For example, if we decide to give each fragment x bytes of memory, then we are effectively giving the fragment (x / block size) blocks of memory. A block pool for the fragment can recycle those blocks:
Scan --> Filter --> SVR --> Sender
^ ^ |
| | |
| v v
+---- Block pool ---+--------+
Such a memory allocator would be, essentially, lock-free for all but the sender. (Sent blocks would be released in a Netty thread.) Since Drill's current allocator is designed to be lock-free, we would retain this benefit in the new solution.
Further, the allocator becomes far simpler: we no longer need to manage variable-sized blocks at the byte level, no longer need ledgers, no longer need to manage operator allocations. All we need to do is manage the overall fragment memory, which should be driven by the kind of memory management plan discussed at the start.
To change topics just a bit, one of Drill's compelling advantages is that it is written in Java and thus can enable community-provided extensions. Drill already enjoys a variety of community-provided readers. However, there seems to be general agreement that it is far harder than necessary to create a reader. Each reader author must:
- Become familiar with Drill internals
- Learn how value vectors work, including the mutators
- Learn the scan operator and its mutator
- Learn how to do projection push-down
- Learn how the Easy format plugin mechanism works, or start from scratch with the core format plugin mechanism
- Learn how file extensions work, how plan time operations work, etc.
- Figure out some way to debug the reader, often within a complete Drill server.
One of the background goals of this project is to make it far easier to create a format plugin. This work can't solve all the issues, but it did attempt to do the following:
- Provide a very simple API for most cases.
- Allow readers to focus on getting data from the input source and writing it to the result set loader. The scan framework does all the other standard work.
A good task for a community member would be, once the code is available, to create an example reader using the new framework, then publicize that example to encourage new reader contributions.
And so we come full circle. We started with a desire to define a memory budget for a fragment (and thus a query) and to avoid one form of memory allocation. We worked out the technical mechanisms to do that. We have now seen how those solutions allow us to move to a fixed-size-block structure that sweeps away the remaining memory fragmentation issues, while resulting in a much simpler, proven memory allocation model.
As the team moves forward with this project, please keep this big picture in mind. By doing so, we can continue to march forward towards our common goal of making Drill the best big-data query engine available.