0.13.0 (alpha)
- KOGITO-5715 - Online DMN Editor should support deployment to any Openshift Cluster other than Dev Sandbox
- DROOLS-6477 - Collections Data Objects can be filled with expressions only.
- KOGITO-3909 - Standalone DMN editor missing isDirty indication on data type or included models change
- KOGITO-5149 - Create the second step of the Wizard - Create the collapsible/expandable list of future Data Types
- KOGITO-5676 - BPMN Editor - Containment not working when Node overlaps the Connector while splicing
- KOGITO-5721 - formInputs should be parsed with dates as objects, not strings.
- KOGITO-5791 - Get the Route through the REST API and remove the console URL property.
- KOGITO-5725 - Enable extensions for github.dev.
- KOGITO-3909 - Activate the DMN dirty indicator test
- KOGITO-2595 - DMN Guided tour cypress tests
- KOGITO-5428 - Introduce DMN Runner cypress test
- FAI-546 - ScoreCard Model Setup Test
- FAI-558 - Score Cards: Algorithm Name cannot be cleared
- FAI-529 - Score Cards: Data Dictionary: Remove duplication of delete icons
- KOGITO-5678 - Metadata atrribute 'elementname' not present for events, intermediate events & gateways by default
- KOGITO-5721 - Filled DateTime field on Dev Sandbox form break Runner when it's opened on Online Editor
- KOGITO-5447 - kogito-examples non unique packages
- KOGITO-5613 - kogito-editors-java pre push hooks
- KOGITO-5728 - [DMN Designer] New Boxed Expression editor - Remove "|" grip from the * new boxed expression editor
- KOGITO-5756 - Improvements for the KIE Tooling Extended Services outdated icon
- KOGITO-5792 - Fix Quarkus Dev UI DEV mode