Seata-go 1.0.2-RC2 Released.
Seata-go is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#190] add TCC branch report
- [#158] TCC mode supports grpc call
- [#213] support data source proxy function
- [#240] add undo log manager delete
- [#243] add update sql parser
- [#191] add fence for TCC, and add fence sample in TCC local mode
- [#264] add update sql parser and remove tidb parser
- [#280] TCC supports http calling
- [#245] support hasLogTable logic
- [#288] add MySQL update SQL undo log builder
- [#296] add MySQL delete SQL undo log builder
- [#303] add sync worker
- [#289] add MySQL update SQL after undo log builder
- [#294] add MySQL table meta query
- [#309] init compressor type
- [#301] add MySQL multi SQL undo log builder
- [#321] add deflate compress
- [#324] add LZ4 compressor
- [#327] add zstd compressor
- [#322] add gzip compressor
- [#307] add flush undo log
- [#329] add zip compressor
- [#325] add MySQL multi update SQL undo log builder
- [#330] add MySQL multi delete SQL undo log builder
- [#319] add select for update
- [#320] add undo logic
- [#337] add insert undo log
- [#355] support judging the number of undo log storage fields according to the configuration
- [#365] do dirty data check before rolling back AT
- [#176] fix unit test bug of message
- [#237] fix the bug of registering resources when executing the OpenConnector function
- [#230] fix the bug of remote asynchronous call infinite loop
- [#258] fix global transation time out bug
- [#263] fix mock bug
- [#326] fix fanout test data race
- [#350] fix panic bug
- [#359] fix insert undo log bug
- [#368] fix AT rollback sample bug
- [#363] fix meta data bug
- [#365] fix decode undo log bug
- [#187] optimize way of init seata-go
- [#196] optimize remoting method's params
- [#200] add TCC grpc sample and optimize register resource and branch register
- [#208] optimize remove unnecessary codes
- [#202] optimize workflow, add condecov and issue, stale robot
- [#215] optimize the time parameter to improve readability
- [#179] support instance BusinessActionContext outside the TCC try method
- [#198] optimize function's parameters into one struct-rm_api.go
- [#235] adjust MessageType enumeration value naming convention
- [#238] add some todo comment, add a undo hook sample
- [#229] add unit testing for common
- [#261] optimize nested loop retries
- [#284] optimize retry logic
- [#286] separate the initialization logic of tm and rm
- [#287] fefactor seata conn logic
- [#281] optimize global transaction usage
- [#295] fefactor seata conn logic
- [#302] update dubbo-go version
- [#336] optimize at overall process
- [#346] optimize AT commit transaction process
- [#352] optimize get meta data
- [#354] optimize AT commit transaction process
- [#353] modify some receiver name
- [#356] optimize AT rollback transaction process
- [#154] add unit test for message
- [#163] add unit test for tm
- [#203] add unit test for getty
- [#204] add unit test for dubbo transtation filter
- [#210] add unit test for Tcc branch report
- [#192] add unit test for rm
- [#229] add unit test for common
- [#299] add unit test for SQL Parser
- [#332] add unit test for multi delete undo log
- [#358] add AT rollback sample
- [#202] optimize workflow, add condecov and issue
- [#254] add license automatic check script
- [#305] config github action not to automatically close pr or issue
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- AlexStocks
- luky116
- 106umao
- liiibpm
- elrond-g
- wang1309
- iSuperCoder
- a631807682
- betterwinsone
- jasondeng1997
- chuntaojun
- complone
- miaoxueyu
- PangXing
- georgehao
- baerwang
- raspberry-hu
- WyattJia
- Code-Fight
- betterwinsone
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.